Tips & Tricks

How to uninstall windows 7 updates – 3 ways

how to uninstall windows 7 updates; In this article, we will answer the question of how to uninstall Windows 7 updates if, for some reason, you need to remove one or more installed cumulative updates. After installing the update, your computer may experience problems.

When the update is installed, changes are made to the Windows 7 operating system. Because of this, a driver conflict may occur, some programs will stop working, etc.

To return the system to its previous performance, you must remove the Windows 7 update files. Can I remove Windows 7 updates?

Yes, the user has the ability to remove the problematic update from the computer. Sometimes, updates install “crookedly”, so uninstalling and then reinstalling the update can solve the problem.

Whether it is worth uninstalling the Windows 7 update, each user decides for himself, depending on the problem that has arisen.

I recommend installing updates for Windows 7 because they contain security patches and fixes for the operating system. With the updates installed, the computer will be more protected from possible threats.

In this guide, we will look at how to uninstall the latest Windows 7 updates or uninstall updates in batch.

Uninstall Windows 7 updates – 1 way

Using the Control Panel: The easiest way to uninstall installed operating system updates.

  1. Enter the “Start” menu, launch the “Control Panel”.
  2. Click on the “Windows Update” option.
  3. In the Windows Update window, click on the Installed Updates link, which is located in the lower left corner of the window.

The Uninstall Updates window contains a list of installed updates. Almost every installed update has its own number in the form of a designation: KB:XXXXXXX (X is a number of numbers).

  1. Right-click on the required update, select “Uninstall” in the context menu.
  2. In the warning window, agree to remove the system update.
  3. Restart your computer.

How to uninstall windows 7 updates via command line – method 2

Now we will perform the removal of the Windows 7 update through the command line, using the built-in tool of the operating system.

We will need to execute one or two commands, depending on the situation. If you know the number of the problematic update, you can immediately uninstall that particular update. Otherwise, you can first display a list of all installed updates, then remove unnecessary ones.

  1. Run command prompt as administrator.
  2. In the command line interpreter window, run the command to get a list of installed updates:
wmic qfe list brief /format:table

The command line window displays update numbers and installation dates for the operating system.

  1. Select an update, and then run the command by entering the update number:
wusa /uninstall /kb:update_number
  1. After uninstalling the update, restart your PC.

How to uninstall multiple Windows 7 updates at once – method 3

In some situations, you may want to uninstall all Windows 7 updates at once, or several updates at once. You can solve this problem by executing the batch “.bat” file command.

This article uses two options: one file removes only some of the cumulative updates that the user makes in a “.bat” file, the other batch file removes all installed updates that can be removed from the operating system.

To remove several Windows 7 updates at once, you need to create a file with the “.bat” extension yourself.

Follow several consecutive steps:

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Enter several commands of this kind (each command on a new line):
wusa /uninstall /quiet /norestart /kb:XXXXXXX (XXXXXXX is the update number)

Each command has the following elements:

  • wusa – launches the standalone Windows update installer;
  • uninstall – argument to uninstall;
  • quiet – automatic confirmation of the action;
  • norestart – perform the operation without restarting the computer;
  • kb:XXXXXXX is the number of the update to be removed.
  1. In Notepad, go to the “File” menu, select “Save As …”.
  2. In the “File type:” field, select “All files”, and in the “File name” field, enter a name that suits you, to which add the “.bat” extension. You should get something like this: “uninstall_update.bat”.
  3. Select a directory on your computer where you want to save the batch file, and then click the “Save” button.
  4. To start the operation, double-click on the batch file with the left mouse button.
  5. After uninstalling the updates, restart your PC.
In order to monitor the progress and know when the uninstall process is complete, it makes sense to run the batch file on the command line.
  1. Run command prompt as administrator.
  2. In the command line window, enter the full path to the location of the “.bat” file, press the “Enter” key.

In this case, the batch file is on the desktop.

To remove all Windows 7 updates that can be removed, you need to use a ready-made batch file.

Create a batch “BAT” file with the following content:

@echo off
color 0A
mode con: cols=41 lines=20
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "%~dp0"
reg query "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Environment" /v TEMP 2>&1 | findstr /I /C:REG_EXPAND_SZ 2>&1 > NUL && (call :UNINSTUPD) || (call :NOADMIN)
>nul pause& exit /b
echo Please wait
echo At the end, the computer will be restarted
echo Uninstalled Updates %DATE%>>"%~dp0UninstallUpdatesLog.txt"
>nul reg add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v "UninstallUpdatesLog" /d "%~dp0UninstallUpdatesLog.txt" /f
for /f %%a in ('wmic qfe get hotfixid^| more +1') do (
 for /f "tokens=* delims=KB" ​​%%b in ("%%a") do (
  echo Removing KB:%%b
  start /wait wusa.exe /uninstall /KB:%%b /quiet /norestart
  echo !time:~0,-3! KB:%%b>> "%~dp0UninstallUpdatesLog.txt"
shutdown /r /t0
exit /b
echo Run script as administrator
>null pause
exit /b

Do the following:

  1. Run the file on your computer to uninstall all batch updates.
  2. After the operation is completed, the computer will automatically restart.

The finished batch file can be downloaded here . Unpack the archive, place the batch file with the “.bat” extension in the desired location on the PC, and then run the execution as an administrator.

Article Conclusions

After installing a package update, the Windows 7 operating system may experience system problems or problems with installed programs. To fix the problem, you must uninstall the update that caused system or application crashes. There are several ways to remove a problematic installed update: you can uninstall one or more updates at a time, or you can uninstall all Windows 7 updates at once.

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