
How to fix error 0x80000003 in STAR WARS: The Clone Wars?

As we found out, the 0x80000003 error is largely related to the Games for Windows Live (GFWL) services. It is they who cause unnecessary inconvenience, and for various reasons: from banal obsolescence to compatibility problems. A solution from one of the affected users seems to be a great help against this error.

How to fix error 0x80000003?

To solve the problem, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Remove the following components and related programs from GFWL: Microsoft Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable , Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace , Windows Live ID Sign-In Assistant . Uninstallation occurs in the standard way through the “Programs and Features” in the “Control Panel”.
  2. Clean up the GFWL garbage found at C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive . All content can be deleted.
  3. Delete the leftovers of the specified software, namely the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars The Clone Wars\install\gfwlivesetupmin.exe .
  4. Download the current version of the service (you can follow the link ) and install it.

It should also be noted that for some users, the error may be related to the unavailability of servers or simply to the network connection. All the basic things about scanning and restoring the Internet can also take place, at least if the above solution did not work.

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