
How to fix error 8012 in Dead By Daylight?

Error 8012 may occur when connecting to a game match in Dead By Daylight. The most common reason for this code to appear is a problem with the servers of the game itself, however, there are other reasons, for example, an unstable network connection, glitches in the OS or router, or corrupted files of the Easy Anti-Cheat program.

Solution to error 8012 in Dead By Daylight

  • Server health check. As we have already said, error 8012 most often appears due to problems that have arisen on the Dead By Daylight game servers. Go to the following link and check if the game servers are working properly or not.
  • Restarting the router. It is possible that the router you use at home (or at work) has started to work incorrectly. Restart your device to resume normal operation and test the connection in Dead By Daylight. As a rule, it is enough to press the power button on the router case, wait a minute or two and press it again.
  • Reinstalling Easy Anti-Cheat. In some cases, the files of the anti-cheat program that is used by Dead By Daylight can become corrupted, which leads to a variety of errors, including code 8012. Restoring the integrity of the anti-cheat is quite simple: open the EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe file in the root folder of the game and follow on-screen instructions.

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