
How to fix APPCRASH error code c0000005?

Error code c0000005 is quite difficult to fix. The main reason for this is the huge range of primary sources. It can be provoked by both developer errors and system or hardware computer problems. This makes the process of diagnosis and correction difficult. The second difficulty is that there is no single working solution. No matter how many methods are proposed, they work for some, and not for others. In any case, it’s worth a try.

What the error might look like:

Exception code c0000005


Unhandled Exception Access Violation c0000005

Reasons for the error

The problem is that some program or even device is accessing an inaccessible part of the memory IIRC. At least, this is the main assumption for today. As a result, the problem in a significant part of the cases lies in the RAM. However, many cases go beyond this view and are associated with software failures.

How to fix error c0000005?

We have collected from dozens of forums only those solutions whose effectiveness has been confirmed by several users.

What should be done:

  • Reinstall RAM . You just need to remove the strips and insert them back. If possible, other connectors can be used.
  • Disable HDR . Relevant for CoD, but may work in other games. You should turn off this option in the graphics settings and see if it works.
  • Enable Compatibility Mode . It works especially often for old games, in particular for GTA Vice City and Diablo 2. You should go to the “Compatibility” tab in the properties of the exe file, turn on “Compatibility Mode” and set it to “Windows 98 / Windows ME”.
  • Install ddraw . This patch should be added to GTA Vice City. Just download the file from here , unzip it and paste it into the folder where GTA is installed.
  • Limit Frame Rate . One working option is to set the fps limit at 60 fps. To do this, go to “NVIDIA Control Panel” – “3D Settings” – “Manage 3D Settings”. For the “Max Frame Rate” or “Maximum Frames” parameter, set the value to 60.
  • Change aspect ratio . If you have a standard 21:9 aspect ratio, switching to 16:9 may work. At the very least, this can be used as a temporary solution until the error is completely fixed.
  • Disable the Depth of Field option . This setting is available in RuneScape and many other games.
  • Set up RAM . This implies disabling overclocking, as some games react badly to it. You should also change the timings. You can try different values, perhaps the game or program will work more stable on some of them.

In all more complex cases, it would be wise to contact the developers of the game or program. At the same time, indicate your equipment, since the problem may be just in its compatibility with the game.

If you have anything to add or say, please feel free to comment.

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