
How to dye armor in Minecraft

how to dye armor in Minecraft: Minecraft is a game that you really enjoy and always enjoy as much as the first time you tried it. However, the one originally conceived by Markus “Notch” Persson and associates is a world so boundless that it can sometimes be complex to understand some mechanics. In fact, despite your experience, a doubt about armor has recently arisen.

More precisely, you have wondered how to dye armor in Minecraft and have not yet been able to find a valid solution in this regard. Well, if that’s the case, don’t worry: if you want, I can show you how to do this in all the various editions of Minecraft, both on PC and on mobile devices and consoles. Do you want? Good.

Take five minutes of free time, follow the quick directions below and I assure you that, in no time at all, you will be able to color your armor in Minecraft. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to dye armor in Minecraft
    • How to dye armor in Minecraft
    • How to dye armor in Minecraft PE
    • How to dye armor in Minecraft PS4

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to dye armor in Minecraft, I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.

Well, the possibility of dyeing the pieces of armor, from hat to boots, has existed for a long time within the Mojang title. Despite this, understanding how to do this without following a tutorial can be complex, since some elements are required that are not exactly the most immediate to find.

In particular, if you play through Minecraft‘s Java PC edition, you will need a workbench and dyes, which can come in several colors. The latter are obtained in various ways. For example, the red one can be created from a poppy or a red tulip. The workbench, on the other hand, is created by joining 4 axes in the crafting table.

As for the Bedrock version of the game, all you need is a cauldron, a bucket of water and some dyes. If you decide to play in Creative mode you will already have everything you need available directly in the inventory, while for the Survival mode it is necessary to understand how to obtain these elements.

The cauldron is made from 7 iron ingots. The latter are obtained from the smelting of raw iron. As for the bucket of water, instead, I invite you to take a look at my guide on how to make a bucket in Minecraft, in which I also explained how to fill it.

For more details on how to move and how to find a bit of all the elements in this game mode, I recommend that you consult my tutorial on how to survive in Minecraft.

Of course, in addition to the cauldron and dyes, the various pieces of armor are also needed, but I took that for granted. In any case, as you may have noticed, the elements that are used to color the armor are not many and, therefore, you should not have particular difficulties in finding them.

How to dye armor in Minecraft

After explaining to you in detail how this possibility works within the Mojang title, I would say that you are ready to take action and dye the armor.

How to dye armor in Minecraft

The first version of the game that I will consider is Java for PC. It is one of the most popular among those who have played Minecraft for several years, as well as among mod lovers.

However, you don’t need to use any kind of community-created content to do this. In fact, all you have to do is take advantage of some specific elements present in-game, or those that I illustrated to you in the introductory chapter.

Once you have entered the game, possibly in Creative mode, you just need to press the E button on the keyboard, click on the compass icon at the top right and type the name of the elements you need, transporting them inside the ‘ quick inventory of your character.

More precisely, you have to take a workbenchany dye (eg red dye) and the piece of armor you want to color.

Once this is done, place a workbench on the ground.

After that, interact with it and place the armor piece in the center and the dye on the block to its right. This way, you can carry the colored armor piece in your inventory.

Of course, you can use any type of dye and dye each piece of armor however you want. To try out the armor, you can press the T button on your keyboard and use the command /gamemode survivalto switch to Survival mode. At this point, press the E button on the keyboard and drag the armor to the correct position of the inventory, using the blocks present at the top left.

This way, you will be able to see a preview of the colored armor your character is wearing. I remind you that to get a third person view you just need to press the F5 key on the keyboard.

How to dye armor in Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE, the mobile version of the game, differs from the Java edition for several reasons. Among the various divergences, there is also the way in which the armor can be dyed, since this is done through a completely different method.

In fact, once you have entered the game in Creative mode, you have to press on the icon of the three dots present at the bottom, tap on the icon of the lens on the left, type the name of the elements you need and place them inside the ‘ quick inventory.

In this case, you need a cauldron, a bucket of water, some dyes, and of course the pieces of armor you want to color.

Once you’ve gathered the right items, place a cauldron on the ground and fill it with a bucket of water.

After that, use a dye on top of the water and you will see that it will change color.

At this point, you just have to use the piece of armor you want to paint over the dyed water and you will see that your goal will be achieved.

Of course, you can also place multiple cauldrons on the ground to dye the armor pieces with different colors. You can also try to “mix” the dyes together.

To see a preview of your character, just press on the three dots icon at the bottom and tap on the armor icon located at the bottom right. Here you can have your character wear various pieces of armor.

Perfect, now you have learned everything there is to know about the possibility of coloring armor in Minecraft.

How to dye armor in Minecraft PS4

The PlayStation 4 version of Minecraft is the Bedrock version, which is the same version available for mobile devices and for Windows 10 but different from the Java version for PC, which I told you about earlier.

In other words, to dye the armor in this version, you just need to simply follow the instructions I explained in the chapter on Minecraft PE (which is now only called Minecraft, although many players still use the “old” name).

For the rest, since you are a fan of the Mojang title, I suggest you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft. Here you can find several tutorials that may be right for you.


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