
Error NP-34981-5 in PlayStation 4

The user forums dedicated to PS4 issues have been flooded with reports of a licensing failure lately. The internet connection is fine, but in principle everything else works fine. However, when attempting to repair the license, the following alert appears.

What doesn’t help

On the forums, many users who have encountered this problem complain that the presented “fix recipes” are ineffective. Why do you receive such messages: “The license will be suspended in 15 minutes”, as a result, there is a crash? At the same time, it is impossible to restore your licenses even after deactivation and activation of the “Primary PS4”. Searching for errors through Google did not return anything – such an error simply does not exist. In addition, after contacting Sony directly, they were also unable to help resolve the issue. Moreover – Error Code NP-34981-5 blocks the ability to activate the console as the main one, restore licenses and even buy games, i.e. any PSN activity with the target profile is blocked. There is very little information on the network to solve this problem, we can say that it is almost nonexistent. How to be and how to fix it?

Possible reasons

You may encounter this error when trying to restore PS4 licenses. According to the answers of the members of the forum, this is a temporary error. Therefore, if you receive “Error Code NP-34981-5” during the recovery process, you need to wait a few hours before taking any action.

PS account glitch. Other users who have encountered this error assume that the problem occurs if the profile is not synchronized. Sometimes a simple restart or update of the console and video game software will get rid of this error. In fact, there are several options for resolving this situation, but it must be borne in mind that this or that method does not help everyone. According to the reviews, the options presented below are the most promising and really helped many.

Removing trophies

Bug NP-34981-5 on PlayStation 4 can be resolved by deleting games that do not have any achievements (or trophies) earned. From the point of view of many gamers, this way the console re-syncs the library of games, eventually this solves the problem. Algorithm of your actions:

  • Log in with the profile with the problem.
  • From the toolbar, go to the “Trophies” menu and select the item, then press the “X” button.
  • In the list provided, find a game that has no achievements (trophies) earned.
  • Click “Options”, select “Delete” in the right menu.
  • After that, you need to start any of the games, and if the error is not highlighted, then this method worked.

Initialize PS4 system

If the previous method does not help, try the next one – initialize the PS4 console system to factory settings. Remember that accounts, as well as saved user data, are permanently deleted.

Your actions: Select: “Settings” / “Initialization” / “Initialize PS4”. Once started, the operation cannot be canceled. During the initialization procedure, it is absolutely impossible to turn off the console. This will damage the entire system. All data is saved on USB storage devices that are connected directly to the PS4 system.

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