True, in order for it to work, it, like almost everything on Android, must be turned on manually:

  • Go to “Settings” and select “Google”;
  • Find the “Exchange with environment” tab and open;

Sharing with surroundings is an analogue of AirDrop for Android

  • Turn on the function “Exchange with the environment”;
  • To transfer, select any file – click “Share” and select “Share with environment”.

How to enable backups on Android

Backup is the most important Android feature, which for some reason is neglected by many. And, meanwhile, thanks to it, you can restore all your data if something goes wrong with your smartphone. For example, you turn it into a brick during the procedure for obtaining root rights or as a result of an unsuccessful flashing.

  • Go to “Settings” and open the Google section;
  • In the window that opens, select “System and Updates”;

Without a backup, you won’t restore your data if something goes wrong.

  • Open “Backup” and enable the function;
  • Enter your Google account to save copies to the cloud.

How to enable 60 hertz on Android

Screen refresh rate is no longer a new term for most users. It means how fast the pictures on the screen replace each other. The standard for all new devices is 120 Hz, but the devices feel good at 60 Hz. Moreover, the increased refresh rate consumes more resources.

120 Hz is the standard of 2021, but you should not enable this mode

Therefore, you need to enable 60 Hz mode for your smartphone by default:

  • Go to “Settings” and select “Display”;
  • In the window that opens, select “Refresh rate”;
  • Select the “60 Hz” parameter and check the box opposite it;
  • From now on, all applications and the system will operate at 60Hz.

Some smartphones offer to activate adaptive mode so that the frequency changes itself depending on the tasks being performed. But practice shows that it is rather difficult to consider the difference between the increased and standard frequencies in such a way as to really feel it. So it just doesn’t make any sense.