
13 Techniques for Generating Story Writing Ideas in KS2

Story writing is a vital part of academics and an essential education component. However, in today’s technology-driven lifestyle, children rarely get opportunities to practice and enhance their writing skills. Many parents hire  Key Stage 2 tutors in High Wycombe to help their children improve their story writing in KS2. It takes time and effort to develop excellent writing skills, and it can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there are many activities parents can do at home to assist their children in developing their writing skills.

These recommendations on enhancing kids’ story writing skills, which range from enjoyable activities to everyday reading and writing sessions, will help your child develop their skills in no time.

Story Writing In KS2 (Key Stage 2)

Here are 13 tips to generate story writing ideas in KS2:

Encourage daily reading

Daily reading is a stepping stone to excellent writing and aids in developing creative writing ideas in children. It aids in expanding a child’s vocabulary and demonstrates alternative methods of using words. This makes it easy to include these terms in their writing. If you have younger children, make sure you read with them every day and encourage their love of reading as they get older.

Creating Creative Writing Ks2 Worksheets

Make a story writing a ks2 worksheet for young children who are beginning to write trace letters and words. Write letters and words on one piece of paper, secondly place another piece of paper on top and have your youngster trace the letters and words onto the blank piece of paper. Make a connect-the-dots game by having your youngster trace along dotted lines and tell you whatever letter or word they find.

Create Story Ideas

Writing short stories is a fun approach to boosting children’s creative writing ideas. Cut out photographs of different characters or locations from magazines, or write down other words. Put these in a jar or glue them on cards to use as writing prompts to come up with your own stories. This is also a fantastic activity for the entire family to participate in.

 Narrate Them Traditional Tales

Traditional tales have a long history, for a good reason. They are eternal, but they also serve a vital purpose by communicating ideas or teaching principles. Read a few folk and traditional tales and discuss the tropes and tactics. Inquire of the kids about the meaning of the narrative. Then have them use these thoughts as a jumping-off point to make up their fairy tales, complete with a nasty witch or werewolf. What will their stories’ takeaway be?

Assign Interesting Tasks

Online English tutors for Key Stage 2 should set some homework for the kids to think about something they care about, which interests them, makes them happy, sad, or angry, and why. You could ask them to pick a photograph or a news story that piques their curiosity or evokes an emotion in them. Ask them to compose a tale in class based on the ideas they came up with at home. After all, passion is a beautiful muse, so if the kids choose a topic that they are passionate about, you should get some fantastic outcomes. 

Create A Storyboard

You are not asking your students to be artists; they can express themselves with basic stick figures and words. However, having your students write out their thoughts will help them develop unique plot twists. They will know the beginning, middle, and finish of their stories if they get the framework of their stories down on paper in order. Doing so will also prepare Key Stage 2 kids for SATs and entrance exam preparation. It will improve KS2 writing skills.

Create A Newspaper Activity

Newspapers may be a fantastic source of ideas. Cut out exciting or odd stories and keep them in a scrapbook to show your class when they need inspiration. Many Key Stage two English tutors offer the entire class a newspaper cutting and create a narrative based on the same extract.

Rewrite Famous Tales

Rewriting a well-known narrative with a new ending or character is an excellent method to spark creativity. Because the options are limitless, this method for producing story ideas can not fail to yield results. Which is why this is an interesting activity to improve story writing in KS2.

As an illustration:

  • What if Cinderella’s fairytale was set on the Surface of Mars?
  • Suppose if Little Red Riding Hood had grown up in a jungle rather than a forest?
  • What if the three tiny pigs were three little wolves that the giant nasty pig wanted to eat for dinner?
  • Think of Hansel and Gretel were the evil twins who wanted to eat the old lady?
  • What if you asked your students to exchange characters from one story with characters from another – The Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

 Allow your students’ in Key Stage 2 tuition imaginations to run wild, and then wait to see what they come up with!

Make A Story Creator

A tale creator will surely spark your imagination. This is how you do it:

  Make the following three lists:

1) The set of characters

2) Scenarios

3) Tasks or situations

Write down your ideas on paper, cut them out, and fold them up so you can not see what you have written. Locate three bags (or any container). Put all the folded character ideas in one bag, the scenes in another, and the situations/tasks in the third. Request that each student come up and take a folded piece of paper from each bag. This is the beginning of their story. Alternatively, you might use the bags to create five story-starting sentences and write them on the board. After that, your class can decide which story they want to read.

Share A Video To Inspire

Private tutors of Key Stage 2 can show a short video to the class to inspire them. It does not have to belong or have any conversation. Fortunately, there are millions of free videos available for this purpose. First, make sure they are entirely appropriate for your students, then dim the lights and start playing. You can show the film multiple times, perhaps asking the kids to take notes on the second viewing to assist them to come up with story ideas.

Alternatively, play some instrumental music and invite your students to envision what is going on. Ask them to jot down their conceptions and thoughts on the board and use them as the basis for a tale. These activities will boost students’ energy while story writing in KS2.

Play Fun Games

Play writing-related games and activities. Everyone enjoys crossword puzzles and word games. The “write the word” game will appeal to young children, in which they search for items and write down the word as they locate it. Children in years 3,4,5, and 6 actively take part in fun games.

Appreciate Letter Writing

Writing letters is something of a lost art these days. Encourage your child to write letters to their friends and relatives. Family members who are far away will appreciate receiving handwritten notes, and it’s a fantastic method for kids to practise their writing skills. Moreover, Pen buddies are also a fantastic option, or you can write each other letters and place them about the house for each other to find.

 Let Your Child Witness Your Writing

Indeed, there is no better way to learn than seeing someone else do it. Allow your children to witness you write regularly. It will come naturally to them if writing is a regular part of their lives. An essential grocery list or teacher’s letter, holiday or thank you cards, or even a beautiful note to your child are all acceptable.

The 13 techniques above are the best tools to boost story writing in KS2 children. Finally, these will be first-hand tools for parents and Key Stage 2 tutors to instill all the necessary skills. 


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