
World of Warships – how to play and its features

World of Warships is an exciting game in the style of military battles on naval warships of the First and Second World Wars. In order to immediately feel all the benefits of the game for a novice gamer, for example, to get a nice bonus in the form of premium ships, doubloons and credits or open a premium account, it is recommended to immediately receive an invite code for World of Warships during the initial registration . Next, we will look at the main points on how to play and earn money in the game.

How to earn coal

Coal in World of Warships is a rare and sought-after resource. It is used for pumping equipment and perks of captains, for the development of the base. There are several ways to get coal in World of Warships:

  • The easiest is to buy with real money.
  • Do not want to spend finances, then complete tasks and get rewards.
  • Log into the game every day and collect bonuses.
  • Get coal from friends.

Quite often, developers announce various promotions, events occur during which they distribute coal.

How to get a submarine

You can get such a rare ship as a submarine for free only if you pass the testing announced by the developer. You need to follow the news release in order to take part in random battles. At the same time, the minimum number of bots and the maximum number of live players will take part in the battle. You are guaranteed to receive two Tier X submarines and earn 4000 Base XP.

How to add a friend to World of Warships

Playing in a team with friends or competing with them is much more interesting than fighting alone. Adding a friend to World of Warships is easy:

  • Go to the Port menu and find the button in “Fight!”.
  • To the left of this button is “Create Squad”. Click it.
  • Using a magnifying glass, find your friend by nickname and press “Enter”.
  • Choose the option “To fight!” and that’s it, you can play!

How to leave a clan

If you prefer single player with a random opponent, and you want to leave the clan in which you are a member, then this is not at all difficult to do.

Go to the “Port” tab and find the “Clans” subsection. You will see a window with a list of clans in which you are a member, select the one you need by hovering over it. Press the left button on the mouse, a menu will open, select “Leave the clan”. At the same time, you should pay attention that, leaving any clan, you will not be able to perform any other actions in this section for three days. That’s all.

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