
Red Dead Redemption 2 – Social club error 0x50000006

One of the most anticipated games. Red Dead Redemption 2 impresses with a well-thought-out scenario, graphics engine, and innovative gameplay mechanics. However, many users are complaining about various problems. For example, one of the most common – after starting the game, many encountered an error code 0x50000006. Typically, this type of error prevents the user from accessing the “Social Club”, i.e. it essentially prevents the player from going online. Moreover, this problem affected users on both Xbox One and PS4. Sometimes, due to error 0x50000006, the entire online login interface disappears.

Probable causes

Social Club means “Social Club”, so it is obvious that the reasons for the error of the indicated code should be looked for, first of all, in the connection to the Internet. For example:

  • unstable Internet connection (bad / unstable WiFi signal, interruptions, the provider has limited traffic, etc.);
  • problems with a dynamic IP address, which was set directly by the provider;
  • Incorrect NAT settings in the router.

Fortunately, users on the forums share solutions to this problem, and several of them are presented in this guide.

Check the connection status of Red Dead Redemption 2

The first thing you need to do is go to the page to check the connection status of the game:

… Make sure that the Internet connection is not interrupted at this time due to maintenance or failure. If the RDR 2 server is running in stable mode, then the problem may be conflicts between different types of player connections or other problems that are directly related to the Internet.

Internet connection speed

The Social club error code 0x50000006 may be related to your internet speed, so you need to determine it. This can be done using a network test, say

… To play properly in Red Dead Redemption 2, the connection must at least meet the following parameters:

Note: If you have a wireless connection, try connecting the internet cable directly.

Reboot the router

Forum users note that many have solved the problem with the Social club error 0x50000006 by restarting the Wi-Fi router. However, there are some nuances here, for example, simply pulling out the router from the outlet will not help, in addition, it can knock down all the early settings that will need to be restored for a long time. The most suitable and in this case effective ways.

  1. Reboot by means of the power button.

On the back panel of WiFi routers there is a Power or On / Off button. It can look different (depending on the model), for example:

The button must be pressed twice with an interval of 30-40 seconds. Those. the first press turns off the device, and the second turns it on. This interval is needed so that the router in normal mode has time to complete the processes running in it.

  1. Remote reboot via command line.

A WiFi router works like other digital equipment based on certain mathematical commands through a protocol such as Telnet. This service allows you to remotely manage your router using the command line. If a similar error occurred with Red Dead Redemption 2: Social club 0x50000006, then this method of reconfiguring the router will help eliminate it. To connect via Windows XP, you just need to press the Win + R combination on the keyboard. In the “Open” line, enter the command: telnet or telnet

The command line (black window) will open, where you need to enter the login / password of the router. Then write one of these commands (it depends on the device model, so try using the selection method): “# reboot” / “# restart” / “# reload”.

That’s it, your router is rebooted – try starting the game.

Check your NAT connection type

Using non-strict NATs often reduces the number of conflicts with other systems, which means that there are fewer problems connecting to Red Dead Redemption 2 players. If you have such a failure Social club error 0x50000006, try to fix it by setting the type of NAT connection.

See if your firewall or router may have restricted the NAT type. To change these settings, you may need to reconfigure your network equipment (router) or firewall. Sometimes the configuration changes when forwarding or opening other ports.

For the game Red Dead Redemption 2, it is recommended to additionally open:

Restart the game – internet connection problems should be gone.

Additional ways to fix Social club error 0x50000006

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