PS4 error CE-32947-5
As in many other materials about PS4 error codes, in this article, we will limit ourselves to the minimum amount of text, but very useful content. Often, the PS4 system encounters error CE-32947-5, which is interpreted as the inability to download the file. There are many reasons for the error CE-32947-5 – be it an unstable Internet connection or a content error. To resolve error CE-32947-5, follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Test your internet connection. To do this, go to the [Settings] menu item and select [Network], then click on [Test Internet Connection]. Make sure your network is working.
Step 2: Delete any content if it appears in the content area, and then try to download content from the library again.
Step 3: If error CE-32947-5 is repeated again, we recommend that you contact PlayStation 4 support with a corresponding request.