msvcp140 dll: what is this error, how to fix it in Windows 7, 8, 10?

Dll files can often cause errors when launching games or programs on a computer. Typically, dll is due to missing or damaged Microsoft C ++ library components. We will tell you about one of such composite visual studio in our article, namely, we will analyze msvcp140 dll: what is this error, how to fix it in Windows 7, 8, 10.

Cause of occurrence

As it was written above, problems of this nature appear due to the absence or damage of the dll file indicated in the error text. Any PC user can damage or delete a library component, and not intentionally. But not only a person is capable of harming the operating system and all its software components, utilities that use the same dll can “spoil” it, which will lead to the trouble we are already familiar with. Actually, msvcp140 itself is not an error – this is our damaged file, which you have to replace. On the forums, the following question is often encountered “can msvcp140 dll be downloaded for windows 7, 8, 10 ?”. In theory and in practice, this is feasible. But we strongly advise against doing this for the following reasons:

  • The official developer does not provide the problematic file separately, as it is present in the developed software, which you can download for free .
  • Downloading this component for a PC from third-party Internet resources means exposing your computer to a possible virus infection or installation of malware.
  • The downloaded file may be outdated and you will still be haunted by the ” msvcp140 dll is missing ” error .

And now, let’s get down to solving the problem when the program cannot be launched, since msvcp140 dll is missing on the computer.

Step number 1: exclusion of your own inattention

Before proceeding to the main steps, check the Recycle Bin for the file specified in the error to make sure it was not accidentally deleted. For this:

  1. We open the basket.
  2. Enter the dll name in the search bar.
  3. If the file you are looking for is found, double-click on it and press the “Restore” button, otherwise go to step # 2.

Step # 2: reload the problematic “program” or reinstall the program in which the error appears

As mentioned in the article above, multiple utilities can use the same dll, which leads to crashes. Therefore, it is advisable to remove these programs and install more recent versions, in order to determine the course of the following actions based on the results of these manipulations.

  • We go into the control panel, through the start button.
  • We find a section called “programs and components”.
  • We are looking for problematic programs.
  • Click on them and click “delete”.
  • Follow the instructions of the uninstall wizard.
  • We reboot the PC (reboot).
  • We download fresh programs (which have been removed).
  • Computer reboot.
  • We launch the “programs” and see the result.

If step # 2 was ineffective and the utilities won’t start , go to step 3.

Step # 3: check system files or sfc / scannow

This stage is designed to identify and then automatically “cure” possible damaged files.

  • Open start-> in the search bar, write cmd.exe and right-click on the icon that appears-> run as administrator.
  • We enter the command “sfc / scannow” (without quotes).
  • We press enter.
  • We are waiting for the end of the check and restart the PC.

If the check did not help, and the program cannot be started , proceed to the final stage No. 4.

Step # 4: install visual studio C ++

The essence of the 4th stage is to install the software containing our missing msvcp140 dll. Your actions:

  • Follow the link

    (this is the official Microsoft website, the required software is absolutely free ).

  • We choose any language convenient for you.
  • We select the x64 and x86 versions of the software, if the bit depth of your system is x64, in the second case we mark only x86.
  • After downloading the installation files, if the OS is 64-bit, start x86 first, after completing its installation, install x64, if the OS is x86, then run only the corresponding file.

Note! To find out the bitness of the system, follow these steps: (Start-> right-click “This computer” -> Properties-> scroll down to “system type” and find the information we need).

If our instructions did not help you, then most likely you have encountered a virus, we advise you to scan the system for their presence or give your PC to a service where they will help you solve your problem.

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