
Laravel framework: what it is for, what it can do

Laravel is a free and open source PHP framework. Laravel is designed to help you build complex web resources and applications. With its help, experts simplify the authentication process, as well as work with the database, caching, sessions, application structure, routing, and other equally important processes.

The Laravel platform has a lot of possibilities. One of them is building a logical architecture for projects of any complexity and type. The platform is characterized by:

  • high performance;
  • the ability to integrate with other platforms, as well as libraries;
  • a considerable number of interesting opportunities for website and application developers.

Who and what might need Laravel

Answering this question, it should be noted that the framework has good flexibility. With its help, complex and non-standard tasks can be solved. Huge functionality makes it possible to create a clear architecture, engage in caching, develop routing from the RESTful series. Laravel is among the first to work with PSR-4. This is the name of the standard that allows you to deal with the structuring of a web resource, taking into account the requirements of the customer.

But if you develop a site from scratch and try to implement all the ideas of the customer, then this business requires experience, considerable knowledge. So in this situation it is worth resorting to the support of professionals. 

What can the Laravel framework do?

This subsection focuses on:

  • features of development with the participation of this platform;
  • advantages of sites made on Laravel;
  • step by step website development.

About development features

Rapid creation of websites from scratch is one of the main features of the framework. It can be considered as the main advantage. The programmer becomes the owner of numerous tools with which he can solve problems of any complexity. Experienced developers are good. But in order to create and put into operation a good Laravel site, their experience is clearly not enough. Without fail, it is necessary to connect an analyst, designer and marketer to the work. These specialists will draw up the terms of reference, write the necessary code, create a unique design, test all the elements, launch the site and continue to support it.

A few words about testing. It must be done, and here’s why: if the project is characterized by increased complexity, then it takes a lot of time to test its tools and unusual features. So testing should be phased and high-quality. Then the problems will be eliminated before the launch of the site, which will retain users.

About the advantages of resources on Laravel

Accessibility, almost limitless possibilities, libraries and various tools – all this is about Laravel. The advantages of the platform are:

  • Security. No SQL, CSRF and XSS will be able to access private information.
  • Scalability. The resource can be developed on an ongoing basis. An extension of the starting functionality is available.
  • good performance. Thanks to the tools responsible for caching, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the data. Pages load faster.
  • Structure of any kind of complexity. Without problems, an architecture with a large number of levels is created.
  • No problems with administration. Flexibility in customization makes it possible to adjust the site to the requirements of the customer.
  • Site creation speed. With Laravel, resources are created quickly. Implementing the latest technologies with this framework is no problem! Plus, the platform itself is ready to provide the modules it has, which are capable of solving numerous problems. With their support, the programmer increases the speed of developing a web resource.
  • Support for different versions of the website. If there is a need to test updates, then you should not change the main version. So the resource will be improved, and users will not feel any discomfort.
  • Updates. New versions are released on a regular basis. And each option takes into account all aspects of development implemented before its appearance.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a site on Laravel

Each site is developed in accordance with the following steps:

  1. First, tasks are set, goals are negotiated with the customer. The features and the required functionality are prescribed.
  2. Architecture is being developed. In this framework, it is hierarchical.
  3. The code is written, the management system is built.
  4. Design is being developed. It and the functionality of the site must be carefully combined.
  5. We are working on quality content.
  6. The site is hosted and published. 
  7. If a web studio values ​​its reputation, it will definitely offer technical support.

Technical features of Laravel

The framework guarantees good performance, caching is worth mentioning separately. Thanks to the appropriate driver, the file system stores a large number of different elements. This approach contributes to faster development of applications of various complexity. The authentication system in Laravel is very convenient, with its help you can even control access to available resources. That is, unauthorized users, as they say, will not go unnoticed.

What else can be done on Laravel? For example, take care of the security of all applications using the framework. More precisely, Laravel will do it itself. No CSRF will get through here, just like SQL injections.

Other features of the platform:

  • Embedded ORM, we are talking about Eloquent. This system makes it possible to work with various databases. This is achieved by implementing a pattern called ActiveRecord. That is, you can work, but at the same time not create SQL queries of an increased level of complexity.
  • The platform is friendly with MVC architectural design. It assists in separating the business logic and interface for the average user. The engine of such templates is also supported by the Laravel framework. Therefore, here the green light is guaranteed to the native PHP code.
  • The framework makes it possible to work on applications very quickly, developers simply do not need complex code in the course of work. The fact that Laravel is based on the MVC architecture guarantees access to everything you need to create a web resource.
  • Effective work with traffic. The more famous the site, the more requests per second the application must accept and process. Accordingly, the server receives a decent load, and hosting increases in price. At this rate, the server sometimes decides not to respond, and data can get lost. But such risks are minimized with Laravel. The reason is the implementation of an interesting information queue system in the framework. With its help, the load on the server is ordered. And the work is not interrupted, and everything is in order with the data.

Any business, when developing an application, will be guided by a list of its own needs, indicators for monitoring performance, software requirements. If you plan to “restore” an already running application or create your own from scratch, it is recommended that you first of all pay attention to the requirements for its characteristics. It doesn’t hurt (whenever possible) to pay attention to deployment – both hybrid and on-premises. This will make sure that the choice is made correctly, and it is fully compatible with the frameworks and programming languages ​​involved in the work. If the project is corporate-oriented, then Laravel hasn’t come up with anything better yet.

Who should develop a web resource?  

Time passes, and with it we have to improve the requirements for the functionality. The project cannot stop and stagnate in one place. It grows, it improves. And it is impossible to do without a quality site. Moreover, it must fully satisfy not only the requirements of the customer, but also users.

We recommend thinking about scaling in advance. The website will also require regular updates. It is easy to do this with the latest tools, no significant investment is required. Considering all this, we can conclude that a Laravel site should be trusted by the pros.

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