Tips & Tricks

How to sell your gaming PC? [Tips]

When your gaming PC is no longer of much use, selling it can sometimes be difficult. Most of the time, some people lose their sales motivation pretty quickly, as the rejections multiply. Others, on the other hand, often dread this step, because shopping scams are now common. However, some practical solutions exist to sell your gaming PC without hassle. What techniques are these? Here are all the practical tips.

Use word-of-mouth to sell your gaming PC

In many cities, word of mouth is one of the most powerful communication tools. Indeed, with this type of communication, the message is transmitted to others through a trusted person. Without forgetting that between good acquaintances, the general rule is to share advantageous and risk-free deals.

That said, you can therefore rely on word of mouth to sell your gaming PC. However, be sure to provide all relevant information so that the future buyer knows what to expect. In a precise way, it is first of all a question of providing the technical characteristics main computer. Here, specify the size and model of random access memory (RAM), the speed of the processor as well as the performance of the graphics and sound cards. To this data are also added the size of the hard drive, the operating system and the quality of the enclosure (advantages, ergonomics, etc.). Of course, if some functional bugs exist, take the trouble to mention them. Otherwise, this sale could well take on the appearance of a breach of trust. Also, make sure you have done an excellent personal valuation of your gaming PC before it goes on sale. This way you can get a good price.

On the other hand, note that word-of-mouth can take time to produce positive results. This is why it is often recommended to combine it with other more or less rapid sales techniques.

Go to classifieds websites

Aside from word of mouth, you can also go to free ad websites to sell your gaming PC. These are actually web platforms where registered members share various sales announcements. In general, these applications accept all types of products, as long as they remain legal. LeBonCoin is an excellent secure alternative. But Ebay too.

That said, you can therefore decide to sell your gaming PC as a whole or in spare parts on free ad sites. In doing so, illustrate your PC with the best photos possible. In addition to this, mention your various contacts to facilitate your connection with future prospects. However, remain vigilant when a client of the free classifieds site contacts you for a purchase, because there are many scammers there.

To best avoid hassles, provide as much information about the buyer as possible. Likewise, pay particular attention to the payment confirmation email. Alternatively, you can use paid web ad sites. Thus, you will be sure to sell your gaming PC to verified, serious and compliant customers.

If you have trouble finding free or paid web ad sites, consider online search engines. Once the search page is open, type in the following words: “free paid ads sites”.

Visit Computer Buyback Stores

In most major cities, computer buyback stores offer to acquire your PCs that have become bulky (whether portable or not). These structures work like traditional after-sales services, with the only difference that you receive money in exchange for your computer. That said, to sell your gaming PC in a computer buy-back store, you have the choice between 2 options. The first is to go to the premises of the store in question. This approach has the advantage of simplifying the process of evaluating and valuing your article.

For its part, the second option comes down to a remote transaction from the website of the buyback store. In this case, the site will offer you a series of instructions to facilitate remote verifications and estimates. You will therefore have to respect them one after the other in order to conclude a purchase agreement.

Use gamer forums

To sell your gaming PC, you also have gaming forums . In fact, it’s one of the few options where your gaming PC can reach its highest valuation . This is explained by the fact that these platforms are full of many connoisseurs and amateurs of certain specific products.

Once you become a member and post an ad selling gamer gear, deals often follow pretty quickly. Registration is free and the spirit is very altruistic, in general. After a few days, it is even possible that members take turns bidding to acquire your property. In the remaining lot, some will not hesitate to spread your sales message in their entourage, then going from digital to word-of-mouth.

In short, you now know how to sell your gaming PC. However, to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts, combine all of the techniques presented. Then, compare the different purchase offers and choose the one that suits you the most.

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