
How to sell a house on GTA Online

You have purchased several houses in GTA Online and now would like to sell some of the ones you no longer use. You have tried to carry out this operation yourself but, unfortunately, you have not succeeded. You then looked for information about it on the web and you came across this guide of mine. This is exactly how things are, am I right? Then you will be happy to know that you have come to the right place at the right time!

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to sell a house on GTA Online easily, in a few simple steps. First, I’ll tell you how to access GTA’s online mode, and then I’ll give you some insight into how real estate is managed within the game. Finally, I will explain in detail how to sell an apartment through the tools available in the world of GTA.

I bet this introduction of mine intrigued you, right? In that case, let’s not waste any more precious time! I only ask you to dedicate a few minutes of your free time to me, so that you can carefully read the suggestions you will find in the next chapters and put them into practice. I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How to access GTA 5 Online
  • Buying a house in GTA 5 Online
  • Selling a house in GTA 5 Online via smartphone
  • Selling a house in GTA 5 Online via billboard

How to access GTA 5 Online

GTA 5 , also called Grand Theft Auto V or GTA V , is a video game by Rockstar Games that allows you to play in the classic Story mode , in single player, or one in an online multiplayer mode called, precisely, GTA Online . To access the latter it is necessary to complete the initial prologue of the Story mode , which introduces some mechanics of the game.

After completing this step, you can access GTA Online through the game settings panel: to do this, pause the game, using the Esc key on PC, the Options key on PS4, the  button on Xbox One or Start on PS3 or Xbox 360 and select the Online tab from the menu that opens. At this point, scroll through the different items on the left and choose the one called Play GTA Online . Well: now you just have to choose one of the types of session listed, to start the game in multiplayer mode.

Later, you can also re-enter GTA Online from the GTA 5 home screen, after starting the game, by pressing on the appropriate item. Alternatively, in Story mode , in the wheel of selectable characters (the one reachable by holding down the left Alt key on PC or the down direction key on console), choose the fourth slot at the bottom related to your GTA Online avatar, so as to immediately access the multiplayer mode of the title. On PC, you can also use a quick shortcut by holding down the F8 key .

Buying a house in GTA 5 Online

After logging into GTA Online , what you need to do is buy a house so that you can use it as a return point every time you enter this game mode. There are tons of apartments that you can buy at any price: from just over $ 20,000 to staggering figures that exceed $ 1 million .

Obviously, buying a house is not an operation for everyone. If, therefore, it is the first time you play the online mode of GTA 5, you will have to face some of the many challenges that the title offers and that will allow you to earn the money necessary to buy a house. I warn you, however, that there is a limit of 6 houses that can be purchased in GTA Online.

To buy a house, first press the up arrow key (on PC or console) or the middle mouse button (on PC only), in order to access the game’s smartphone : through this tool, you can perform various operations, such as example start the browser (by selecting the Internet icon ), which is what you need to achieve your purpose.

Once this is done, in the screen that is shown to you, select the Finances and services tab and choose the website , to access the GTA Online real estate agency services. At this point, in the new section that you see, press on the item View property list , in order to see the game map with all the houses that can be purchased, highlighted with the icon of a house .

Once you have identified the house you like, you have two choices at your disposal: buy it directly from this panel or physically reach the place, so as to complete the purchase via the sales billboard. In the first case, press the button Purchase , in the left sidebar, under the photo of the house, and confirm the operation by pressing the button Buy properties .

After doing this, the site interface will close, returning you to the game screen in real time. Using the appropriate box that is shown to you at the top left, then choose the item Empty , to confirm the purchase of the apartment.

In case you want to see the apartment externally before buying it, select it on the Dynasty8 website , then click on Get directions , in order to set the GPS navigation and reach the selected place. After arriving on site, interact on the sales billboard , which you find in front of it, to open the panel relating to the purchase of the property. Then choose the purchase amount and press on the Empty item to confirm the purchase.

Did you buy a house by mistake or do you just want to get rid of it? In this case, you must proceed with its sale, through the trade-in option, which I will tell you about in the next chapters.

Selling a house in GTA 5 Online via smartphone

The sale of houses on GTA Online is managed through the trade-in feature , which allows you to get rid of those properties that are not used, as long as you buy a new one. This means that you are obliged to buy a new apartment in order to sell the old one.

To carry out this operation, you can act both through your character’s smartphone and through the sales bill, which I will talk about in the next chapter . To operate remotely directly with the smartphone, open it by pressing the up arrow key (on PC or console) or the central mouse button (only on PC).

After opening the smartphone panel, select the Internet icon and, in the screen that is shown to you, choose the item Finances and services , taking care to click on the option , among those that are shown to you.

Once this is done, on the home page of the Dynasty8 website , select the View property list button and search for the apartment you want to buy, choosing it from those you see on the map. After identifying the one to buy, click on the Buy button in the left sidebar, next to the photo of the house, and press the Buy Property button .

Now, in the box that is shown at the top left, choose one of the apartments you want to sell and confirm the selection. You will be shown a screen that will warn you that, by continuing with this operation, you will replace the old apartment with the new one, paying a figure net of the exchange value indicated.

Well, we’re almost there: now you just have to confirm the operation to sell the old property and use the new one you just bought. It was easy, wasn’t it?

Selling a house in GTA 5 Online via billboard

In case you do not want to proceed with the sale of a house through the Dynasty8 website, you can buy a new property to replace the old one through the sales billboard that you find in front of the new apartment.

To find a house to buy, you can act in two ways: go around the map, taking care to observe any sales signs displayed in front of the buildings, or set GPS navigation coordinates via the Dynasty8 website .

In the latter case, you have to open the smartphone panel by pressing the up arrow key (on PC or console) or the middle mouse button (on PC only). Once this is done, choose the Finances and services tab and then click on the option . Now, press the View property list button and locate the new apartment to buy.

At this point, click on the Purchase button , in the left sidebar, under the photo of the house, and choose the item Get directions : by doing so, you will set a marker on the map, which will show you the path to take to reach the property to be you selected.

Once you have reached the house you want to buy, interact on the sales billboard that you find in front of it and select the amount to pay, in the box at the top left. At this point, choose the apartment you want to sell, among those listed, in order to display a warning on the screen.

What you have to do now is to respond positively to the notice you receive, in order to exchange the old apartment, paying a lower amount for the new one. If you did what I told you to the letter, you will have sold the old house in GTA Online. Easier than that?


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