
How to Rank Up in GTA Online

When in a video game appears the message relating to the fact that your character has leveled up, you always feel a certain satisfaction. On the other hand, seeing the results of your efforts is always nice and, therefore, I understand very well why you intend to “level” as much as possible even within GTA Online , the online mode of GTA 5 , in which you are just trying your hand but it has already conquered you.

It is precisely for this reason that you came across this tutorial of mine, right? Looking for tips on how to rank up in GTA Online as fast as possible, right? Then don’t worry, I’ll try to help you out. However, as I said before, to reach concrete results it is necessary to commit a lot. In the case of the Rockstar Games title, this translates into completing the activities present within the game world, which can also be complex.

Despite this, do not worry: in this guide I will explain everything there is to know on the subject and I will give you various “tips”, hopefully useful, on how to reach your goal in the shortest possible time. Come on then: all you have to do is take some free time and follow the quick directions below. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to Rank Up in GTA 5 Online
    • Missions
    • Join a crew
    • Take a look at the Newswire
    • Road racing
    • CEO activity

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to rank up on GTA Online , I think it might interest you to know more about how the “levels” are managed within the Rockstar Games title.

Well, as often happens in online modes, your character has a level , which in this case is called rank . Put simply, this is the reputation you have earned on the pitch by doing the activities set out in GTA Online.

The more your character rises in rank, the greater the possibilities offered by the game. Specifically, your profile level attests your skills and gives you access to new vehicles , missions , weapons, and so on. Just to give you some concrete examples, at rank 120 you will finally be able to have the Minigun rotating barrel machine gun , while at rank 75 you will unlock the mission The Spies of Martin Madrazo .

In short, ranking up on GTA Online is very important to carry on the adventure. Obviously, in order to level up your character, you will need to get RP (reputation points) .

If you have already played a bit to the Rockstar Games title, you will surely have come into contact with this acronym: they are the rewards that are given to the player to complete the various activities. There really is everything from street racing to side activities that pop up when you least expect it.

GTA Online is a boundless game, where you may even have so many choices that you don’t know where to start. Not surprisingly, the level cap , or the maximum level to which the user can aspire, is 8,000 . In short, there are definitely many things to do before reaching the real “end” of the Rockstar Games title.

In case you are thinking that 8,000 is a bit of an exaggerated level cap, don’t worry: you actually get your hands on the ultimate weapon at rank 120 , while the final skill is reached at level 135 . The last “bonus”, as far as vitality is concerned , reaches rank 200 .

The latter is considered by many players to be the point where you can actually say that you have “completed” GTA Online, even if we are talking about an ever-evolving game  that could receive a new update any day.

How to Rank Up in GTA 5 Online

After giving you the basic information on how rank works in GTA Online, I’d say it’s time to take action and see how to increase it.


The most common way to rank up in GTA Online is definitely to carry out missions created by Rockstar Games . There are also many other secondary ones (including activities and so on), but the ones I recommend you do are designed directly by the developers, which are balanced to allow you to get the right number of reputation points .

In particular, my advice is to keep an eye on these missions: Pier Pressure / Pier Pressure (offered by Gerald, unlocks at level 6, finishes in minutes and gets 1,000 RP, up to 4 players), Explosion I / Blow Up I (Simeon Yetarian, level 12, 1,650 RP, up to 2 players), Spies / Rooftop Rumble (Martin Madrazo, level 75, 4,350 RP, up to 4 players) and Operation Trash / Trash Talk (Martin Madrazo, level 81 and gains 3,050 RP in a short time, for up to 6 players).

As I mentioned earlier, GTA Online is a constantly evolving game and therefore there may be variations , especially from the point of view of the RPs that can be obtained with individual missions. Also, the data can change depending on how many players took part in the mission and the time it took .

In any case, the missions that I have mentioned are among the ones with the best time / earnings ratio that I have found on GTA Online. Therefore, I recommend that you take a look at these activities, obviously always without forgetting all the others, since there are many other missions available.

I remind you that there are two methods to start a mission : go with your character to the place where the initial letter of the “employer” is located (eg. “L” for Lester) or use the path Settings> ONLINE> Activities > Quick Match> Start a mission .

In case you want to choose a certain mission, you can do it by following the instructions I have illustrated in my guide on how to do missions in GTA Online , in which I have also explained how to start the shots .

Join a crew

“Unity is strength” is a now very overused saying, but if you are used to playing online titles, you know how correct this phrase is for the world of video games. In fact, in GTA Online it can be very interesting to join a crew , in order to get the expected bonuses in terms of RP.

Contrary to what some players think, the benefits of joining a crew are not only aesthetic (custom colors, vehicle decals and more), but there are also some great increases in reputation points . Think that missions played with more people can bring 20% more RP . Already with just one other person you get to 10% .

In short, you understand that playing GTA Online together with your friends could give you a certain advantage, since you will rise in rank much faster, without even having to put in too much effort.

By the way, in case you don’t know other people who play the Rockstar Games title, you might want to consider joining a public crew . The latter can accommodate up to 300 users and are usually very happy to include new people. In addition, each user can be part of a maximum number of 5 crews at the same time and be the leader of one of them. In short, the possibilities offered by the game are certainly not lacking.

If you don’t know how to join a crew, I invite you to check out my tutorials on how to join the GTA Social Club , how to create a crew on GTA Online and how to join a crew on GTA Online .

Take a look at the Newswire

A possibility that few know, or underestimate, is that related to the Newswire . This is an information center created directly by Rockstar Games to keep players informed about the latest news.

For example, if there is an event in which double reputation points are planned or in progress , you obviously can’t miss it if you want to rank up. For this reason, I recommend that you always keep an eye on the Newswire, by connecting to the official Rockstar Games portal via a common web browser .

Here you will find all the relevant details regarding the activities taking place in GTA Online. For example, in May 2020 there was an event called the Hunting Pack which featured triple rewards for those who participated in the Explosive Speed mode . This meant that users could take home three times the usual reputation points and rank up much faster.

Generally the Newswire is updated every Tuesday , so I recommend that you “drop in” every now and then, as this way you can stay informed about the possibilities offered by the Rockstar Games title. Just play the developer modes and you’ll see the reputation rewards will be very tasty.

Among other things, in some cases, GTA warns the player of the bonuses available directly via the loading screen and allows the player to start those modes by pressing a single button. In short, the ways to get bonus RP are certainly not lacking.

Road racing

How do you say? You don’t really want to do missions or have to wait for particular events and would you just like to rank up while having fun with “fast” activities? No problem, in this case I recommend you do some road racing .

In fact, among the activities most appreciated by the GTA Online community there are certainly vehicle races. Clearly, even in this case the Rockstar Games title has a rather high amount of content, given the countless vehicles present in the game . Among other things, there are also multi-vehicle races , in which you can even start with a car and reach the finish line by bike .

In short, the spirit of GTA remains even in this type of races, which can usually be completed in a few minutes. Unfortunately, I cannot give you precise indications regarding the RPs and the money you will get, as there are many variables involved, from the number of participants to the position in which you finish the challenge.

However, doing a lot of races is definitely a great way to take RPs home on a carefree afternoon. Just to give you some indicative information, it counts that generally we are talking about at least 500 reputation points per race and often it is enough to simply complete the activity to still receive something (even without winning).

Vehicle races are accessible in two ways: you can open the map and look for the flag icon or go to Settings> ONLINE> Activities> Quick match> Start a race .

CEO activity

After showing you the classic “basic” activities, ie those that are used by many players to obtain RP, it’s time to show you what awaits you when you have the chance to become CEO of a company on GTA Online.

Well, once you are at the head of a company, you will have the opportunity to start special activities . Among these, there are the missions of recovery and sale of the crates . Put simply, once you have purchased a warehouse , you will be able to retrieve some crates and resell them at a higher price . It is possible to do this with vehicles as well , but I don’t want to get you too many spoilers.

In any case, you need to know that these activities allow you to take home something like up to 50,000 RP . In short, if you want to rank up with your character, you should definitely keep an eye on this possibility.

Obviously, you must already be at an advanced point in the game , since you need to be the CEO of a company to be able to start this type of mission / activity . For all the details of the case regarding this possibility, I suggest you consult my guide on how to become a CEO on GTA Online , in which I also explained how to start this type of business.

For the rest, since you are interested in the Rockstar Games title, I would recommend that you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to GTA , where there are many other guides that may interest you. In particular, you may be interested in those related to how to buy an office in GTA Online and the best purchases for GTA Online .


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