
How to make heists in GTA Online

Despite being made available for a few years now, GTA Online (the online mode of GTA 5 that has now become a game in its own right) is keeping an impressive number of players glued to the pad. The credit for this certainly goes to the enormous content of the title, which includes activities of all kinds. Having so many things to do, however, can lead to some difficulties.

For example, you have never had the opportunity to practice “shots”, ie robberies, within the game, and you often find yourself in trouble when it comes to tackling these missions, so you would like a hand in this regard. That’s the way it is, right? Then don’t worry: in this tutorial, in fact, I’ll show you in detail how to make heists in GTA Online .

In particular, I will examine the various heist missions present in the game from Rockstar Games and will analyze both the method to start them and their execution, giving you a 360-degree view of what is possible in GTA Online. Courage: take some time off and follow the quick directions below. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to start the shots
  • How to make heists in GTA 5 Online

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to make heists on GTA Online , I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.

Well, the shots are essentially robbery missions that need to be carefully designed to be completed properly. If you’ve played and completed GTA 5’s Story Mode, you already know exactly what it is.

Just to give you accurate directions, I will mention the most relevant shots on GTA Online: Blow to Pacific Standard , amazing Financing , l ‘ Evasion , Hit the Humane Labs , Heist Fleeca Bank , Apocalypse Strike and Strike Casino Diamond . In particular, the latter has attracted a lot of fans’ attention since it came out at the end of 2019.

Obviously, the reward is a very large loot , often several million dollars, which can be spent in various ways (in this regard, my guide to the best purchases for GTA Online might be useful ).

Another aspect to consider about shots is the fact that they must be played in company . In fact, you can’t start a robbery mission alone: ​​usually, you need to be 4 players . This applies to essentially all shots (with a few exceptions, such as the first one at Fleeca Bank which requires 2 players ). The Apocalypse Heist and the Diamond Casino Heist , for example, require 2 to 4 players .

How to start the shots

After explaining in detail what the shots are and which are the most relevant ones in the game, I would say that it is time to learn how to start these missions in GTA Online.

The first thing to do is to unlock heists in GTA Online . In order to be included in the robbery circle by the character Lester as a leader, you need to have a luxury apartment (usually not less than $ 200,000, the cheapest is Del Perro Heights, Apt 7) and have reached at least rank 12 . Your friends , on the other hand, can be invited by you even if they do not meet these requirements.

In case you need some “tips” on how to proceed, I suggest you consult my tutorials on how to buy a house on GTA Online and how to rank up on GTA Online . Once you have met the right requirements, you will receive a few calls from the Lester character (it may take several minutes for the first to arrive).

When the right time has passed, Lester will invite you to drop by (letter “L” on the map) and you will be introduced to the heists of GTA Online . At this point, you will need to wait for a second call from Lester , which will lead you to use the strike planning room inside your luxury apartment . Perfect, now you’ve unlocked the shots.

From here you can start different missions , from Colpo alla Fleeca to Colpo alla Pacific Standard , by pressing the appropriate button (eg right arrow on PS4 ). Obviously, you will have to go in the order foreseen by the game to carry out the various shots. Either way, now you know how to unlock them.

Clearly, what I have shown you is only the procedure to start the basic shots , those now known to the inside by the players. There are, however, also robberies that were added later , such as the Diamond Casino Heist , which pressing different procedures to be carried out.

I’ll take this last shot as a practical example, so you can understand the differences with the procedure for starting the “standard” robbery missions. In this case, to proceed, you need to go with your character to Mirror Park and reach Lester’s position (the green “L” on the map). The iconic character will appear in his usual style and I will explain all the details of what is happening to you.

Once you have finished the appropriate video, you need to purchase an arcade , a fundamental requirement to access the Heist at the Diamond Casino. Open, therefore, the cell phone of your character (ie. Up arrow on PS4 ), icon awards the Internet , the card moved FINANCE AND SERVICES and went on the portal Foreclosure Maze Bank .

Now, press the ENTER button and filter the results by GAMES ROOMS (using the appropriate button at the top right). The prices of these buildings vary, but they are often in the millions of dollars . However, RockStar Games often puts in place interesting initiatives to allow everyone to play these missions.

In addition to the monetary bonuses for accessing GTA Online (which are sometimes as high as $ 500,000 or more), those who have an active subscription to Twitch Prime (can be activated with Amazon Prime ) and who have linked their profile to that of Rockstar can get many other benefits. For example, in the case of the Heist at the Diamond Casino, at the time of this writing, you can get Pixel Pete’s arcade room in Paleto Bay for free (top left on the map).

If you don’t know how to connect your profiles , I invite you to follow the quick directions on the official Rockstar website . Just to give you some “guidelines”, it’s all very simple: just log into your Social Club account , log into your Twitch profile and confirm the connection.

As you can imagine, often the buildings that are “given away” in this way are not exactly the best , since they are located very far from the mission objective and do not have many comforts. However, it is clear that this can save a lot of money and therefore many players opt for this solution.

In any case, after purchasing an arcade (if you need to raise some cash, I invite you to take a look at my tutorial on how to make money on GTA Online ), you need to go inside .

As soon as you reach the new building, there will be a cinematic that introduces you to preparing for the Heist at the Diamond Casino. In particular, to start the latter, just go to the computer , sit on the chair (eg right arrow on PS4 ), start the laptop (eg X key on PS4 ) and press the START button . In this way, the various missions of preparation for the shot will start.

In certain contexts, you may be required to be a CEO , boss, or president of an MC in order to initiate a heist. If you don’t know how to do it, I invite you to consult my guide on how to become a CEO on GTA Online , where I explained how to reach this “milestone” and how to take on this role even as soon as you enter a session.

How to make heists in GTA 5 Online

Now that you know all the details of the case related to the start phase of the missions of the shots, I think it may interest you to have some more details also regarding their development .

Well, a classic heist usually involves activities like retrieving escape vehicles , some other preliminary missions (such as retrieving useful items), and selecting allies (there are some AI-controlled characters in the game that can help you).

Obviously, the crucial phase is the choice of the approach with which to try the robbery (eg more strategic or more offensive). In any case, the preliminary missions vary from shot to shot and according to the chosen approach and it is therefore a bit complex to provide you with detailed information (also to avoid spoilers), but you will see that once you have learned how to start the shots you will not have problems following the game’s directions.

Clearly, all the preliminary missions (which can sometimes be completed even with only 1 or 2 players) will serve to prepare the final blow , the actual robbery. That will be the litmus test and you will have to be able to collect as much money as possible before the time runs out and escape from the police , according to what is foreseen by the blow you have decided to carry out.

An important aspect to consider is the question of the leader . Indeed, it is the one who decides to initiate the shot and to pay , for example, for the choice of personnel (shooter, hacker and so on). In addition, the leader chooses a bit of everything, including the share of income that participants will receive once a heist is completed.

Furthermore, it is always the leader who “unlocks” the next robbery mission and can start it. This means that it can be interesting to play the shots with your friends , in order to complete them all together. In any case, I don’t want to give you too many spoilers – it’s great to discover GTA Online even as you play and I’ve already given you all the basic information, so I won’t go any further. For more details on the hits, I invite you to consult the official Rockstar Games website .

Great, now you know everything you need to know about GTA Online Heists . Since you are interested in the title of Rockstar Games, I would recommend that you also take a look at the page of my site dedicated to GTA , where you can find several tutorials that could be for you.


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