
How to make gunpowder in Minecraft

How to make gunpowder in Minecraft: Gunpowder has many different uses in Minecraft. It can be used in recipes for creating fire charges, fireworks, TNT, and potions. There are several ways to find gunpowder in the game. In this article, we’ll go over all the different ways you’ll find it can add some explosive spice to your player inventory.

Gunpowder can be obtained from 5 different sources: Creepers, Ghosts, Witches, Wandering Traders, and chest loot. You can also increase the amount of gunpowder that mobs drop with an enchanted sword.


Creepers are the most common source of gunpowder. They can be found in the overworld, potentially spawning anywhere with a light level of 7 or lower. A creeper drops 0-2 gunpowder when it dies.

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Ghosts are a less common source of gunpowder drops. The ghosts are located in the Nether, which can only be accessed through the Nether Portal. Ghast drops 0-2 gunpowder upon death.

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Witches can be found all over the world. They can spawn in any land biomes (except mushroom fields). They can also be found in villages, swamp huts, or as part of a raid group of villagers. There is a chance that the witch will drop gunpowder when she dies.

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Wandering traders

Traveling merchants can be found all over the world. 1 out of 6 traveling merchants will sell gunpowder for 1 emerald each.

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Chest Loot

Sometimes you can find gunpowder by searching chests. Chests can be found in dungeons, desert temples, shipwrecks, and forest mansions. The chest can contain 0-8 units of gunpowder. The chance of a chest containing gunpowder depends on the location of the chest.

  1. Dungeon chests have a 57.8% chance to contain 1-8 gunpowder.
  2. Chests in desert temples have a 59% chance to contain 1-8 gunpowder.
  3. Chests in sunken ships have a 22.4% chance to contain 1-5 gunpowder.
  4. Chests in Forest Mansions have a 57.8% chance to contain 1-8 Gunpowder.

How to find gunpowder in minecraft4 »/> </p> <p> </p> <h2> PARSEMBLE ENCHANTMENT </span> </h2> <p> </p> <p> Swords can be enhanced with a looting enchantment to increase the amount of gunpowder (and other items) dropped from mobs when killed.  The amount of gunpowder found will increase by 1 for each level of robbery enchantment that affects you (max 3).  If you're hunting for gunpowder, you might want to consider using a sword to loot while you're at it.  </span> </p> <h2> </h2> <h2> <img src =


Now you know all the ways to search for gunpowder. The method you choose will most likely be based on circumstance and convenience, but knowing the sources of gunpowder drops will give you a better idea of ​​what to look for.

How to increase the amount of gunpowder with an enchanted sword?

Swords can be enhanced with enchantments. To increase the amount of gunpowder (and other items) that drop from mobs when killed. The amount of gunpowder found will increase by 1 for each level of the Looting enchantment that affects you (maximum 3). If you’re hunting for gunpowder, you might want to consider using a sword to loot while you’re at it.

Can I stack gunpowder in my inventory?

You can store up to 64 gunpowder in one inventory slot.

What can gunpowder be used for?

Gunpowder is used as an ingredient to make fire charges, firework rockets, firework stars, and TNT. It can also be used as a brewing ingredient for brewing splash potions.

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