
Common mistakes in Call of Duty: WWII

This list contains the most common errors in “Call of Duty: WWII”, their description, as well as the status – whether the game developers have found a solution. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below, thanks to it you can immediately find out whether the problem has been fixed or not.

Common bugs in Call of Duty: WWII

Error Description Status
I can’t hear the announcer’s messages about the points scored (all platforms) The announcer in multiplayer does not report on the addition of the earned points (Scorestreaks), as well as on their use by friends or enemies Fix during development
Freeze while at headquarters (all platforms) Some gamers experience a “freeze” when entering the Headquarters menu. To fix the bug, restart the game. Study continues
DirectX Problems (PC) Options for resolving problems with DirectX are still being studied, in particular the “DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG” errors Fix during development
Not received “Supply Drops” to level up the character (all platforms) Work is underway to identify such cases. In some cases, restarting the game helps. Study continues
The message “Unable to connect to host” comes (all platforms) The message “Unable to connect to host” appears on the screen. Try pressing Enter and Esc, then restarting the game. If the error persists, contact the developers. Study continues
“Supply Drop” received but not shown as available (all platforms) So far, this problem has no solution. Study continues
Blocking the game in Ranked Play mode (all platforms) So far, this problem has no solution. Study continues
Rank dropped after winning the Ranked Play tournament (all platforms) So far, this problem has no solution. Study continues

If you did not find your mistake in this list, contact the game developers!

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