
How to have infinite money on GTA

You are very passionate about the video games of the GTA series : you adore titles of this type and you like to spend part of your free time wandering around the streets of the virtual cities proposed in the latter, carrying out many activities to earn more money and buy improvements, items and vehicles.

This activity, however, can be time-consuming and therefore, you would like some advice on how to increase your assets in the game quickly and easily. Indeed, you’d like to know just  how to have infinite money on GTA , so that you never worry about the money you spend in game, right? Then you will be happy to know that you have come to the right place at the right time.

In today’s guide, in fact, I will offer you some solutions and some tricks that will allow you to get all the money you want in the virtual account on GTA. So what are you waiting for? Sit down comfortably and pay attention to all the advice I will give you. I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How to have infinite money in GTA V
    • How to have infinite money in GTA Online
  • How to have infinite money in GTA IV
  • How to have infinite money in GTA San Andreas

How to have infinite money in GTA V

If your interest is to have infinite money on GTA V , so that you never worry about the purchases to be made and without having to wait to earn them slowly during the normal progression of the game, what you need to do is use some tricks .

On GTA V, however, it is not possible to use codes to get unlimited money and, therefore, you will have to rely on the use of mods , which you can only install on the PC version of the game. I warn you that these mods can be freely used in the Story mode of GTA V, but are prohibited in online sessions , as they also result in the account ban.

If you want to use mods that allow you to add unlimited money to your account in GTA V, what you need to do is to equip yourself with the Script Hook V add-on , which is equipped with the Native Trainer : a tool that will allow you, through a special interface in game , to add as much money as you want to your account.

To download this mod, the first thing you need to do is reach this link , which takes you to the gta5 website (a portal that contains tons of mods and scripts for GTA V). After reaching the link I provided to you, click on the button Download and in the new section which is sent back, press the button Download .

By doing so, the download of a .ZIP file will start which contains the necessary files to be placed in the main installation folder of GTA V. If you do not know how to extract the contents of a compressed folder, I suggest you read mine guide on how to extract ZIP files .

The operation you need to perform is to transfer the contents of the ” bin ” folder , which you find inside the .ZIP file, to the main folder of GTA V which, if you had purchased the game from Steam , should be ” C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Grand Theft Auto V “.

Now, all that’s left for you to do is simply launch GTA V by entering Story Mode . Once this is done, during the game session, press the F4 key to open the Native Trainer management panel , which will allow you to modify some game parameters.

To add unlimited funds on GTA V, then use the keys 2, 4 , 6 and 8 of the numeric keypad, in order to navigate between the menu items, and press the key 5 , to confirm a selection. What you need to do is reach the Player> Add cash items , so that 1 million dollars will be credited to the account of all your GTA V characters . By repeatedly selecting this option, you will be able to add unlimited funds to your in-game account.

How to have infinite money in GTA Online

Would you like to have infinite money in GTA Online ? Unfortunately, I must warn you that there is no method that can guarantee you to carry out this operation in the online version of GTA V. The only procedure that can be followed is to play all the activities in the game to get money or make micro transactions to buy credit.

In case you’ve heard of third-party tools, such as hacks , trainers, or simple mods that can ensure you add as much money as you want in GTA Online, know that this practice will definitely result in your account being banned .

My advice is to play “clean”, so as to ensure the best online gaming experience without the risk of being denied the opportunity to have fun with other players. In this regard, I recommend that you consult my guide on how to get rich on GTA Online .

How to have infinite money in GTA IV

If you are a fan of GTA IV and would like to have unlimited money, you could easily achieve this by using special mods that can help you make “easy” money. Like? I’ll explain it to you in a few moments.

Since there are no codes to increase money on GTA IV, nor mods that can increase the money on your account (like the one I showed you in the previous chapter dedicated to GTA V ), the best operation to perform to easily reach yours. goal is to use indirect methods.

You should know that, at some point in the main campaign of GTA IV, you will be contacted by Stevie , who will offer you to find specific cars to deliver to her garage, in exchange for money. Once you’ve found all the cars, Stevie will offer you the opportunity to deliver more cars, again for a fee.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, what you will have to do is use a mod, called Car Spawner , which allows you to generate cars next to the player’s avatar (perhaps standing in front of Stevie’s garage), so that you can immediately deliver them.

The mod in question requires the installation of the ASI Loader and ScriptHook tools that you can easily download from the website at this link . You simply have to place the files inside the GTA IV root directory and that’s it.

Once this is done, the next step is to download the Car Spawner mod , also from the website , which you will need to place in the main directory of GTA IV. Well: now all you have to do is launch GTA IV and start using the mod.

When you are in the game session, go to Stevie’s garage and press the F1 key , to open the mod management panel. At this point, scroll through the different items using the numeric keypad and select the vehicle to be delivered. After generating it, all you have to do is get on board and park it inside the garage to get some money.

How to have infinite money in GTA San Andreas

In GTA San Andreas you have the opportunity to use tricks, introduced by the developers themselves, which allow you to facilitate the progress of the game. One of these is precisely that of being able to add funds to the account of your avatar.

The code in question allows you to receive a credit of $ 250,000 to your account. To perform this trick on PC , you simply have to quickly type the word HESOYAM on the keyboard . If you have been quick enough, you will see that this key combination will credit you the previously indicated sum.

Furthermore, you will be able to realize that the code has been correctly entered from the message that will appear on the screen, in the upper right corner, indicating the text Trick activated . Of course, if you keep typing this code, you will be able to add unlimited funds to your GTA San Andreas account.

Are you playing from the console? In this case, the combination to use is completely different from the one I indicated in the previous paragraphs. If you play GTA San Andreas from PlayStation , use the key sequence on the controller R1 , R2 , L1 , X , Left , Down , Right , Up , Left , Down , Right , Up .

If you’re playing from Xbox the key combination is similar, but reflects the specific names of the keys on the Microsoft controller: RB , RT , LB , A , Left , Down , Right , Up , Left , Down , Right , Up .


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