Several users reported that they can no longer spend more than a few seconds inside Call of Duty Modern Warfare because the game is crashing with error code 0x00000001419101f1. This problem appears to be specific to your Windows PC.
After a thorough investigation of this particular issue, it turns out that several different underlying scenarios may directly or indirectly cause this problem. Here is the list of criminals that you should troubleshoot if you are currently prevented from playing the game with error 0x00000001419101f1:
The version of the game is outdated – As it turns out, more often than not, you can expect to deal with this error if you are not running the latest version of the game. If a new update for the game is available, install it first before trying to run the game again.
Administrator access is missing – If the main player or game does not have admin access, the connection to the game server is probably not configured. Make sure the game launcher is running with administrator privileges in this case.
Nvidia Highlights feature enabled – The root cause of this issue is often attributed to Nvidia Highlights, which is a prominent feature. Whether this feature is on, try turning it off temporarily to check if the problem is still there.
Texture Streaming On Demand Enabled – Texture Streaming On Demand increases the color palette and makes colors brighter while allowing you to save space, but it is also closely related to the development of this issue. If this option is turned on from the in-game menu, disable it to see if it helps.
Inconsistent data inside the Players folder – If the 0x00000001419101f1 issue persists, you can also try deleting the Players folder from the CoD Modern Warfare installation directory. It should be noted that this will work if you are just starting to experience these issues after changing certain graphics related settings.
Game data is corrupt – Several customers who saw the same type of error reported that the issue was completely resolved after forcing the base launcher (Battle.Net) to check the integrity of game files and dependencies. If you haven’t already, start checking integration to determine if the issue is resolved.
G-Sync Enabled If you are using the G-Sync feature with an Nvidia GPU, you should know that this proprietary technology is known to cause these types of issues in the game. If you are using an Nvidia GPU, access the dedicated control panel and disable the G-Sync feature.
Player glitch – If you try to join a multiplayer game and error number 0x00000001419101f1 occurs, you can consider if you have caught the famous ‘player error’ in Call of Duty. You can solve this problem by using a different operator.
Outdated GPU drivers – It turns out that your PC may not be able to display Call of Duty: Modern Warfare if the GPU driver is outdated or if the physics module is missing. Before starting the game again, take the time to install the latest driver versions if your GPU drivers are out of date.
Game Overlay Clash – It turns out that your PC may not be able to display Call of Duty: Modern Warfare if the GPU driver is out of date or if the physics module is missing. Before starting the game again, take the time to install the latest driver versions if your GPU drivers are out of date. If so, disable the overlay software and see if the error is resolved.
Now that we’ve gone over all the possible reasons why you might encounter this issue when playing COD: Modern Warfare, let’s explore a series of verified fixes that other affected users have successfully used to get to the core of this issue.
When you start looking for ways to fix this problem, the first thing that you should do is to make sure that you are using the latest version of the game that is currently available.
Remember, is notorious for being bad at updating sub-game instances. This is likely the case with Warzone as well, since it is most likely a sub-version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare or Call of Duty Vanguard.
If the previous description fits your circumstances, there is a good chance that the 0x00000001419101f1 error is caused by the fact that the COD version you are trying to run is older than the latest version available or the latest update is not completely installed.
If the above scenario applies to your case, you should be able to fix the problem by using to force the game to perform a manual update.
To ensure that you are using the latest version of Warzone, please make sure that you have followed all procedures described in the following instructions:
First, close Warzone and any Call of Duty instances that can now be active.
Next, start Battle.Net and log in with your credentials. Log in to
Select your Call of Duty Warzone from the Library (the left part of the screen) while you’re inside the Battle Grid and then hit the Settings button (the gear icon).
Click Check for Updates in the context menu that was just displayed. Check for updates for Call of Duty
If a new game update is detected, install it following the onscreen instructions, then restart your computer.
Run the game normally again when the next startup finishes to see if the issue is resolved.
If the same problem persists, move down to the next method below.
2. Run with administrator access
The lack of administrator access is another reasonable explanation as to why you may have a 0x00000001419101f1 issue on your computer.
Usually, devices running Windows 10 or Windows 11 have more rigorous UAC (User Account Control) settings to have this difficulty.
It is possible that the game server will not be connected if the main player or game does not have admin rights.
Simply right-click on the executable you need to start the game and select Run as administrator from the context menu to see if this scenario applies or not and to fix the problem.
works as administrator
Note: Right-click the shortcut file if you are starting the game this way.
The issue is resolved if the 0x00000001419101f1 file no longer appears error when running with administrator privileges. The only problem is that you will have to go through this process every time you start the game.
Fortunately, you can modify the file and the game’s main executable properties with administrator privileges even when you access them normally.
The steps listed below provide detailed information on how to achieve this:
Make sure all Call of Duty and cases are closed. should be selected from the context menu when you right-click on it.
Access the Compatibility tab from the Options group menu at the top of the main Battle.Net Properties menu once you’re there.
Go to the Settings section of the Compatibility tab and select the Run this program as administrator check box. Run this program as administrator
To save the changes, press Advance.
Apply the same procedures (2-5) to the Modern Warfare executable and see if the issue is resolved.
Proceed to the next possible solution if you are still encountering the 0x00000001419101f1 issue when trying to connect to the game servers.
3. Disable Nvidia Highlights
Few gamers who are experiencing this issue with Nvidia GPU cards have managed to fix it by turning off the Nvidia Experience. It turns out that Nvidia Highlights is an important feature that is commonly referred to as the root cause of this problem.
You should check to see if one of the two options is active in your PC setup and then disable it. Next, check to see if the 0x00000001419101f1 file still issue.
Here is a simple explanation of how to achieve this:
Stop the game and start the Nvidia Experience. Once in, select the File General tab from the menu on the left. Make sure that the in-game overlay toggle is set to disabled by going to the right side of the screen. Disable in-game overlay
Save your settings, quit your Nvidia experience and launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare again.
Once in the game, select Options > Graphics and scroll down to Nvidia Highlights. Change it to Disabled, then save your settings. Disable Nvidia Highlights
Check to see if the problem is fixed by restarting the game.
If you are still getting 0x00000001419101f1 error, move on to the method next.
4. Disable texture streaming on demand
The appearance of this error is strongly related to on-demand texture streaming, although it improves the color palette and makes colors more vibrant while allowing you to conserve space (especially for users who come from a limited internet connection).
We recommend that you simply turn this function off if you frequently encounter a ‘packet explosion’ issue and monitor the recurrence of the error.
For detailed instructions on how to achieve this, go to the list below:
Important : Close all applications that are consuming a lot of bandwidth before following the instructions below, and run Speedtest on your internet connection to ensure that your download speed is at least 11MB/s and your upload speed is at least 4.5MB/s.
Run Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (via the standalone executable file or via the launcher).
Access menu settings once you reach the main menu of the game.
Select the File On Demand Texture Flow option after selecting the Graphics submenu from the top of the screen. Disable texture streaming on demand
Toggle the Stream texture on demand option Off from the following menu.
Before trying to connect to another COD: Modern Warfare server, after taking advantage of this opportunity, save the changes and restart the game.
Try to run the game normally to check if the issue is resolved.
Proceed to the next possible solution below if the problem is not fixed.
5. Delete the ‘player’ folder inside My Documents
You can also try removing the ‘Players’ folder from the CoD Modern Warfare installation path to see if 0x00000001419101f1 solves the problem. Your issue should be resolved after that, although you may need to reset many game settings that have been reset to default.
It should be noted that this will work if you start experiencing these issues once you have modified some graphics related settings.
If you do not know how to remove the Players folder, do the following:
Navigate to your computers Documents folder in File Explorer. Access the list of documents
Access a call from the Duty Modern Warfare folder inside the folder’s documentation file , then use the right-click menu to choose “Delete” after choosing the Players File folder. Delete the operators folder
Run the game after that, customize the parameters as desired, then test it to see if the problem is still there.
If this fix did not resolve the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 0x00000001419101f1 issue, move on to the next step.
6. Deploy integration check
If you have reached this point without finding a workable solution, your next step should be to make sure that this problem is not caused by the underlying game corruption issue.
After forcing the base launcher (Battle.Net) to check the integrity of game files and dependencies, several users who were encountering the same kind of error reported that the issue was completely fixed.
If you haven’t tried this remedy before, stick to the instructions below for details on how to start the Warzone repair process using the in-game tool Battle.Net Settings:
Verify that Call of Duty is completely turned off and inactive in the background.
Launch Battle.Net and log in with the username and password associated with the game. Log in to
Select the game by clicking on it in the left area of the main Battle.Net user interface.
To check file integrity and repair a call from duty, click Settings (the gear icon), then select Check and Repair (from the context menu that just appeared). Post your inspection and repair process
Confirm the operation at the next prompt, then be patient while the check and repair process goes through.
Restart the game when the procedure is finished to determine if the issue is resolved.
If the problem persists, scroll down to the next potential fix below.
7. Disable G-Sync
As it turns out, the 0x00000001419101f1 issue could also be caused by the G-Sync feature.
Note: Nvidia uses G-sync, a patented adaptive sync technology, to avoid screen tearing and the requirements of third-party software alternatives such as Vsync.
However, user reports indicate that this technology can sometimes lead to COD Modern Warfare instability, which eventually leads to the 0x00000001419101f1 issue.
Several infected G-Sync users have attributed their inability to play their game that they can now play regularly after turning off the G-Sync function using an existing Nvidia Control Panel .
Important: Remember that screen tearing will increase dramatically if G-Sync is turned off when using an Nvidia video card. However, it is better not to play the game at all due to the number of times this error occurs.
Here is a simple tutorial on how to use the Control Panel to disable the G-sync feature:
Right-click any unoccupied place on the desktop, then select Nvidia Control Panel from the pop-up context menu that appears. Access the Nvidia Control Panel
Once you are in the Nvidia Control panel, look to the left and select Manage 3D Settings . Then go to the right side and choose Program Settings tab, then click Add. 3D settings adjustment
Select the Call of Duty Modern Warfare executable from the following list to add it to the 3D Settings Manager file .
Set Vertical Sync to Remote Choose the appropriate executable from the list of custom video settings. Disable vertical sync within the Nvidia Control Panel
Once G-Sync is turned off, save the mods, then restart the game to see if the issue is fixed.
If the issue is not resolved yet, move down to the next method below.
8. Change the active operator
If you try to join a multiplayer game and the error code 0x00000001419101f1 appears, you might be thinking that you are experiencing the infamous Call of Duty ‘operator glitch’ (if the above described method did not solve your problem).
So, if you try to start the game with a worker ported from the Cold War, you might expect this problem. Garcia is the operator that has been reported to cause this error most frequently.
If the problem is caused by a factor imported from Cold War, you can probably resolve it by selecting a different launcher from the list below by going to the Workers category in the ribbon menu at the top of the screen.
Select a different operator
Try to join another multiplayer game again to check if the issue is resolved after switching the player and make sure that your load does not contain any items originally released for Call of Duty COLD WAR .
If the same type of problem is still there, move down to the next possible solution below.
9. Update GPU Drivers
As it turns out, an outdated GPU driver or a missing physical unit can also prevent your PC from displaying Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
It turns out that the game is not very excellent at providing you with the bug that will help you fix the problem at the moment.
If you open Call of Duty Modern Warfare via Steam and nothing happens, you can assume that this is due to an outdated or partially corrupt GPU drivers file that lacks some essential dependencies that the game is actively using.
The problem should be resolved by upgrading the GPU drivers and the physics unit that control the game mechanics.
If this situation applies to you and you have not recently updated your GPU drivers, follow the procedures below to delete your existing GPU drivers and reinstall the latest ones before trying to run the game again:
To bring up the File Run dialog , press Windows Key + R. .
To access Device Manager, enter the command ‘devmgmt.msc’ in the Execute text box and click Enter Key. Access to Device Manager
Once inside Device Manager, extend the drop-down list for Display adapters by scrolling down through the list of installed devices.
Update the driver by selecting it from the context menu when you right-click on the GPU driver file you wish to update in the following list. Update the driver via Device Manager
You should upgrade the dedicated and integrated GPU drivers if your computer has both.
It chooses to automatically search for a new driver from the next option.
Follow the onscreen instructions to install the latest GPU driver found by the first scan when finished. Update GPU Drivers
After the procedure is over, restart your computer and try to start Call of Duty Modern Warfare at the next system startup to check if you can now. Note: To upgrade your existing graphics drivers, you must resort to the proprietary software provided by your graphics card maker if Device Manager has not found a new GPU driver version. Depending on your GPU manufacturer, the following software is required: GeForce Experience – Nvidia Adrenaline – AMD Intel Driver – Intel
Proceed to the next method below if the same type of problem is still present or if the GPU drivers are already up to date.
The possibility of a conflict causing COD: Modern Warfare to crash while recording the screen or when recognizing the on-screen screen overlay is high if the 0x00000001419101f1 issue only occurs when trying to use a program like OBS or Nvidia Highlights.
Although the developers have published some hotfixes to address this issue, some users keep reporting it.
Fortunately, if two competing overlays are to blame for the problem, you should be able to fix it by turning off or completely deleting the unnecessary in-game overlay.
In most of the cases recorded, a conflict arises between OBS and Nvidia Experience or between OBS and the Discord overlay within the game.
If you want to avoid a clash between the Nvidia Experience overlay and Discord overlay, use the first or second sub-guide in the recommendations below to deactivate the in-game overlay feature from these two programs. The third guide should be used if you don’t really need a second overlay and just want to get rid of it (the third subdirectory).
10.1. Disable Dicord’s Overlay
You have to open the apps settings file and disable the overlay option under user settings if you are using the Discord overlay feature.
How to achieve this is as follows:
Start by closing each instance of the game as well as the launcher you used to start it.
Open the Discord Next app. Note: To bring the Discord window to the front if you can’t see the Expert screen right away, open the system tray and double-click the icon.
Find the user settings file (the gear icon) at the bottom of the window once you have entered the Discord Client. Accessing the settings menu in Discord
Click on the Overlay tab in the User Settings vertical menu panel on the left (below Application Settings). Access the overlay settings
Turn off the toggle next to Enable in-game overlay in the Overlay menu. Disable in-game overlay
Run the game again to see if the issue is resolved after saving mods to Discord.
10.2. Disable Nvidia Overlay
You have to turn off Nvidia overlay from the options menu if you only have this problem when using it.
Here’s how to do it:
Start by closing the game instance and the launcher behind it.
Open Nvidia Experience Next, choose the Gebneral tab from the following list.
Disable the toggle for the in-game overlay by going to the left menu. Disable Nvidia Overlay
Save your mods when you apply this mod, then close the Nvidia Experience.
Try to run the game again to check if the issue is resolved.
10.3. Uninstall the active third-party overlay
A certain way to prevent the conflict from happening again if you are using a different overlay feature but don’t really like it or use it anymore is to delete the overlay program.
To achieve this, adhere to the directions below:
To bring up the File Run dialog , press Windows Key + R. . Then enter ‘appwiz.cpl’ to launch existing programs and features . Open the list of program files
If prompted by User Account Control (UAC), click Yes to grant administrator access.
Locate the overlay program you want to remove by scrolling down the list of installed applications in the File Programs and Features list.
When you find it, right-click on it and choose Uninstall from the context menu that just opened. Uninstall Nvidia Experience
Follow the remaining instructions on the uninstall screen to finish the process, then restart your computer.
Run Call of Duty Modern Warfare again when the procedure is finished to check if the problem is resolved.