Tips & Tricks

How to find out text encoding online?

There are a number of services that can determine the text encoding online. They do everything automatically, including the ability to convert words into the correct format. Although there are many such services, not all of them are equally well suited for determining the encoding online. We have selected some of the best options.

Online Decoder

In addition to the fact that the service will allow you to find out the encoding online for any piece of text, it is also able to convert it. Supports almost all encodings. Works quickly, simply and efficiently. If you also need an online encoding converter, this option will be one of the best. All the necessary actions can be performed within 1 minute and this is the first time.

What should be done:

  1. Open Online Decoder site .
  2. We insert our text with the wrong encoding into the empty field.
  3. In the line “Decode text automatically (recommended)” click on the “Select” button.
  4. A little lower, in the line “I know the required encodings” we pay attention to the first part. The encoding of the inserted text is indicated there, and in the second field – the one into which the fragment was converted.


The service is designed to decode various text, including the ability to convert strings between different encodings. It is quite simple and does not require any special knowledge. You just need to open the site 2cyr , paste the text and click on the “OK” button on the right under the empty field. After a short analysis, the system will provide information about the native text encoding and the one that was installed after the conversion.


The principle of operation is similar to the services described above, but there is one difference. The site provides a large selection of output text options. He invites you to independently find the encoding in which the text will be read correctly. This is a positive feature, since some formats intersect with each other and may not be correctly detected by automatic services.

How it works:

  1. Go to the FoxTools landing page .
  2. Paste the text into the empty field and click on the “Submit” button.
  3. We click on the drop-down list with the name “Select a readable option from the list” and look for the text that we can read without problems.

Determining the encoding online is a simple task, especially with the help of good web services. All of them are free, easy to use and fairly accurate.

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