Tips & Tricks

How to Equal Column Size in Microsoft Excel

The same column size makes Microsoft Excel look neater and the data is easy to read.
However, for some users, it is quite difficult to create the same Excel column size or don’t know how to do it.

How to equalize Excel column size is actually quite easy and fast. There are several ways that can be done to equalize the column size in Excel.

Here is several ways to equalize column sizes in Excel that you can try.
How to equalize column size in Excel manually
Select and block the column section you want to change (on labels A, B, C and others)
After selecting the part of the column you want to change, hover over the column line until it turns into a double-headed arrow
Then drag the double-headed arrow cursor icon on the column. The cursor will display a width that can be adjusted according to your needs
Done, the entire column will adjust to the width you have adjusted
As for adjusting the height size, you can use the same method, namely drag the cursor up or down until it displays a height size that can be selected according to your needs. For more details you can see the image above.
How to equalize column size in Excel with Format fitur

Select and block the section of the column you want to change
See the menu bar section above
Select the “Format” feature
Click “Column Width” to adjust the width or “Row Hight” to adjust the column height
Then fill in the width or height of the desired column size
Then click “Ok”
How to automatically equalize Excel columns

  • Select and block the section of the column you want to change
  • See the menu bar section above
  • Select the “Format” feature
  • Click “Autofit Row Height” or “Autofit Column Width”

Done, that’s how to equalize the column size in Excel.

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