
How to create a shortcut to a website on the desktop

How to add a shortcut to a site on the desktop? A site shortcut is needed to launch a specific site, if this site is often opened by a user on his computer.

This way you can quickly and conveniently access a particular site, because you will have to perform more actions to open the site in the browser. Therefore, some users prefer to display a shortcut to the site on the Desktop. This way of launching the site from a shortcut is more convenient for them than the standard way of opening the site after entering the browser.

In this article, I will talk about creating a shortcut to a site on the Desktop using two methods: using the Windows operating system tool and using a browser.

Creating a Site Shortcut in Windows

First, right-click on an empty space on the monitor screen. In the context menu that opens, select “New”, in the next menu select “Shortcut”.

In the “Create Shortcut” window, you need to specify for which element you want to create a shortcut. In the “Specify the location of the object:” field, enter the URL address of the site, or a specific page of the site, as shown in the image. Then click on the “Next” button.

In the next window, select a label name. In the “Enter a shortcut name:” field, enter the name of the site, or any name you like, and then click on the “Finish” button.

A shortcut to the site will appear on the desktop, which looks like the icon of the default browser (in this example, the Microsoft Edge browser) on the computer.

After clicking on the shortcut, the site page will open in the browser.

How to create a shortcut to a website on the Desktop in a browser

Another way is to make a site shortcut using a browser. To create a site shortcut, you will need to bring the browser window out of full screen mode.

Then, using the mouse, drag the icon opposite the site address to the Desktop. This method works the same in all browsers. Look at the example of the Google Chrome browser.

How to change the icon on the site shortcut

You can change the browser image on the site shortcut. To do this, right-click on the shortcut, select “Properties” in the context menu.

In the “Properties” window, in the “Web Document” tab (in other versions of Windows, the tab is called “Internet Document”), click on the “Change Icon …” button.

In the Change Icon window, select the desired icon for the site shortcut. Using the “Browse …” button, you can add an image for the site shortcut from your computer.

I have a suitable “.ico” image that I can use as a shortcut for my site. There are many “.ico” images on the Internet that are suitable for all occasions. If you have an image of a different format, then it can be converted to the “.ico” format using free online services.

After adding the desired image, click on the “OK” button.

Next, in the “Properties” window, click on the “OK” button.

Now the site shortcut has its own unique image, which is different from just the browser shortcut.

Article Conclusions

The user can save a shortcut to the site on the Desktop of his computer in two ways: using the Windows operating system tool or using a browser. The image on the site label can be changed to a different image.

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