
How to create a free blog on the Internet

The blogs are a means quite extraordinary. Born as simple diaries through which to share one’s personal experiences, they quickly became the “megaphone” through which to make one’s opinions heard in the world, share the knowledge we have gained to help others and inform the public on topics that do not find space on large media. In addition, which is of no small importance, they also allow you to earn.

What makes them so important is that everyone can create them without spending a penny and without the need for special technology knowledge. A pinch of good will is enough and, if you propose interesting contents, you can get some success with the public and, perhaps, with collections.

So, if you want to try it too, but you don’t know how to create a blog for free on the Internet , let me give you a hand by pointing out some of the best services dedicated to the purpose and some indications on how to make your content online for free, without having to dealing with complicated setups or downloading hard-to-use programs on your PC. I assure you that in a few minutes you will be ready to publish your site on the web, even if you are a novice user. At this point, I can only wish you a good read and wish you good luck for everything!


  • How to create a blog for free and make money
    • How to create a free blog on WordPress
    • How to create a free blog on Google
    • How to create a free blog on Facebook
    • How to create a free blog on Wix

How to create a blog for free and make money

Perhaps you are wondering how it is possible that so many people, perhaps in the meantime also known and known, spend their time writing on blogs and, therefore, if there is actually a way to work with this simple means: well, I want explain to you how to create a free blog and make money .

Of course, take my indications with the right perspective and keep in mind that it is not possible to arrive at results immediately, that you need real skills about what you intend to publish and that success is not always guaranteed. Having said that, here’s how to act, in practice, with some of the most used tools to create free blogs on the Internet.

How to create a free blog on WordPress

The most popular tool for publishing blogs on the Net is WordPress , an open source platform that, relying on servers, allows the creation of Internet sites that are easy to manage and update: with these premises, I think it is useful to immediately understand how to create a blog free on WordPress .

I’ll start by telling you that WordPress defines itself as a CMS , an acronym that stands for Content Management System and refers to Web tools designed to allow any user to set up and customize an Internet site, a blog or even an e-commerce , without the need for know programming languages. In this regard, if you want to learn more, read my guide to the best CMS .

To give shape to your blog and customize it from a graphic and functional point of view, CMS like WordPress allow you to download themes and plugins , to be connected to the platform to make it suitable for your expressive needs.

That said, WordPress allows the user to act in two ways: create a blog completely free , but with limitations , or buy an online space , including a domain and hosting , to be “modeled” at will and without the above limitations.

If you want to know how to create a free blog with WordPress , first of all keep in mind that in this case you will get a third level domain (eg. And a storage space of 3 GB, that you will not have many graphic themes available, you will not be able to install plugins to increase the functions of the blog and you will not be able to insert banners or use advertising tools, which, as you will see later, are the ones that allow you to make money. However, essential functions ( Jetpack ) and the pre-installed SSL certificate for safe browsing will be guaranteed .

Having clarified all this, you can connect to the official WordPress site and go to the menu located at the top of the page, then click on the Products item and, in the drop-down menu that will open, select the Blog item .

Then scroll the page that is proposed to you and read the information inside, then click on the Choose free button if, in fact, your intention is to open a blog at no cost.

Now fill out the form with the required data, on the following page and press the Create an account button , or choose the Continue with Google button , to log in with your Google account , or the Continue button on Apple , if you use the devices of this brand and you have an Apple ID . Now continue the configuration by following the instructions on the monitor and helping you by reading my guides on how to create a blog with WordPress and how to manage a WordPress blog .

However, you may also have the desire to create a blog with advanced functions and which allows you, in some way, to obtain financial income. To do this, consult and join one of the paid WordPress plans (available at this link ): starting from € 4 per month , but with annual withdrawal, they allow you to have your own top-level custom domain as the site address, greater storage space, removal of WordPress advertisements, up to the ability to choose and install dozens of different graphic themes, as well as powerful plugins and use marketing and advertising tools such as WordAds and Google Analytics .

To learn more, first read my guides to the best WordPress hosting and how to register a domain , then look for useful tips also within my guides on how to create a successful blog and how to start a blog and make money .

So, to have even more flexibility, consider installing WordPress on a third-party hosting : which, for example, can allow you great freedom of customization for blogs and commercial sites. On this topic you can read my guide to Aruba WordPress hosting , that is one of the best Italian services for Web hosting, cloud and online practices, which offers many easy and convenient solutions for managing the space on the Net dedicated to sites and, therefore, also blogs.

How to create a free blog on Google

The most well-known and used search engine in the world, that is Google , could not stand by without generating its own tool for publishing blogs, and in fact it created the Blogger platform , which is not as widespread and flexible as WordPress, does not can install on external hosting but has the advantage of being free but at the same time supporting the monetization of content through the Google Adsense platform , which allows you to earn with the contents of your blog by displaying advertising banners inside it. You can also promote the paid site through Google Ads .

That said, if you want to know how to create a free blog on Google using Blogger, first make sure you have a Google account : if you don’t have one, read my guide on how to create a Google account .

Alternatively, connected directly to the official Blogger website or download the service app for Android smartphones and tablets and select the item Create your Blog , then, on the following page, choose the wording Create an account . Now, to register with Google, follow the instructions on the screen. If, on the other hand, you already have a profile, enter the required data and click on the Next button .

At this point, click on the Continue button and go to Blogger , then select the New blog button , to start customizing your online space. In reminding you that the web address related to the blog will turn out to be of the type, I refer you to reading my guide on how to open a blog with Blogger , for all the details of the case and instructions on how to post your content in the best possible way.

How to create a free blog on Facebook

You will certainly know Facebook and you will know that it is not a platform born for blogging, but a social network: however, I would also like to give you some indication on the best method to manage the contents within it, in such a way as to be a bit how to create a free blog on facebook . You are curious? Keep reading.

Perhaps you have never thought about it, but Facebook offers you a great opportunity to share content of various kinds, basic at no cost and in the eyes of a huge audience, that is, the one subscribed to the famous social network. How, you may be wondering? The answer is simply through the posts . They can also allow you to share and advertise your articles published on a real blog.

To get started, connect to the official Facebook site, or register for the Android mobile app , downloadable from the Play Store (or from an alternative store , if you don’t have Google services) or for iPhone and iPad , available on the App Store. Read my guide on how to sign up for Facebook to sign up for the service, if you haven’t already.

Now you can use your personal Facebook profile to open a Facebook page : sharing posts as if you were blogging, or those published on a Web page outside the social network, will be more effective through this tool. I can tell you, in fact, that you will have internal tools designed to allow you to maximize the visibility and the eventual return of your posts.

First of all, you can take advantage of the Facebook Business Suite (previously called Facebook Business Manager ), a professional control panel that will help you, among other things, to schedule your posts and sponsor them to reach a targeted audience, really interested in what you communicate. All of this could prove even more useful if you are selling products or services.

Read my guide on how to manage a page on Facebook , to take the first steps and open one. Then follow the tips I propose in the guides on how to create a successful Facebook page and how to monetize a Facebook page , to try to make money through it. If you also want to try to get some publicity, take a look at the tutorial on how Facebook Ads works , the internal program of Facebook to publish posts as if they were paid advertisements.

How to create a free blog on Wix

If you are new to Wix , know that it is a platform that allows any user to create a website in a simple and intuitive way, even just by dragging the elements that compose it into an editor: if you do not yet have information on how create a free Wix blog , I’m here to provide you with them.

First of all, if you want to go straight to the practical side of the matter, connect to the official Wix website , or download the Wix Owner app for smartphones and tablets for Android devices from the Play Store (or from an alternative store , if you do not have the Google) or from the App Store for iOS / iPadOS .

From the Wix home page, if you want to create a blog for free, but with a domain of the type Wix advertising included, proceed by clicking on the Start now button , then complete the registration procedure for the service by filling out the form on the page that will open, or using the Continue with Facebook or Continue with Google buttons .

This done, you will find yourself in a screen titled What kind of site do you want to create? Well, now choose the Blog item and, on the next page, you will have to choose between the option Have ADI create your website , so by answering a questionnaire you will automatically get a web page tailored to your needs, thanks to intelligence artificial (ADI stands for Artificial Design Intelligence), or you can choose the option Create your site with the Editor , to start from a template and customize it as desired. Personally I would like to recommend this second option, you will see that using it is very easy and will prove to be more versatile.

On the page that opens you will be able to browse many different themes to characterize the graphic aspect of your blog: choose the theme that best suits your blog, then read its preview and click on the Edit this site button , in order to be conducted inside the theme editor.

To add a new post to the blog, click on the Manage post button and, in the page that opens, click again on the Create a new post button : when you are done, click on the Save item and then on the Publish item .

Go back to the home page of the theme and, to publish the entire blog according to the chosen graphic, press the Publish button , located at the top. You will get a web address like : modify this last wording by entering the name you want to give to the site. To do this, exit the editor and click on the Rename site option , fill in the form with the required data, then click on the Save item .

I warn you that, to get more from Wix, and thus eliminate the limitations related to opening a blog for free on the platform, you can subscribe by joining a specific plan. The prices of the Wix packages start from € 4.50 per month , if you wish, consult them immediately at this link .

Finally, to try to make money with a Wix blog, you can affiliate with Wix itself, or try to publish posts with sponsored links inside them: in this regard, read my guides on how to monetize a site and how to do link building. .

Hoping to have been useful to you, I suggest you also read my guides on how to open a blog and how to make money with a blog , for more details on the topics covered in this tutorial.


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