How to connect a switch to a PC?
Are you a fan of console games and want to improve your experience by plugging your switch into your PC screen? It is quite possible to achieve this with a laptop running with a Windows or macOS operating system. Moreover, thanks to this method, you will be able to share your gameplay live , but also to save it. We explain everything there is to know about this connection in this article.
Connect a switch to a computer monitor
There are different types of switches using different methods of sending frames. The standard model of this console works in deferred mode also called store and forward. This mode allows frames to be buffered, and analyzed to check for errors before transmitting them. Switches using direct or cut through mode are used to read the sending address and to send all the data without proceeding with analyses. As for the frangment free switches, these represent in a way the two previous methods. They are used to detect possible errors by passing the frames at a well-defined rate. And finally, the adaptive cut through switch automatically takes one of the modes mentioned above, depending on the errors it detects.
Nintendo home consoles are made to work on TVs and VCRs with standard connections:
- A/V jack;
- S-Video socket;
- RF socket.
Computer monitors generally do not have these categories of sockets. However, it is possible to connect the console to an information monitor through two solutions.
Connection via PC TV card
There should normally be a TV card located inside your laptop allowing you to connect a console if the latter is equipped with the appropriate sockets (A/V, RF, S-Video or coaxial). However, the image quality is not the best, compared to that of television.
Direct connection with RGB or DVI cables
Nintendo did not design cables that specifically allow you to make RGB or DVI connections. However, you will find many manufacturers offering cables that can do the trick. However, these are not licensed by Nintendo.
What should be done before connecting the switch to the laptop?
In order to play the Switch console through your laptop, it is mandatory to be equipped with a Switch dock and a video game capture box with an HDMI input . You can use any box as long as it has a USB-C connection and an HDMI IN port. You will find different models on the market, however, the Elgato brand is generally the most esteemed in view of their excellent quality/price ratio, but also their ease of use. You can find an HDMI port on various websites.
He points out that whatever model you choose, the procedures are almost the same since the majority of game capture software works the same way.
Connecting a Nintendo Switch to a Laptop
In order to play your Nintendo via your portable PC, or to use the latter’s screen as a TV screen, you must first leave your Switch console in its docking station throughout the installation stage.
First, you should disconnect the HDMI cable from the TV console and place it on the IN port of the box. The procedure can consume a lot of energy, so it is best to charge your laptop and docking station well.
Then, you will have to open the Game Capture HD software on your laptop, and then press the Home button on the controller that you will find next to turning on the Switch. Once done, you should connect the HSB-C cable received with the Elgato HD60 to your PC case. A moment later, a home screen of your Nintendo Switch should appear on the screen, precisely in Game Capture HD.
In case the Elgato Game Capture HD software fails to detect your Switch console, you will need to double check if the HDMI cable is plugged correctly into the input port, you may have placed the HDMI cable in the port out without noticing.
Finally, all you have to do is select the full screen icon to enjoy your game on a larger, more pleasant screen. You will also have to be careful not to touch the mouse on your keyboard so as not to risk altering your game.