
How not to burn out at work: 10 useful tips

Professional burnout can be experienced by both office workers and remote freelancers. If you feel a breakdown, indifference to work, including those projects that used to inspire you, you feel that your internal resources are depleted, these tips will help you cope with this condition.

Tip 1. Set a work limit

It can be difficult for a freelancer to set a clear limit on the amount of work for himself, since earnings depend on the number of orders. However, if you overload yourself with tasks, this will inevitably lead to deadline violations, lower quality of work performed and, consequently, loss of money.

Therefore, it is in your best interest to set a limit on the number of projects you accept per week or per month.

Tip 2: Focus on one task

Take on multiple projects from different clients at the same time with caution. It will be much easier for you to focus all your efforts on a specific client at one point in time, so you can focus on the specifics of his project, immerse yourself in it as much as possible.

Efficiency of multitasking also falls among office workers. If you do not try to do everything at once, you will be much less tired at the end of the working day.

Tip 3: Take breaks

Less tired will help breaks of 5-10 minutes, which are recommended to do every hour. At this time, it is desirable to be completely distracted from work tasks, for which you should get up from the computer, move away from the desktop, and take a walk. If possible, open a window or go outside to get some fresh air. You can also do breathing exercises, which will normalize blood pressure and saturate the blood with oxygen.

Tip 4. Take time to relax

Avoid working after hours, do not work on weekends, holidays or during vacations.

To get rid of stress, sometimes it’s enough just to lie down and recover. Spend your free time from work in a relaxed home environment: read what interests you, watch a movie or just relax, lie in bed.

Tip 5. Switch attention

If you notice signs of burnout, try to add new emotions and sensations to your life.

Active recreation – walking, jogging, cycling, etc. perfectly remove the accumulated fatigue and tension. Try to expand your space, meet new people and get ideas from them, travel and discover new places.

Tip 6. Be rational about work

Work should be treated simply as a means of earning money, and not as the main goal of one’s existence and a sacred obligation to clients or management. You don’t need to think about official duties day and night and worry about any little thing, by doing this you will only add negative emotions to yourself and increase stress.

Tip 7: Don’t be afraid to change jobs

If you no longer see value in your job or are experiencing symptoms of burnout due to a toxic or overly stressful office environment, a new job, or alternatively a new set of responsibilities in your current workplace, may be your best bet.

Do not be afraid to take on more complex tasks: new challenges will give you a sense of interest and awaken the desire to develop further in the professional field. Regularly study and implement new approaches and techniques in your field. Add unusual tools to perform everyday routine tasks.

Tip 8. Eat right

A healthy, thoughtful diet will help you tune in to work, avoid a state where you don’t want to do anything, and invigorate your body. Start your morning with a balanced breakfast that will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Nutritionists advise including both simple and complex carbohydrates in your diet, alternating them, as well as consuming the required amount of proteins and fats.

Do not forget about vegetables and fruits, because without vitamins it is difficult for the body to fully cope with the load, and about consuming enough water – at least one and a half liters a day. And strong tea and coffee, on the contrary, are not recommended to be abused during the working day, since these drinks give energy only for a short time, after which a person gets tired faster and performs his duties less efficiently.

Tip 9. Start journaling

According to psychologists, keeping a diary can help to cope with emotional burnout. This is not a public blog on a social network, but a personal diary in which you can describe your experiences, thus shedding an extra load of emotions.

Tip 10: Stay calm

In difficult times like this, it is especially important to stay calm, as increased anxiety weakens the body and negatively affects our productivity.

To keep your mind and health, limit the time you watch the news feed. For example, set aside one hour a day after work to read the news. This will allow you to stay in the information field, while not jeopardizing your emotional stability.

Walking in the fresh air, playing sports, going to the pool and other physical activity that allows you to “unload” your head will help dispel anxiety. Try to relax by listening to soothing music or turning on the sounds of nature – the sound of waves, birdsong, etc.


These simple tips should help you get rid of burnout syndrome, after which you will continue to develop professionally and enjoy your work again. However, if you can’t cope with professional burnout on your own, it’s better to contact a specialist – visit a psychologist.

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