
Fortnite will be replayable on iOS devices

Banned from the App Store and Google Play Store, Fortnite comes to iOS and Android with NVIDIA’s GeForce Now service.

Epic Games’ popular battle royale game Fortnite has had a chance to come back to iOS and Android platforms, where it hasn’t been able to host for about two years. With the cooperation of NVIDIA and Epic Games , the touch control supported version of the game developed specifically for GeForce Now pleased those who want to play Fortnite.

For those who do not know the subject; Epic Games started selling Fortnite’s virtual currency V-Bucks directly in-game with its own payment infrastructure two years ago . However, this angered Google and Apple. Because, as per the rules, a developer could only use the Google Play or App Store’s payment system for in-app purchases. When Epic did not take a step back, companies removed Fortnite from their app stores.

Fortnite returns to iOS devices with GeForce Now

As it is known, NVIDIA’s cloud-based gaming service GeForce Now also works on mobile devices. The service, which was originally computer-specific, has also made its way to Android phones and tablets through the application that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Last year, NVIDIA also brought GeForce Now to iPhone and iPad via Safari.

The two companies announced today that the mobile-optimized version of Fortnite has been added to GeForce Now. In fact, Fortnite was already available in GeForce Now’s Android app. However, the current version is not mobile-friendly as it is exactly the same as the desktop version of the game. The new version, which has started the testing phase, has touch control support.

Thanks to the touch control support, Android and iPhone users will be able to play Fortnite without the need for any external joysticks and controllers . The new version has started the closed beta process on the GeForce Now platform, but the general release date is unknown. In addition, NVIDIA warned users participating in the beta that there is no keyboard and mouse support.

Closed beta has started

Those who want to play Fortnite on Android and iOS will sign up for the closed beta program starting today . NVIDIA will give selected members the chance to access the new version of Fortnite in the coming days. GeForce Now serves as GFN powered by GAME+ in our country. However, the beta version is not yet available on GAME+’s website.

So what do you guys think about this? We are waiting your comments!

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