
Fortnite crashes with the error “The program“ bad_module_info ”is not working”

In the overwhelming majority, this error occurs due to the update of Windows 10 under the number “1709”. The update was supposed to improve the FPS, as well as all the optimization in games, but good intentions turned out to be the reverse side in the form of the “bad_module_info” error. However, users noticed that in this case, crashes occur most of all with applications that run on the Unreal Engine. A similar bug is found not only in Fortnight, but also in other popular games, for example: PUBG, Blade and Soul, DayZ. At the same time, the frequency of its manifestation is different – some cannot start a video game, while others play in this mode for some time. There are several options for fixing this error.

Solution # 1 – giving the game admin rights

Forum users describe this method, which helped many to solve the bad_module_info problem.

  • Go to the game installation folder.
  • Right click “FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping”, select “Properties” / “Compatibility”. Be sure to check the “Run as administrator” and “Apply” boxes.
  • Likewise, right-click FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping-BE / Properties / Compatibility / Run as Administrator / Apply / OK.
  • Do the same for “FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping-EAC” and be sure to repeat this process for “FortniteLauncher.exe”.

Restart your computer and launch the title.

Solution # 2 – Disable Full Screen Optimization for Fortnite

In the last tenths of Windows, there is a new gaming feature that is designed specifically for gamers: “Full Screen Optimization Mode”. When enabled, this allows the OS to optimize the performance of PC video games and various applications for maximum performance. At the same time, gamers noticed that this optimization, for many game processes of different games, not only works poorly, but generally knocks out the game with the error “The program“ bad_module_info ”does not work …”. In this case, it is recommended to try 3 disabling options. they are not universal for everyone. Option 1 – for a specific game:

  • Navigate to the executables: FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe and FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping_BE.exe. Epic Games Fortnite FortniteGame Binaries Win64. Click RMB.
  • You need to select Properties, then Compatibility.
  • Check the “Disable full screen optimizations” / “Apply” checkbox.

This will disable the full screen optimization specifically for Fortnight. Option 2 – disable for all users:

  • Right-click on the executable file of the game, then “Properties” / “Compatibility” / button “Change settings for all Windows 10 users” / “Disable optimization in full screen” / “Apply” / “OK”.

Option 3 – completely disable in Windows:

  • Press the key combination Win + I and open “Options”.
  • Go to the “System” / “Display” tab.
  • At the bottom, click on “More Graphics Options”.
  • Then uncheck the box next to “Enable optimization …..”.

One of three options should help fix Fortnite crashes with the “bad_module_info” message.

Solution # 3 – Rollback OS update

In the “Update Center” section, find where the updates are installed. You need to uninstall update KB4056892 (1709).

Install the newest cumulative under the code “KB4088776” instead of the remote one.

Restart your computer and start the game. If it did not work and the error was not resolved, do a full rollback of Windows 10. Go to the following path:

  • Directory go to “Updates and Security” / “Recovery”.
  • Select rollback (please note you need to choose to save personal files).
  • Follow the further pop-up instructions.

These actions will restore an early version of Windows. By the way, there are no complaints about this error in Windows 7. However, the rollback performed can be carried out exclusively for the licensed version, so you will need a key.

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