
Apex Legends – Failed to start game. Error code: 30007

When playing modern games, such as Apex Legends, gamers often encounter error code 30007. As a result, this is accompanied by a complete refusal of the server from a direct connection to the network game. In some cases, the servers work without interruptions in normal mode.

Probable causes

Many people get error 30007 not only when starting Apex Legends, but also quite often this bug occurs in Fortnite, Crossout, Dead by Daylight, Paladins. Although the reasons are clear from the description – EasyAntiCheat is not running. It is known that it is impossible to enter the server without Anti-Cheat, since it is a protective barrier against cheaters, which is a prerequisite for organizing a gaming network. Therefore, all solutions to fix the bug are reduced to connecting EasyAntiCheat and updating drivers.

Test mode enabled on PC

To fix error 30007 in Apex Legends, you need to disable test mode on your computer. For all Windows operating systems, the algorithm for this action is the same. It should also be taken into account that Administrator rights are required. So:

  • Call the “Run” window using the Win + R keys.
  • Enter the command “cmd” (no quotes only). Click “OK” (or or press “Enter”).
  • Enter the following command at a command prompt: bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF, then press Enter.
  • The message “Operation completed successfully” appears.
  • Close the tab and restart your PC.

An important point: if the message remains after a complete restart of the computer, you must enter these commands:

After each, be sure to press the “Enter” key. Then restart your computer again and start Battle Royale.

Reinstall “Easy Anti-Cheat”

Reinstalling “EasyAnti-Cheat” also helps fix error 30007 in Apex Legends.

  • Go directly to the directory of the computer game and find the folder of the same name “EasyAntiCheat”.
  • Run “EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe” (executable file) there.
  • A window will appear where you need to select Apex Legends in the store in the middle.
  • Then click “Help with recovery”. Thus, Anti-Cheat will be reinstalled.

The whole manipulation takes only a couple of minutes. Upon completion, a message such as “Installed successfully” will appear. Now reopen the Origin client, while it may ask you to log into your account by entering your username and password. Provide this information and start the game.

Updating Drivers

In principle, the standard recommendation when such errors occur (code 30007). Nvidia and AMD have released fresh graphics card drivers that not only optimize hardware but also fix various issues with Apex Legends. You need to install updates from the official GeForce Experience website:

… The whole algorithm of your actions is presented in the screenshots:

Automatic driver updates

Instead of the first option for updating drivers, you can use this method. Download, install and run Driver Boost (

). When launched, this application will automatically scan your operating system. Upon completion of this process, you will be provided with a list of PC components and installed drivers. The program itself determines which ones require updating and which are relevant.

Restart your PC and turn on the game.

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