
Why Android Apps Are Worse Than iOS Apps

The range of applications for iOS and Android is about the same. While there are exceptions here and there, they are the exception rather than the rule. And all the main programs and services like YouTube, Gmail, Sberbank Online, Google Maps, etc. available for both platforms at once, and they are created, which is logical in principle, by the same developers. However, if you start comparing applications from the App Store and Google Play, it may suddenly turn out that the same program on iOS and Android works differently, and not in favor of the Google platform.

Despite the similarities , iOS apps do turn out to be better than Android apps. This also applies to the stability of work, and functional limitations, which often manifest themselves, regardless of the will of the developer. But first things first.

Differences between iOS and Android

The reason for all the problems that Android software suffers from is: a) the radical differences between Google OS smartphones and b) the ignorance of developers about these differences. They simply have no idea what devices they make their software for. And we are not even talking about hardware, because modern smartphones have the same plus or minus, but about the capabilities of their software shells.

Well, see for yourself. All iPhones, iPads and iPod touches are made by Apple itself. Accordingly, it has the ability to put into the Xcode development environment, where applications are created, all combinations of the hardware of its devices, as well as their software capabilities. Therefore, on iOS, in principle, a situation is unthinkable when the same application works differently on different iPhone models.

On Android, this is found all around. Take even the basic function of any application – sending notifications. Surely you have heard that someone gets push notifications 10 times for one event, and someone never receives notifications , and people cannot get smartphones to send notifications from, say, WhatsApp or Gmail.

This happens because of the incompatibility of software functions. For example, Xiaomi smartphones have a special power saving mode that disables all background processes, including the ability to send push notifications . Therefore, if Xiaomi users use WhatsApp in power saving mode , they will not receive notifications. But – that’s bad luck – some OnePlus does not block notifications, and everything works fine there.

Why pure Android is better

But there are more serious differences. After all, modern smartphones are equipped with displays and cameras, which often simply do not match the equipment of other devices. This is not only the size of the matrices, but also the resolution. Therefore, the developer needs to know what screen resolution they have, and what is its actual size, in order to get their application to work correctly on all smartphones. But taking into account the interests of users of all Android devices that are on sale is almost impossible, given their number.

But even if the developers knew what screen resolution a particular smartphone has, often they just don’t care. They will never adapt their applications for these smartphones, because it is too expensive. And even if not too much, it is unlikely that any of them will agree to spend their time to please a small handful of users.

So it turns out that Android applications can work more or less adequately only on a clean OS , which is not flavored with external shells. It’s just that developers won’t need to take into account the many different factors that will affect the operation of their software. They will make it according to Google’s predetermined templates and will not be mistaken. That is, exactly as it happens on iOS, where Apple checks the actual performance of applications.

But since there are almost no smartphones on pure Android on sale (units), we can only come to terms with the fact that most applications will not work correctly on devices with the manufacturer’s software shell. Developers are not able to take into account all their functional features. So, if you want a normally working smartphone and the software that you install, you either need a Google Pixel or an iPhone.

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