Tips & Tricks

Whatsapp status: A complete guide to use

WhatsApp messenger has a feature that is very similar to Instagram stories, but few people know about it and use it. Statuses allow you to share interesting moments of life, and if you need WhatsApp to communicate with customers, then statuses can become an additional tool for promoting and attracting attention to goods/services.

In the article we will tell you what statuses are in WhatsApp and how to use them.

  1. Overview of the WhatsApp Status feature – what it is, how to send and edit, who is available
  2. How to put a photo or video status in whatsapp?
  3. Overview of the photo and video status editor in WhatsApp
  4. How to put text status in whatsapp?
  5. whatsapp status settings
  6. How to share whatsapp status?
  7. How to find out the number of views of your status in WhatsApp?
  8. How to see someone else’s status in whatsapp?
  9. How to know who viewed your whatsapp status?
  10. How to reply to someone else’s whatsapp status?
  11. Conclusion

Overview of the WhatsApp Status feature – what it is, how to send and edit, who is available

Whatsapp status is a short photo, video, or text message that disappears after 24 hours (similar to a story). The tool is located in the ” Status ” tab (thanks, Captain Obvious).

Statuses can be seen by your contacts, you can also manually forward the status to specific contacts in a private message. The posted status looks like a circle with the contact’s avatar in a frame. A colored circle means that the status is not viewed, while a colorless circle indicates viewed ones.

WhatsApp has 4 types of statuses – photos, videos up to 30 seconds long, text on a colored background and GIF. Also, statuses have an editor like the editor in Instagram stories.

Important: only those people who are in your address book and you are in their address book can see the status. That is, if you saved Petya to the phone’s address book, but he does not have you, he will not see your status unless you send it manually.

How to put a photo or video status in whatsapp?

We go to the “Status” section. While you have not posted any status, there will be a green plus on the avatar. We click on it. There is also a green camera icon in the lower right corner. You can click right there.

The camera opens, as in stories. If you click on the central button once, the camera will take a photo. If you hold down the button, you get a video. You can send a video of 30 seconds at a time, if the video is longer, you need to send it in parts (this also works like in stories).

You can download the finished file from the gallery. To do this, scroll the tape from the latest files, or swipe up to open the gallery.

Choose a photo or video. The editor opens.

Overview of the photo and video status editor in WhatsApp

There are 4 tools at the top of the editor:

Crop photo (also allows you to flip the file).


Text. Allows you to write text over an image or video. To change the color of the letters, just swipe up and down on the color palette on the right. Text can be moved to different parts of the screen, as well as enlarged and reduced. There is only one font in this editor.

Pencil. This is also a text tool – it turns the color palette on and off. That is, to change the color of the text, you can use either of the last two tools.

If you swipe up at the bottom of the editor, a panel with color correction filters will open. So far there are only 5 of them. The filter is applied only to the image, but not to the text written in the editor.

At the bottom of the editor, you can add a signature to the file.

To replace the file, click on the icon of two squares with a plus. To publish a status, you need to click on the arrow in the green circle.

How to put text status in whatsapp?

Click on the pencil icon in the gray circle (in the lower right corner).

We write the text.

There are 3 additional tools available in the editor:

Smilies. Here the emoticons are different from the first editor – these are the same as when chatting in WhatsApp.

gif. They are located in the section with emoticons, only at the bottom of the library you need to click on the GIF icon (downloaded from the Giphy website). There is a search for gifs.

Fonts (letter T). Click on it and the font changes. There are 5 fonts available.

Background color (icon with paints). There is no palette where you can choose a specific color – just click in a row, and each time the background will change. There are 21 colors available in the editor.

whatsapp status settings

You can configure who can see your statuses, as well as enable / disable read receipts. To do this, go to the status section and click on 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner (not opposite the status, but above).

There is a “Status Privacy” section here. By default, all your contacts see new statuses, but you can exclude some of them (“Contacts except …” item) or set up automatic sending to a specific contact from the list (“Share with…” item).

We return to the menu, under the item “Status Privacy” there is also just “Settings”.

Here we separately go to “Account”, then “Privacy”. Below is the “Status” tab – in it you can configure the visibility of statuses in the same way as in the previous paragraph. Even lower – “Reading reports”. Make sure the slider is set to ON to be able to see the number of status views.

How to share whatsapp status?

The status can be sent in a personal message of the messenger. We go to the section with statuses. Opposite your click on 3 horizontal dots.

An additional window opens. Click on the 3 dots again. You can forward, share or delete the status.

The “Forward” button allows you to send the status inside the WhatsApp messenger to any contact from the list.

The “Share” button allows you to poison the status outside the messenger. That is, you can talk about the status of the audience in other instant messengers and social networks. How it looks like – click on the “Share …” button, select Telegram in the list and send the status to the selected contact or channel / group. It is sent as a simple picture without a hint of WhatsApp.

In the same menu, you can delete your status, or it will automatically disappear after 24 hours.

PS If you delete the status that was sent in a private message, it will be deleted from the correspondence.

How to find out the number of views of your status in WhatsApp?

Click on 3 dots opposite the status, to the right of the avatar you can see the number of views, and when the status was posted.

When you have a lot of statuses, they are arranged in a list and in front of each there is an icon with an eye and the number of views.

Only views within WhatsApp are counted.

How to see someone else’s status in whatsapp?

There are 2 ways:

  1. View in the section of all statuses. Your statuses are at the top of the list in the “Status” section. Aliens are below, in the “Recent” subsection. If it’s empty, it means your contacts haven’t posted any statuses in the last 24 hours.
  2. If the status was shared with you in private messages, you can open and view it in the correspondence.

How to know who viewed your whatsapp status?

Open your status, at the bottom there will be a number of views. We click on them – an additional panel opens, which indicates which of the WhatsApp contacts looked at the status.

How to reply to someone else’s whatsapp status?

Open someone else’s status in the status section. At the bottom there will be a Reply button. Swipe up and write a message.


Statuses in WhatsApp are the second stories, but since the main purpose of the messenger is correspondence, few people use statuses (there is no special need). Status is more of a nice addition to the messenger than a serious tool. This also explains the poor functionality of the editor.

If you plan to use statuses for promotion (for example, publish promotions and company news), you need to look in practice to see if the effect of this tool will be specific to you. Still, Instagram stories give more returns, especially since they are already becoming the main type of content on Instagram, gradually replacing the feed.

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