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SEO Copywriting: How to be the first in Google

You may not know it, but more than 500 websites are born every minute and even if only a few of them were your real competitors, the figure certainly has a certain effect: that is why today we want to talk to you about SEO Copywriting, or how to write for search engines. and position yourself in the top positions and at the same time offer quality content to users.

Today to be a good online competitor it is necessary to think, but above all to write with an SEO perspective and only through Copywriting SEO or Copy SEO the task of creating content for your company can we obtain the desired results, that is, intercept searches of potential customers and generate quality traffic to your site. So pay attention, we explain how to do SEO copywriting in a really effective way.

The phases of SEO Copywriting: knowing the search intention of users

Many entrepreneurs think that it is still enough to sit in front of the computer and write an article based on their emotions and knowledge, in reality the first phase of Copywriting SEO is to identify and know the search intention of the users , that is, if the written query is of a navigable, commercial or informative type.

If you analyze the results that the Google SERP shows for a keyword of interest, you will see how the different contents respond to each of the different objectives: some want to give information to a user who is at the beginning of the purchase process, others they contain a commercial call to action (CTA) and are aimed at customers who have already chosen the product and others are created for an online shopping service.

Before even writing the content, make sure you know your user and analyze the search results in detail: what are we talking about? What are the most discussed topics? How is the content structured? And much more that you can see while you search.

Focus on original and quality content

Today, creating content on Google and other search engines means offering users a valuable product, well written, free of grammatical errors and complete. Google’s goal is to answer users’ questions in a professional manner, and in addition to human evaluators who constantly examine compliance with the guidelines provided by Google to evaluate each web page based on different elements:

  • Purpose of the page or site
  • Extensive and complete content
  • Author experience level

Doing Copy SEO effectively means knowing a topic in an advanced way and presenting it precisely and consistently with the purpose of each page.

How to use keywords in SEO copywriting

One of the most discussed concepts among SEO copywriters is keyword density , or the number of times a keyword should be repeated in the text: this is an outdated concept, since Google rewards naturally written content , without forcing the inclusion of keywords in the text.

Our advice is to alternate the target keyword with related keywords, synonyms and plurals since the search engine today is getting smarter and whoever does a natural semantic SEO has more chances to rank high in the search results , giving the impression of authoritative and complete content.

If you need keywords we advise you to use our:

Free keyword search engine

Despite this, the main keyword must appear in the following elements of the text:

  • Title and meta description
  • Title H1, H2 and H3
  • Images

Let’s look at two quick tips for optimizing the Title tag :

  1. Put the main keyword at the beginning.
  2. Use a maximum of 65 to 70 characters, including spaces.

As for the Metadescription or Metadescription instead, it is better not to exceed 160 characters (always including spaces) and also enter the related keywords for which the article has been optimized.

Remember that keywords are part of a larger mind map to write the content and include all the most important topics, in terms of search intent and search volumes, which will be developed in individual detailed paragraphs.

Finally, images explain to Google the topic of the article, and in this case, the main keyword must be present in the ALT attribute of the image and in the name of the image file.

Effective SEO copywriting: the importance of the title

The title of the content must be able to capture the attention of users in a few seconds and, if precision and conciseness are the main characteristics, in recent years some standards have emerged to transform the headline into a true magnet for the potential reader. . There are different types of title templates on which to base your SEO Copywriting activity:

  • List: “5 ways to…”, “3 tools to…”, etc.
  • Questions
  • Denials: “How NOT to do SEO copywriting”
  • Secrets / tips and tricks

Depending on the possible reader you write to, use a different model, but remember that if you want to reveal the secrets of your business, it must be information that is really unknown to most people, so as not to generate false expectations.

SEO Content Length: How Much to Write?

The most frequent question of those who start writing for the web is : How many words does an SEO content have to have? The answer, contrary to what you might believe, is not a minimum of 400 words or 2,000 words or so, but simply: just enough.

The important thing is to respect the rules seen above and many others that SEO professionals use every day with our clients, but above all to create complete content that offers a real answer to the query that users write in the search engine. Very often, pillar pages are better positioned, i.e. really long texts, but what about pages with very little text?

Each query requires a certain number of words to match, also depending on the user’s search intent.

Finally, we must not forget to carefully format the text with lists, tables and videos, perhaps analyzing how the main competitors have structured the page and using bold to facilitate reading, but without exaggeration.

Correct use of internal links and external links

The final topic we address in this article on SEO copywriting is how to insert internal and external links to give the page more authority and optimize them using the best anchor text, which also contains the main keyword.

Remember, in addition to internal links, also insert some external links to an authoritative source that must be consistent with the content of the page: Google tends to favor this content, considering it more prestigious.


If you really want to know how to be the first in Google , we will tell you that writing SEO optimized content is an art and here we will only show you some basic tips to create effective web pages . The world of SEO copywriting is constantly evolving and so are search engine algorithms, which are constantly working to improve the service offered to their users.

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