
PS4 Error E-82000163

Surely each of you has faced the problem of paying for purchases on the Internet. Paying for a purchase in the PlayStation Store, believe me, is much more difficult. This is indicated by error E-82000163, which means that the address registered in your account does not match the address of the credit card. In addition, there are many other pitfalls, but we will talk about them another time. So, to solve the error E-82000163, there is one simple way that you need to follow.

If you find error E-82000163, don’t despair, just log into your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) account and change the address corresponding to your credit card address. Please note that the match must be 100%. Many are likely to spark a discussion about the fact that data cannot be changed, but it is not. True, it is impossible to change data through the console, but no one canceled other methods. Use a stationary PC, smartphone or tablet, log into your account and change your data.

As you can see,  error E-82000163 can be solved quite simply. We also recommend that you read our PS4 Payment Errors Solution Guidelines in the Resolving Payment Errors article. 

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