PS4 Error CE-35657-6
PS4 users are often faced with the problem that the application cannot be launched – the application data may be corrupted. This is accompanied by error code CE-35657-6 flashing on the screen. We will tell you how to solve the error CE-35657-6 in this article. So, error CE-35657-6 is treated by following the simplest instructions described below.
Step 1: Go to [Notifications] and select [Downloads] . Then we delete the notification about the previous failure.
Step 2: Now we make a backup copy of the data, saving it to the PS4 online storage or to a USB drive. We start the system in safe mode. We wrote earlier how to start the PS4 system in safe mode. It remains to select the item in the safe mode menu [Rebuild Database].
Step 3: If the error CE-35657-6 could not be solved, select [Settings] in the menu item, go to [Initialization] and click on [Initialize PS4 system (reinstall system software)] to further initialize the PS4 system. Please note that for this step you will need a USB drive with the System Update File.