PS4 error CE-33988-1
The test network connection error is not only relevant for error CE-33988-1. It is also interpreted by the PS4 system as error CE-33987-0, CE-33983-6, CE-33985-8, or CE-33986-9, which we wrote about earlier. To solve the error CE-33988-1, it is enough to follow a series of simple steps.
Try to reconfigure your router. Before doing this, update its firmware to the latest version. Chances are good that your connection is simply loaded. Wait a bit before repeating the steps. If possible, disconnect all devices using the same network. If error CE-33988-1 is repeated again, then there is nothing left to do but to recommend that you change the value of the MTU parameter to 1473 in the settings of your router. This helped some users.
You can check the functionality of your Internet connection by going to the [Settings] > [Network] menu item and clicking on [Test Internet Connection] .
When the PSN server is under maintenance, this can also affect the occurrence of error CE-33988-1. PSN network status can be checked by following this. Then try connecting again.