
PS4 error CE-33987-0

In this article, we will talk about the already boring error CE-33987-0, which means that an error occurred while checking the Internet connection. Many people wonder, and we too, why in the PS4 system the error CE-33987-0 is similar to such errors as  CE-33986-9,  CE-33985-8,  CE-33984-7  and  CE-33983-6, which we are talking about already wrote earlier.

We have no choice but to recommend that you update the firmware version of your router to the latest one. If error CE-33987-0 repeats again for a long time, then we recommend going into the router’s settings and changing the MTU value to 1473. But this is only a possible option and will not give you a 100% guarantee. Also try to disconnect all devices using the current network, as there is a high probability that it is overloaded and this causes the CE-33987-0 error to appear.

Check your internet connection directly. To do this, go to  [Settings]  >  [Network]  and select  [Test Internet Connection] .

Another cause of the CE-33987-0 error is a technical problem on the PSN server side. Check PSN status on this. Then try to connect again.

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