
Online strategy games

Are you a big fan of strategy games and, as such, are you constantly looking for new titles to enjoy from your PC, smartphone, tablet and console? Then let me tell you: you’ve come to the right place, at the right time.

In today’s article, in fact, I want to talk to you about some of the best online strategy games available on the square: these are multiplayer titles (but not only) that can be played directly from the browser, through special clients to be installed on the PC or, again , from mobile and console. There really is something for everyone, for sure you will be able to find something that will satisfy you.

Then? May I know what are you still standing there? Position yourself comfortably, take a few minutes of free time just for you and immediately start concentrating on reading what is reported below. I am sure that in the end you will be able to find at least one game that will attract your attention and that you will also be able to say that you are very happy and satisfied. What do you say, we bet?


  • Online strategy games for PC
    • Steam
    • Microsoft Store
    • Mac App Store
    • Online browser strategy games
  • Online strategy games for smartphones
  • Online strategy games for consoles

Online strategy games for PC

Are you looking for online strategy games to play on your PC ? So why don’t you turn to Steam , the Microsoft Store or the Mac App Store ? Certainly “sifting through” the various titles available in these digital showcases you will find something fun and at the same time exciting. To find out more, please continue reading.


Have you ever heard of Steam ? No? Bad, very bad indeed: you are missing a lot of interesting things! In any case, there is no problem, let’s fix it immediately: it is the Valve digital store which, in a short time, has managed to earn the title of market leader thanks to its boundless library of games, both paid and free. , belonging to practically every possible genre. To access the various games available on the platform, you need to download the appropriate client for Windows, macOS and Linux and register for the service.

That said, to be able to download Steam on your computer, go to its website for the service and click on the Install Steam button located at the top right, then press the Install Steam now button .

When the download is complete, if you are using Windows , open the .exe file obtained, click on the Yes button in the window that is shown on the desktop and press the Next button . Then, check the box next to the item relating to the use of Italian , click again on the Next button and finish the setup by pressing the Install and Finish buttons .

If you are using macOS , instead, open the downloaded .dmg package and, in the window you see appear on the desktop, click on the Agree button . Then drag the Steam icon to the Mac Applications folder , right click on it and select the Open item from the menu that is shown to you, in order to start the client, however, going around the limitations imposed by Apple on applications from non-certified developers (this should only be done at first start). For more information, please refer to my article on how to download Steam .

At this point, regardless of the operating system used, wait for all the components necessary to run Steam to be downloaded from the Internet, then create your account (if you do not, you will not be able to use the service) by pressing the Create a button. new account in the window displayed and providing the data requested.

After logging in on Steam, through the window visible on the screen, click on the Store item  in the main menu of the client, select the word Games and choose the Strategy category , to view all the strategic ones on the platform.

If you want some advice about the titles to download, below is a short list of games that, in my humble opinion, you would do well to consider.

  • Insidia– tactical turn-based duel game set in a post-apocalyptic world where two contenders face off in fast-paced matches controlling a team of four heroes. The goal is to conquer the enemy and claim the loot: it is free-to-play and is available for Windows and macOS.
  • Dota 2– is one of the most famous strategists around. The players are divided into two teams and the main objective is to destroy the opposing fortress. Each player controls a hero and must participate in the game by coordinating with the other members. Also note that it has beautiful 3D graphics. It is free-to-play and is available for both Windows and macOS.
  • War Thunder– military-themed strategy game in which you find yourself commanding armored vehicles, naval units, etc. of the Second World War and the Cold War. It is free-to-play and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

After identifying the game you want to download, if it is a free title, press the Start game button . If, on the other hand, it is a paid game, click on the Add to cart button , on the Purchase for me button , indicate the payment method you prefer to use (card or PayPal) and provide the relevant data, then click on the Continue button to view the order summary and confirm the purchase.

Subsequently, access the Library section  of the client, press on the name of the game in the sidebar on the left, click on the Install option and follow the instructions that are shown on the screen to start the download and to finally start playing. If you feel you need more details, you can refer to my guide specifically focused on how Steam works .

Microsoft Store

If you are using a PC with Windows 10 installed , you can download many beautiful online strategy games also from the Microsoft Store , the official store for video games and applications that the Redmond company has made available on its latest operating system: at inside you will find both free and paid titles. If I were you I would immediately give it a look!

To use it, access the store by clicking on its icon (the one with the shopping bag and the Windows logo ) located at the bottom left of the taskbar . Alternatively, open the Start menu by clicking on the relevant button (the one with the Windows flag ) at the bottom of the taskbar, type “Microsoft Store”  in the search field displayed and select the most relevant result.

Now that you see the Microsoft Store window on the screen, select the Games tab at the top, scroll the screen down, until you find the Categories section , and click on the Strategy item , to view all the strategy games present on the store. If you want, you can filter the various games displayed using the drop-down menus at the top. Additional filters are available by clicking on the More Filters button .

If you want some advice on the titles to download, below you will find a list of games that, in my opinion, you would do well to consider.

  • Instant War– strategic war game in which you have to develop your resources and attack enemies using a unified world map and focusing everything on geography. You have to recruit troops, develop new technologies, and fight enemies. It’s free, but offers in-app purchases.
  • Siegefall– strategy where you have to build an army made up of brave heroes, brave spirits, troops and magic cards, facing other players in real-time PvP battles. It’s free, but with in-app purchases.
  • The Rise of Empire: Defending Kingdom– strategy and combat game, multiplayer and in real time in which you have to create bases and cities, attack enemies and defend themselves from their raids. Free, but with in-app purchases.

When you find a strategy that interests you, to proceed with the download, click on its title and then on the Get / Install button (if it is a free title) or on the button with the price (in case it was a game payment) and wait for the download and installation procedure to complete. Then, click on the Play button to start the game immediately, or call it up from the Start menu , by selecting the relative link just added.

Keep in mind that if you have not added your Microsoft account to the Microsoft Store, after starting the download of a particular game you will be invited to do so, so that you can also play with the chosen title on other devices to which it is possibly connected profile. To login, click on the Login button and enter the required data. If you don’t care, click the No, thanks button instead .

Mac App Store

An official store, the Mac App Store , is also available on Apple-branded computers , through which it is possible to download applications and games of various kinds, including strategy ones.

To connect to the Mac App Store, click on its icon (the one with the “A” and the blue background ) located on the Dock bar . Alternatively, you can call up the store via Spotlight , Siri or by going to the Applications folder on your Mac.

Once the Mac App Store window is displayed on the screen, select the Categories item on the left and the Games item on the right. Subsequently, click on the wording Complete list  located in correspondence with the Top paid and Top free sections , to view the classic of all paid and free games. Unfortunately, there are no filters available through which to view only the strategic titles, therefore to find them you have to scroll through the list with all the games and identify them personally.

Alternatively, you can try to see if in the section of the Mac App Store dedicated specifically to games there is any strategic title in evidence: to access it, click on the Play item on the left and take a look at the contents offered on the right .

If you want some advice about strategy games to download from the Mac App Store, check out the following list.

  • Tactical Monsters– strategic in which you have to engage in quick turn-based battles by deploying monsters of various kinds on the battlefield. Key features of the game include the ability to progress through the main campaign to recruit new creatures, challenge other players in real time, and claim rewards. It’s free, but offers in-app purchases.
  • Stronghold Kingdoms– strategic game set in the Middle Ages in which you have to expand your village, build an army and challenge enemies in breathtaking battles. It’s free, but offers in-app purchases.
  • Total War: WARHAMMER– fantasy themed strategy title offering hundreds of hours of gameplay. Enjoy the complex storyline in campaign mode and take on enemy armies in exciting turn-based combat. It costs 54.99 euros.

When you find a game you want to download, click on its title and then on the Get / Install button (if it is a free game) or on the price button (if it is a paid game), then authorize the download via password of ‘ Apple ID or by Touch ID (if your Mac that supports this technology).

Online browser strategy games

If you are looking for online strategy games that can be used directly via the browser and that are worth trying, I suggest you take a look at MMOBOMB right  away . As easily understood from its name, it is a portal dedicated entirely to MMO titles (online multiplayer games) in which it is possible to find substantial rankings with the best video games divided by categories.

To start playing right away, go to the MMOBOMB website and start scrolling through the game rankings. When you find a title that interests you, click on it, consult its tab and press the Play Now button on the new page displayed, in order to start the title.

Another site on which you can find many online strategy games that can be used directly via browser is Kongregate : it is a portal that is part of the GameStop network and is one of the main websites in the world in terms of free games that can be used directly from the browser. The only thing to take into consideration is that the games are in Flash , so in order to use them you must have installed and enabled the plugin in your browser.

To start enjoying one of the many strategy titles available, visit its website , scroll through the list of available games and, when you find one that you think you will like, click on it and wait for it to load in the player in the center.

If you are asked to register, fill in the appropriate form that is proposed to you with the required data (email address, nickname etc.) and click on the Create My Account button . Alternatively, register with your Facebook account by pressing the button with the social network logo .

If you do not have time to “go through” the lists of games on the sites that I have just reported, here is a brief review of titles that I recommend you try.

  • Vikings: War Of Clans– game with interface in Italian in which it is possible to manage a Viking village, gradually expanding it and unlocking increasingly stronger combat units with which to raid other villages and repel external attacks.
  • Legends of Honor– title in which you find yourself managing a medieval empire, conquering new territories and accumulating wealth to ensure safety and well-being for your people. As you progress through the game, you can also unlock new units to add to the army and additional war machines.
  • Khan Wars– very interesting competitive strategy set in the Middle Ages in which you can start your own campaign to conquer enemy lands by choosing from 12 different nations, 4 types of knights and 17 battle units. To make the gameplay always tantalizing there are the activities that concern the collection of resources to build your own castle, the training of your army and the simulation of battles to see every action of your soldiers and adapt their position in the best way.
  • Wartune– another browser-based strategy game that combines the best of the industry’s titles while delivering an original, fun, and far-reaching gaming experience by browser game standards. It offers PvP battles, many dungeons, campaigns and even the ability to farm / craft. Free-to-play.
  • The Settlers Online– an excellent browser-based MMORTS produced by UbiSoft in which you have to play the role of a king and oversee your empire trying to expand it as much as possible. You can expand your territory in order to gather materials needed for construction, exploration and combat. Free-to-play, with a medieval setting.
  • Elvenar– fantasy strategy title set in a world populated by two races: elves and humans. You have to choose one and build and carry on a thriving and colorful empire. The flagship is undoubtedly the possibility of witnessing the fighting in reticulated battlefields where to place and move troops.

Online smartphone strategy games

As anticipated at the beginning of the guide, there are also online strategy games for smartphones (and tablets), both for Android and iOS devices . You can find them, respectively, through the Play Store and the App Store , which are the official digital stores for downloading apps and games on the platforms in question.

So, if you are using an Android smartphone , first start the Play Store, by tapping on the relative icon (the one with the colored triangle ) in the drawer (the screen where all the apps installed on the device are present). Subsequently, select the Games item at the top, then the words Categories and Strategy , in order to display only the games belonging to the category in question.

On the iPhone or iPad , on the other hand, open the App Store by tapping on its icon (the one with the “A” on a blue background ) located on the home screen . Then select the Games item at the bottom, scroll the new screen displayed until you find the Top categories section and press on the Strategy item , then scroll through the list of the various titles available to find the ones that interest you.

Below, you find a short list of the most interesting strategy games for Android and iOS.

  • Clash of ClansAndroid / iOS ) – is practically a milestone when it comes to strategy games on smartphones and tablets. You have to build a village and set up an army of barbarians, sorcerers, dragons or other warriors to build a real empire, attacking the territories of others. It’s free, but with in-app purchases.
  • Castle ClashAndroid / iOS ) – another very popular strategy title in which you have to build an army of elves, dwarves, animals or robots and build your empire by conquering various cities. It’s free, but offers in-app purchases.
  • 1941 Frozen FrontAndroid / iOS ) – war strategy title set in 1941, as can be guessed from the name itself, during the Second World War. It has a fairly vast and varied gameplay and the graphics are really well taken care of. It’s free, but offers in-app purchases.

Once you have identified the game you are interested in downloading, tap on its name. Then, if you are using Android , press the Install button  (in the case of free games) or the one with the price (in the case of paid games) and start the game by tapping the Open button that appeared on the screen or on its icon , which was added to the drawer.

If you are using iOS , on the other hand, press on the name of the game, then on the Get button (in the case of free games) or on the one with the price (in the case of paid games) and then tap the Install button . Then confirm the operation using the Face ID , the Touch ID or by typing the password of your Apple ID and start the game by tapping the Open button that appeared on the screen or by selecting the relative icon on the home screen.

Online strategy games for consoles

To conclude, as they say, I want to explain how to find interesting online strategy games even on consoles , more precisely on PS4 and Xbox One . Before anything else, however, check that the console in your possession is connected to the Internet through the relevant settings menu, following the instructions I gave you in my specific guides on how to play online with the PS4 and how to connect to Xbox Live .

Once this is done, go to the default virtual store of your console and identify, through it, the online strategy games you are interested in downloading, then select them and press the button to proceed with the download. More details on what to do, in particular with regard to free and free-to-play titles, can be found in my specific tutorials on how to download free games on PS4 and how to download free games on Xbox One .

Below, however, I have proceeded to include a short list of strategic games for PS4 and Xbox One that I think you would do well to consider.

  • SMITEPS4 / Xbox One ) – turn-based strategy title that includes a large amount of characters belonging to mythology and the deities of numerous religions. It offers various game modes (Arena, Conquest, Clash etc.) and has spectacular graphics to say the least. It is free-to-play.
  • AirMech ArenaPS4 / Xbox One ) – another real-time strategic title in which it is necessary to form platoons and destroy enemy fortresses using the AirMech units, war machines present in different types that are distinguished by the ability to transform from land units to half plane by simply pressing a button. It is free-to-play.
  • PaladinsPS4 / Xbox One ) – free-to-play game with a strategic, shooter and fantasy theme in which you clash with other players online by joining special teams. The fights also have objectives to be achieved and the heroes, the protagonists of the game, can be customized through collectible cards.

Also keep in mind the fact that to play online on PS4 and Xbox One it is essential to subscribe to the PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold service respectively . To learn more, I refer you to reading my guides on  how to play online on PS4 and how to play online on Xbox One .


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