
Junkware Removal Tool to remove unwanted programs

Junkware Removal Tool is a free program to remove unwanted software from your computer: adware, browser toolbars, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), traces of unwanted programs.

Quite often, during the process of installing programs, third-party software penetrates users’ computers. Unnecessary toolbars appear in browsers, default search engines change, the start page is replaced, extraneous programs that are completely unnecessary for the user are installed in the background.

To combat these phenomena, specialized programs are used to search for and remove adware and other potentially unwanted programs. On my website in the “Security” section, you will find reviews of programs that can be used to combat malicious and unwanted software.

Until recently, antiviruses did not pay attention to unwanted software, since hidden applications and built-in components are not viruses in the truest sense. Recently, many anti-virus vendors have begun to implement solutions in their products to deal with such unwanted, potentially dangerous software.

Features Junkware Removal Tool

The Junkware Removal Tool is designed to remove advertising models that are embedded in programs and other unwanted objects that penetrate the user’s computer. The program works in the command line interface.

The main features of the Junkware Removal Tool:

  • Detection and removal of more than 250 malicious objects.
  • Blocking and removing adware.
  • Removing toolbars and helper applications in browsers.
  • Removing potentially dangerous extensions in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer browsers.
  • Removing potentially unwanted programs.
  • Remove traces of potentially unwanted programs.

Junkware Removal Tool (JRV) is owned by Malwarebytes, a well-known antivirus software manufacturer, which previously acquired this utility from another developer.

The Junkware Removal Tool does not require installation on a computer, the application is portable. To use, run the program from a USB flash drive or directly from a computer.

The utility works in the Windows operating system in English, the Russian language is not needed for the program to work. In order to download the Junkware Removal Tool to your computer, follow the link to the official website of the developer, Malwarebytes.

Next, let’s figure out how to use the Junkware Removal Tool.

Removing unwanted programs in the Junkware Removal Tool

It makes sense for the user to use the Junkware Removal Tool after checking the computer with other programs such as AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, etc., if checking and cleaning the computer did not lead to the desired result.

Launch the application. Once launched, the Junkware Removal Tool is installed in the temporary folder “Temp”, and then launches the console as an administrator.

The console window displays a disclaimer message for the results of the program, the application is provided “as is”, the user assumes all risks.

Press any key to continue working.

Before making changes to the system and applications, the Junkware Removal Tool creates a system restore point, and then automatically cleans the computer of unwanted software.

The process of deleting unnecessary elements takes some time, and takes place without user intervention.

The console window sequentially displays the processes performed in the corresponding areas of the system:

  • “Requesting restore point” – creating a restore point (success – successful).
  • “Validating restore poin” – checking the restore point (success – successful).
  • “Processes” – running processes.
  • “Startup – Logon” – autoload, logon.
  • “Startup – Scheduled Task” – autoload, scheduled tasks.
  • “Services” – services.
  • “File System” is a file system.
  • “Browsers” – browsers.
  • “Shortcuts” – shortcuts.
  • “Preparing Report” – preparing a report.

Immediately after cleaning the computer with the Malwarebytes Junkware Removal Tool, a JRT.txt text file will open with a progress report that displays all the changes made by the program.

Review the contents of the file. Be aware that the program removes applications related to Mail.Ru.

Reverting system changes after using the Junkware Removal Tool

If, as a result of the actions of the utility, failures occur in the operation of the computer or applications, then perform a system restore using the restore point created before performing system cleanup in the Junkware Removal Tool.

If Windows does not boot, restore the system using the Windows installation disc, or using a bootable USB flash drive. For such situations, I advise you to have a DVD disc or a bootable USB flash drive with the version of the Windows operating system that is installed on this computer. After booting from removable media, perform a system restore.

The best option, before using the JRT program, is to backup the system partition for recovery in case of problems.

Article Conclusions

The free Junkware Removal Tool is designed to remove adware and unwanted software from your computer. The utility automatically performs actions to remove unnecessary software, without user intervention.

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