
Is CCleaner reliable?

Is CCleaner reliable: Whether free or paid, computer cleaning programs abound on the market. One of the most popular among the user community is the freeware CCleaner. Before using it, some novice consumers are still trying to find out if this software is reliable, which is completely normal. If you are one of them, then this post will be of great help to you. Read on to learn more.

CCleaner: what you need to know

As its name suggests, it is a free but powerful cleaning software designed for any Windows and Android operating system device. Deployed by a powerful developer, this freeware allows you to delete temporary files that you don’t need. Indeed, over time, it often happens that files accumulate in many folders on your device.

CCleaner therefore performs a very thorough scan of the hard drive in search of all unnecessary files. This includes such temporary data hosted by your system. The software then takes care of deleting these files and then emptying the trash. This is one of the main functions it has.

The other flagship feature is to clean the entire operating system of your device by deleting the caches of your browser (Firefox, Chrome or Microsoft Edge). If you wish, your passwords and identifiers entered on the sites will also be deleted. In addition, CCleaner allows you to erase both your unwanted files, including stored cookies and your browsing history.

Also, CCleaner is software that can uninstall damaged or outdated software and applications . With this nifty tool, you can not only create a backup of your system logs, but also prevent certain autostarts. Just make the necessary settings in CCleaner.

Ultimately, it is therefore a software that allows you to unclog the storage space of your device while optimizing the performance of its operating system. To put it simply, CCleaner is a good ally for cleaning up.

CCleaner: a cleaning software that has become malware, but…

Lately, more and more users are expressing serious doubts about the reliability of this tool which, in the past, was one of the most adopted. This can very well be understood because CCleaner was the victim of a hack which more or less tarnished its credibility with the public. Indeed, this attack from cybercriminals left several traces, including malware. The confidentiality of users’ personal data was therefore no longer guaranteed. Many of these people have seen their data siphoned off or misused in the process.

However, the developer was able to do the right thing very early on by implementing security provisions that have proven effective over time. Although the problem is solved, there is no guarantee that such a situation cannot happen again. Acquired by the company Avast, CCleaner has a paid version CCleaner Pro , designed with several additional features that intuitively improve cleaning, as well as the performance of your computer. Among the said features, there is for example a Software Updater which allows to install updated versions of obsolete programs. This is a noticeable difference from the older software variant which only uninstalled them.

In addition, this paid version includes in its assets a support service. The latter will allow you to obtain all the information you may need on the licenses or the software itself. You’ll also see a Health Check feature to boost cyber security and improve your computer’s startup. With the Driver Updater , systems are faster and bug issues are solved.

It would be advisable for any beginner to opt for the paid version CCleaner Pro rather than the free one already labeled as malware.

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