Tips & Tricks

How to view Instagram Stories without an account

There is a website called Storiesig that allows you to see Instagram Stories without an account , so you can see as many as you want without limit and best of all, you don’t need to register or anything like that, you only have to know the nickname of person.

So far, to view an Instagram Stories of someone you follow you have to enter their profile and click on their account image, this will open the stories they have uploaded and you will be able to see it, in addition, that user will know that the Have you seen all or one in particular?

With the Storiesig tool that does not happen, although the profile you look at must be public , it is private and you will not be able to consult it with this website. With Storiesig what you do is to view Instagram Stories without an account , you will do it anonymously. Its use, as you will see below, is quite simple, these are the steps you must follow.

  1. Open the Storiesig website that we leave you just below.

Website: Storiesig

  1. In the “username” box, put the nickname of the user whose Instagram Stories you want to see, we refer to, for example, @elgrupoinformatico. If you don’t remember very well, the website itself gives you some suggestions as you write so you can find it.
  2. When you have it, click on the user and the “stories” section will open , you will be able to know the number of stories and when they were uploaded, although you will also be able to see the highlights that they have on, including their Reels and longest videos that they have uploaded on IGTV clicking on each of the tabs.

If you do not have stories uploaded, the message “no stories to show” will appear. By the way, you can download Instagram Stories to your computer, so you have them in case you want to consult them in the future, as remember that they disappear after 24 hours.

As you can see, with Storiesig you don’t have to do anything unusual or register for the service, just know the person’s nickname to see their Instagram Stories quickly from your computer, although you can also see them from your mobile whenever you go to your browser and access this website.

But keep something in mind, Storiesig does not always work and with some profiles it does not show Instagram Stories, with others it is possible to view them, something curious because the website works, but it seems that it has some kind of error with many profiles because it does not show its content .

Alternatives to Storiesig

There are alternatives to Storiesig that do the same thing, that is, they allow you to view the Stories of an Instagram profile without having to log in with your Instagram account, viewing them anonymously so that no one finds out. We are going to show you some options.

stories down

Storiesdown is one of the best alternatives to Storiesig, in case the latter doesn’t work for you at some point. Its operation could not be simpler, you just need to know the name of the profile whose Stories you want to view and start seeing their Stories.

Website: Storiesdown


InstaStories is another website that you should visit if any of the above options doesn’t work for you, just like the others, just by knowing the name of the profile you will be able to know if they have uploaded any Instagram Stories in the last hours and view them without an account or register in anything .

Website: InstaStories


Another option is InstaDP , another web service with which you can view the Instagram Stories of any profile, as long as you know their name. In this case, it even allows you to download these Stories before the 24 hours have passed, after which time they disappear.

Website: InstaDP

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