
How to use Rotband plaster

Dry mix “Knauf Rotband” is a finishing material used to level the walls. The ready-made solution is used for repairs before finishing.

Advantages of a versatile material

High quality building gypsum plaster is intended for manual leveling of hard substrates. It fits well on cement, brick, reinforced concrete, cement-bonded and expanded polystyrene plates. The benefits include the following characteristics:

  1. the terms of repair work are reduced, as it dries and hardens quickly;
  2. exceptional adhesion to dissimilar surfaces due to polymer admixtures;
  3. plasticity, resistance to delamination, cracking;
  4. preservation of shape and volume after drying;
  5. low weight of the finished layer;
  6. absence of harmful impurities in the composition;
  7. breathable, absorbs excess moisture;
  8. no filler treatment is required;
  9. gives fire-resistant qualities to walls and ceilings.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the high price and the need for preliminary preparation of the base.  

Preparation for work

Before starting, you should clean the surface. For example, the lime-sand coating is removed to the base. The cement layer is checked for strength by knocking on it with a hammer. If a ringing sound is heard, it means that it will still serve. When a thud is heard, it is removed completely, otherwise it can move away at any time. Old protrusions and irregularities are cleaned up with a puncher or ax. Then, after completely removing the remnants of the old coating, dust is swept away, and the plane is covered with a primer and kept for about 5 hours until completely dry.

Before proceeding to the second stage, readiness is checked. If nothing crumbles with the palm of your hand, and the hand remains clean, then you can apply.

Installing the guides

To align the plane, profile beacons are used. Special metal or plastic L-shaped blanks are installed on the outer corners. The spacing between them is made less than the rule (tool for plastering), which is smoothed.

The plaster mixture is diluted in a small amount of water for sculpting corners and lighthouses. It is applied with a spatula, and then the beacons are attached at a distance of 200 mm, after which a metal profile is applied to them.

When fixing intermediate perforated guides, a thread is used, pulling it from above and below. They work with a spirit level – a simple device for checking horizontalness. After hardening, they begin to apply the matured mixture.

“Knauf Rotband” is used only at positive temperatures, which should not be lower than 5 °. It must be used up within 20 minutes. Apply with a trowel or spatula, filling the entire area. Experts do not recommend leaving grooves. Then they smooth it out with the rule – they pull the solution from top to bottom, removing the excess. If voids are formed, they are filled again.

The final stage

After 15–20 minutes after the end of the alignment, the partition is moistened with water, then rubbed in a circular motion with a spongy float. After finishing, you can start gluing the wallpaper. When painting is needed without applying a finishing layer, you will have to walk over the moistened partition with a metal grater again.

If you could not prepare the area for painting, use a finishing filler for priming. It will smooth out roughness. The best option is to purchase ready-made Knauf Rotband Pasta.

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