
How to switch the Plus from one account to another

You’ve been hearing a lot lately about sharing some of the benefits gained by signing up for a PlayStation Plus membership with another account registered on your console. The thing interests you somewhat, but you would like to understand well what are the features for which Sony has provided the application and, above all, the procedure to implement it.

I want to give you some great news right away: it is not at all difficult to understand how to switch the Plus from one account to another , and many of the interesting benefits you have obtained by activating this subscription are actually transferable to a second user. So what do you think? I see that you agree with me that the time has come to investigate the matter further!

Well, I have prepared this tutorial specifically to clarify the subject: if you spend a few minutes of your precious time reading the next paragraphs, you will see that sharing the account will be easier than expected and that you will soon be able to take advantage of it. of many useful features even on a second account. I just have to wish you all the best and I sincerely hope my suggestions make your PlayStation Plus experience even more enjoyable!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to switch the Plus from one account to another
    • From PS4
    • From PS5

Preliminary information

First of all, I think it is appropriate to make a brief summary of the functioning of PlayStation Plus , to have a clearer outline of all the features that are provided in this form of subscription. If you are still in doubt about the activation, it will certainly be useful for you to deepen its characteristics and decide whether to proceed with greater knowledge of the facts.

If, on the other hand, you have already done so in the past, I still recommend that you quickly review the various functions in the next paragraphs: often many go into the background and you may rediscover some that you had not particularly considered during the subscription phase. I also remind you that to proceed with the activation you need a PlayStation Network (PSN) account with access to the PlayStation Store and an Internet connection .

Subscription to PlayStation Plus (you can find all the details on the procedure by reading my dedicated guide ) can be done by choosing between three options of different duration: the annual plan costs 59.99 euros , the quarterly one 24.99 euros and the monthly one 8 , 99 euros . The subscription, therefore, is renewed with the frequency provided for by the chosen plan, unless the cancellation is made in advance .

There is, therefore, no difference in the benefits acquired: all the plans provide the same features but, as just indicated, with a different deadline. Let’s see below what it is.

  • PS Plus monthly games. Two PS4 games are made available for free each month and remain available for the duration of the subscription. These are very interesting titles, which have received significant support from end users over the years.
  • Online multiplayer. Through this feature you have the opportunity to play online with friends, participate in online tournaments, or even join an online gamer community.
  • Discounts. You will be entitled to extra discounts, in addition to the promotions already on the PS Store. In addition, you will have early access to demo or trial versions of different games and the ability to pre-order the most exclusive titles well in advance of their release.
  • Exclusive game content. You will have free access to a whole range of content, such as skins or weapons, to be integrated into your games.
  • Cloud storage. 100 GB are made available for saving game progress, which you can access from any other console (only if the game itself is already installed) to continue gameplay.
  • Sharing. This is one of the themes that probably interests you the most, namely the ability to play multiplayer and co-op titles with another user, or hand over control of single-player games to other friends.
  • PS5. Those who also own a PS5 can access the PlayStation Plus Collection for free, which consists of a selection of the best compatible PS4 titles.

Among the advantages I have just listed, some can be shared with another user who, however, must necessarily be certified on the same PS4 console that you have set as the main one (I will explain the procedure to you in the next chapter ), as indicated in the terms of service accepted. when signing up for the PS Plus service. Basically, you can’t make them available to a friend on a different console .

One of the most interesting is undoubtedly the possibility to take advantage of the online multiplayer mode , but you must pay attention to any filters set on the second account: if, in fact, the latter is associated with a profile for children , it may not access some games and content reserved for a higher age group , as indicated in the related PEGI (the Pan European Game Information that define age classification labels ).

The second account can, eventually, also access in single player mode to titles purchased with the discounts dedicated to PlayStation Plus subscribers , to free monthly games, if downloaded to the device (cannot download those redeemed) and to take advantage of some contents (such as themes ) purchased on the store.

With regard to minors , moreover, it is also necessary to know that they can proceed with the purchase or redemption (read my dedicated guide if you want to know the functioning of this particular method of purchase) of the PlayStation Plus subscriptions in progress, which are charged by the family administrator’s wallet within the established spending limit (find my guide on limitations here if you want more details on how to define them).

On the other hand, he cannot buy games with PS Plus discounts on the store, access the 100 GB of online cloud for storing save games , take advantage of the automatic download of patches (corrective and improvement additions to the games already installed), access the demos of the new ones. outgoing games and in turn share redeemed monthly games on your account . More info here .

How to switch the Plus from one account to another

Let’s see now, materially, how to switch the Plus from one account to another . In essence, the fundamental operation to perform is to define a main console (or make sure it already is), so that it is linked to your account to access purchases made on the PlayStation Store.

As mentioned above, there are some limitations: in particular as regards games , they can only be shared on one main console and on two Sony home or portable consoles. For videos , the limit of one device affects home consoles, while for portable systems, up to three devices are applied.

If you need to disconnect one or more devices associated with your account to free up slots to be dedicated to other consoles, the procedure varies according to the model of Playstation you need to operate on: to consult them connected to this page , then click on the Login button . In the following screen, enter your email address and click on the Next button , then type your password and click on the Login button .

Now, click on your profile icon , at the top right, and from the drop-down menu that appears , click on the Account Settings item . On the new page, click on the Device Management item at the bottom of the menu in the left column, under the Other settings section .

Then click on the word PlayStation Console : from the screen that appears you can choose to delete the association to all consoles, by pressing the Deactivate all devices button ; otherwise, by clicking on the item How to activate or deactivate , you will be redirected to a screen with instructions to perform the operation on the different models: just click on the relevant item to view them.

From PS4

Let’s see in detail how you can define your main console directly from PS4 . After turning it on, select the PS Plus profile (marked by the presence of a golden directional cross ) with the controller’s D -pad and press the X , also on your controller.

Now, from the main PlayStation screen, still with the D-pad , move to the top menu and go to Settings (the suitcase icon), then press the X button . On the next screen, still using the directional arrows of the controller, locate the Account Management item , select it and press the X button again .

In the new screen, perform the same operation, this time selecting the item Activate as main PS4 and pressing X on the controller. You will then access a menu with the items Activate and Deactivate .

If the system has already been set as primary previously, the “Activate” item will not be operational (you will see the writing in gray) and at the bottom you will see the message This PS4 is active as the primary PS4 .

Otherwise, you will have to select the Activate item with the directional keys of the controller and press on the X to perform the association. Wait for the confirmation message to appear: from now on, the privileges associated with your PS Plus subscription will be automatically transferred to all non-Plus accounts on the console.

By the way: if you have any doubts about how to create a new user on PS4 , I recommend that you read my dedicated guide.

To check that everything has happened correctly, connected to a second non-Plus account : press the PS button on the controller, to return to the main screen, use the up arrow button on the main menu and scroll, always with the directional cross , towards the last icon with the item Power off , then press the X button .

In the menu that appears, select the Change user item and press the X button again . Now, select the ‘ secondary user who has not subscribed Plus (in this case is not the golden cross on the profile) and press X .

You will find all the games already purchased with the PlayStation Plus subscription and, if downloaded, also those that are offered monthly for free download. For any further clarification, I just have to refer you to the dedicated page on the Playstation site, where there is also the button to contact Playstation Support directly .

From PS5

The procedure to follow on PS5 is just as simple. After selecting the user profile with PlayStation Plus active from the console home menu (it is the one with the golden cross next to it), go to the Settings menu by pressing the X button on the controller on the gear icon at the top right.

From the new screen that appears, go to Users and Accounts> Other> Console Sharing and Offline Playback and, if necessary, enable content sharing on other accounts (and therefore, use of the console as primary).

For you can enjoy the benefits of PlayStation Plus on other accounts set up on the console. To add new users, just go to the Settings> Users and accounts> Users menu and select the relevant item.


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