
How to stay AFK in Minecraft

Time passes inexorably for everyone, even if in some people the passions remain unchanged. In your case, you love video games, to the point that whenever you have a little free time you “sling” into Minecraft , to which you are very attached. However, you no longer have the opportunity to dedicate too many hours to this title (or to others), since “life calls”.

In this context, you no longer inform yourself about the world of video games as you did years ago and therefore you do not even know what methods are used nowadays to optimize times and have fun despite everything with the various offline experiences. Put simply, you are wondering how to stay AFK in Minecraft , simply wanting to delve into how you can continue your adventures even with limited time.

Obviously you do not play on online servers, but you are a “lone wolf” in the gaming field: you like to proceed with the dear old single player and you would simply like not to have to “farm” too much, so as to enjoy your passion more. Don’t worry – I understand the situation and I’m here to give you some details that you might find interesting. Below you can find everything: I just have to wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to stay AFK in Minecraft

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to stay AFK on Minecraft , I think it is important to make some premises.

AFK is in fact a term that means, quite simply, Away From Keyboard (literally translated: “away from the keyboard”). It is therefore a neutral term, used when someone temporarily stops playing to carry out the classic operations required by everyday life .

However, I am aware of the fact that the passing of the years has in some ways given a negative connotation to the term AFK. In fact, some players have unfortunately associated the latter with bots that allow you to fish or perform other operations automatically on online servers, which can in fact potentially ruin the experience of others.

So I wanted to reassure you that in this tutorial I will not clearly provide any information about tricks or the like (after all, this is it). Simply, here I will consider the existence of a mod made by the community to meet a need that over time can reach a little to everyone: advance on Minecraft offline even when you don’t have too much time to play .

In other words, the term AFK is used in a positive sense , as it is understood by some players with a few more years on their shoulders: the passage of time has involved more and more commitments in your daily life and this often goes to affect the time to devote to gaming, which has poured into the experience linked to Minecraft, since you are no longer able to carry on the latter as it should.

This is your situation, right? I understand this and for this reason I believe it is right to provide useful information to achieve your goal. It also seemed interesting to me to try to “dignify” the term AFK , remembering that it is normal to have other things to do in life and that a good number of people with more years on their shoulders have never meant anything bad with it.

Just think of the fact that there is also the term BRB, “Be Right Back” , ergo “I’ll be right back” , which is associated by some players with the term AFK. In addition, I remember that the world of gaming has made, especially on mobile, even “dead times” a not insignificant strength, intersecting with people’s lives, precisely to provide them with an “AFK progression too” ( you can do myriads of examples, but just think of FIFA Mobile , where you can make the AI ​​play games while you are “AFK”).

In any case, before considering one of what the Minecraft community defines AFK mods , I remind you that in these cases we refer to the Java version for PC of the Mojang video game (and not the Bedrock one). In fact, it is for the latter that almost all the contents of this type have been created.

For the rest, I wanted to let you know that in fact the mod that I will illustrate in this guide is nothing more than a package of “facilitations” that can allow you to continue more safely in the game’s Survival mode (obviously offline), but in reality they exist tons of other ways to get on with Minecraft smoothly.

For example, you might think about consulting my tutorials on how to go into Creative mode on Minecraft (in case you don’t know, in the latter you can fly and you have all the objects you want in your inventory), how to activate the commands on Minecraft (they can help you do offline tasks quickly , even in the Bedrock version of the game), how to do an auto fishing farm in Minecraft ( always offline ), and how to finish Minecraft (in case you need guidance from that point of view).

In short, there are ways to have fun on Minecraft even without having too much time available, given the myriad of possibilities offered, including official options and content created by the community. Put simply, if you have little time available and want to make your offline experience in Minecraft more “fluid”, you can also do without using AFK mods . I wanted to clarify it, but I also understand that in some contexts the latter can be useful (for example while “disconnecting” from the PC only for a short time during your offline adventure), so continuing with the reading you will find bread for your teeth.

How to stay AFK on Minecraft

If you are wondering, for example, how to stay AFK on Minecraft 1.17 (although in reality, if you are wondering, for example, how to stay AFK on Minecraft 1.16 , the procedure is always the same: find compatible mods with the right version), this is the part of the guide that is right for you.

In fact, I would say that it is time to take action, considering a mod that is useful for your purpose. Clearly, the Java version for PC of Minecraft is used exclusively , which is the one most appreciated by the modder scene.

I reiterate this further just for safety: it is in no way my intention to refer to the use of bots or the like on online servers (unfortunately this practice has spread on the Web and some refer to all this with the term AFK).

Simply, I am going to show you a mod that allows you to easily enjoy your offline experience, without therefore annoying other players, by fixing some issues and allowing you not to think about it too much, perhaps because you no longer have the same time as you once did to play.

In short, also given the openness shown by Minecraft towards the world of content created by the community, it does not seem to me there is anything wrong in explaining, with knowledge of the facts, how to make the experience strictly offline more smoothly, perhaps progressing even when you it is far from the keyboard and optimizing the times a little (for example in those situations where it briefly detaches from the PC but you want the character to continue to perform some operations).

A useful mod in this context is called kXuan’s Afk , since the latter implements some facilities : for example, the ability to fish automatically offline . This content created is available for versions 1.17 and 1.18 of Minecraft , so you can also use it on all-in-all recent editions.

To download the mod, just connect to the well-known CurseForge website and press the Download button , located on the right. In this way, you will get afk- [version] .jar file . You just have to move / copy the latter to the classic Minecraft mod folder , ergo the one you can find by following the path C:\Users\[nome_utente]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\modson Windows or macOS . To be able to reach the mentioned path for Windows, you may want to follow my guide on how to view hidden folders .~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods

Before you can use the content, however, you must also install the Fabric tool (in case you haven’t already done so), as the mod is based on the latter. To proceed, then connect to the official Fabric portal and click on the Download universal jar link , in order to obtain the fabric-installer- [version] .jar file (clearly I’m assuming that you have already installed Java to open this type of file, but alternatively you can follow my tutorial on how to install Java ).

At this point, open the JAR file you just obtained, select a version of Minecraft compatible with the mod (for example, 1.18) and click on the Install button . Then press the OK button to confirm the successful installation of the mod management tool.

Perfect, now you just have to download the mod Fabric API from CurseForge , obviously choosing the right version of Minecraft (for example, 1.18) and then moving the JAR file obtained in the same folder where you placed the one related to the kXuan’s Afk mod.

Excellent, at this point open the Minecraft Launcher , select the fabric-loader profile using the appropriate menu located at the bottom left and press the PLAY button . Now, the necessary files will be prepared and the game will start.

Then click on the Single Player option and start any game in Survival mode . Perfect, now you can use the Auto Fish feature introduced by kXuan’s Afk mod. Making use of automatic fishing is extremely simple: just put a fishing rod in your quick inventory and use it: you will see that everything will happen “by itself”. To stop fishing , simply switch items in the Quick Inventory (via the mouse wheel).

In short, as you can see, some AFK mods can be useful for your offline experience, even if, as indicated in the preliminary chapter , there are probably easier ways to achieve your goal. However, it was interesting to note that this content can easily make life easier in Single Player games.

For the rest, of course, if you have created your own Minecraft server , maybe just for you and your friends, in which you have decided to easily allow automatic actions , this type of content could be useful in that context, but I want to reiterate that using these mods online is generally not well seen by the community and could in some cases lead to bans from servers , so you should use this type of mod only if you really need it and with full knowledge of the facts (clearly I do not take any responsibility for it incorrect use of the indications in this guide).

In any case, since you usually play the title of Mojang, you might be interested in consulting the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft , where there are many other tutorials related to this popular video game, which could provide you with some intriguing ideas for your sessions. game.

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