How to start screen sharing in Telegram on your phone or computer

The new screen sharing option in Telegram is already available for all major platforms: iOS, Android, Windows and macOS. At the same time, you can show your screen to the interlocutor, regardless of the type of platform and device

To date, the most popular instant messenger in the world is WhatsApp , but Telegram is surely catching up with it. Recently, even the level of Telegram traffic in Russia was recorded, exceeding the level of WhatsApp.

Over the past six months, Telegram has changed a lot for the better. Many new features have been added, including video calls and the ability to share the screen with the interlocutor. Thanks to this, for example, it is now easier and clearer to explain to a relative how to change certain settings on the phone / computer or activate the desired function.

The new screen sharing option is already available for all major platforms: iOS, Android, Windows and macOS. At the same time, you can show your screen to the interlocutor, regardless of the type of platform and device.

How to start screen sharing in Telegram on Android, iPhone

To start screen sharing on Android or iPhone, follow these steps:

  • Select the desired contact from the list and press the “call” button,
  • After connecting, press the “camera” button – a window with an image from the front camera will open,
  • Swipe to the right activates the Phone screen mode ,
  • Click continue
  • Confirm access with the “start recording” button.

How to start screen sharing in Telegram on Windows and macOS

To activate the new feature on macOS and Windows, follow these steps:

  • Select a contact or chat and press “call”,
  • After connecting, press the Screencast button (2 rectangles) and confirm ( Share screen button ).

Thus, your interlocutor will be able to see the screen of your device and all your actions on it.

Sometimes on macOS Messenger needs additional permissions, such as screen recording permission. To do this, go to the settings, select the “Security and privacy” section, click on the “lock” in the corner of the screen and confirm with a password or Touch ID. In the “Privacy” section, select the “Screen Recorder” item, click “+”, find Telegram in the list of applications and check the box next to it. Next, you need to restart the messenger.

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