
How to serve customers in a hotel to build loyalty

To know how to serve the client in a hotel, you have to meet and exceed the expectations of the users . To tell the truth, it is the golden rule in the hotel sector. As you already know, guest reviews are important for your business to do well. Therefore, it is important to learn to satisfy their needs so that they get a good concept.

Tourism is one of the sectors that must be very careful. Mainly, because a user’s purchase decisions are based purely on customer comments. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to serve customers in a hotel, because good service is the beginning of good comments.

Customer service in the hotel industry must last throughout the entire purchase funnel stage . That is to say, from the investigation of the client, the same acquisition of the service, until after the end of their stay. In other words, attention must accompany users at all times.

As you have seen, customer service is the key to increasing your sales and retaining customers. For this reason, in this article you will learn the best tips on how to serve customers in a hotel . Also the benefits that good customer service brings.

But first, review the points that will be touched on in the article.

  1. 1) What does customer service mean?
  2. 2) Benefits of building customer loyalty
    1. 2.1) Increase the productivity of your company
    2. 2.2) Improves the reputation of the company
    3. 2.3) It favors the work environment
    4. 2.4) You gain competitive advantage
    5. 2.5) Increase customer loyalty
  3. 3) How to serve a client in a hotel?
    1. 3.1) Contact clients before their arrival
    2. 3.2) Always keep a positive attitude
    3. 3.3) Offers good Wi-fi connection
    4. 3.4) Use complaints as opportunities for improvement
    5. 3.5) Streamline your communication with customers

What does customer service mean?

What is customer service
Customer service seeks to create customer loyalty.

Before learning how to serve customers in a hotel, it is important to be clear about what customer service is . Contrary to current thinking, customer service was not always something that companies or businesses took into account. Before, companies only focused on producing and selling their products, ignoring what customers think.

However, after this comes the era of globalization and information technology. Which give rise to a modern administration model that, basically, consists of customers beginning to have more relevance. Making customer service an added value for a business.

That is why today we have the well-known customer service, which can be defined as a marketing tactic that focuses on contacting customers using various tactics , strategies, platforms and channels. This communication is established in order to be able to build relationships with them that lead to good results such as loyalty.

Among the main objectives of customer service are:

  • Generate customer satisfaction.
  • Reach the target audience.
  • Carry out improvement strategies.
  • Strengthen relationships with customers.

In order to comply with all of them, it is necessary to have a plan or guide that can facilitate the entire process. For this, consultancies, orientations, courses, among others, are carried out. It is necessary to see customer service as a discipline . That is, we must do it constantly until it can be perfected.

Seen from another perspective, customer service is the support that you provide to your customers so that they can have an excellent experience with your company . It is that fundamental factor that places the customer at the center of everything and, above all, as an essential element for the success of your business.

The importance of customer service lies in the fact that it gives companies a new competitive advantage. In other words, it gives businesses that extra factor that makes them stand out and, at the same time, makes them the favorites among people . This element is sought after by all companies, regardless of size, because it makes them succeed.

If we are talking about profitability, investing in customer service is what can bring the most profit to your company.

In addition, and as is known in the world of customer service, customers are willing to pay more for businesses that offer excellent service . This is very important in the hotel sector, since you can get a lot of profit if you manage to do it correctly.

Likewise, and if we are talking about profitability, investing in customer service is what can bring the most profit to your company. Because, if you keep it at a good level over time, you can have a constant and high income . And, as we saw, you can raise your prices if your attention is really exceptional.

On the contrary, if customer service is bad, it is enough that it has only happened once so that all loyalty opportunities go to waste. This, because it is a fact that a poorly attended customer will not return to your business . Worse still, they can tell their close environment about their bad experience or leave it as a review on your business’s social networks.

So, we can say that customer service is a marketing tool that allows you to increase the profits of your company . In addition, it has many other benefits that can really give your business a lot of advantage, so we will see them in the next section of this article.

Benefits of customer loyalty

Providing good customer service is essential to make your company grow, because it gives you pros that other businesses do not have . That is why, below we will see those benefits that customer service can give you.

Increase the productivity of your company

Many times when poor customer service is offered, complaints tend to come. Which you have to attend quickly, since a long waiting time makes customers not feel satisfied . This makes service agents spend their time resolving these cases, affecting their productivity .

Therefore, providing quality customer service can save you the time you are going to spend to solve those problems . In this way, you improve the productivity of the company and your employees, since you can invest resources in improving things that your business really needs.

Improves company reputation

There is no better publicity than what your clients can do to you after good service. For one thing, a new customer always looks for user testimonials before buying or acquiring a service . And, on the other hand, a satisfied customer will always recommend your business within their closest environment.

Building the reputation of a business is difficult due to all the competition in the market . For this reason, it is important to use customer service as the basis for what would be a quality, reliable and safe business.

Promotes the work environment

The work environment is an important factor for any company. Not only does it make your business more productive, but it also prevents constant staff turnover. But what does customer service have in relation to the work environment? Very easy, your agents will be less stressed.

If we are honest, solving an agent’s problems is highly stressful, a small human error can damage the image of your business. Therefore, if you start to implement good customer service within your business, the chances of complaints or claims are almost nil .

In the case of a service through a digital channel, it is important to maintain closeness with your potential customers.

You gain competitive advantage

In the current market there is a large number of competitors for all business areas, and what companies are looking for is to be able to stand out.A distinctive factor automatically makes them attractive to customers, since that is what they are looking for.

Many companies offer the same as you, your offers, products, quality of service. But few have dared to provide quality customer service. Believe it or not, good customer service can be a purchasing factor even more than low prices or discounts.

Make customers more loyal

All the benefits of customer service mentioned above lead us to its main advantage, customer loyalty . When customers are given extraordinary attention, they are the ones who will start looking for your company . to continue buying your products or services, even if the business does not contact them again.

This is something that all companies aspire to achieve, because by having loyal customers we have safe purchases . And when you have campaigns or offers, I am sure that they will be the ones who will acquire it first. Since, they already trust what your business offers them and can offer them in the future.

The benefits of customer service are varied and each one of them offers something different to your company , which together can greatly influence its success.

How to serve a client in a hotel?

As you have already learned, good customer service that accompanies the client at all times will make them feel very comfortable with your business and take away a good concept . But what strategies to apply? Next, I will tell you 5 main tips that will help you achieve it.

Contact clients before their arrival

Once customers have booked their stay at your hotel, all you have to do is send them a WhatsApp notification with all the information about their stay. You can even customize the message information, that is, you can match it to the type of guest, activities according to the time of year or activities they can do.

For this, I recommend that you purchase the WhatsApp Business API . In this way, you will be able to send notifications to the numbers in your database without falling into spam . In addition, you can create message templates that you can program for each activity they do. For example, your check-in and check-out time.

Always keep a positive attitude

The first impression counts! Therefore, when your clients ask you questions, always receive them in a good way. In the case of a service through a digital channel, it is important to maintain closeness with your potential customers.Call them by their name, use emojis or short phrases. They are one of the options to approach them.

Impressing customers is not only in responding nicely, but also in the agility you have to answer their queries . For this reason, I recommend you to implement chatbots , this tool allows you to configure answers that will be sent instantly every time a user asks you a frequent question.

Offers good Wi-fi connection

Modern customers are always looking for excellent hotels that offer a good internet connection, because today most must stay connected to work , study or simply communicate with family and friends.

For this reason, being able to provide them with good connectivity is an essential step in the process of how to serve the client in a hotel. Therefore, if you can offer free WI-FI in all the rooms and spaces of the hotel, it will considerably improve the perception of your users about the level of your customer service.

Use complaints as opportunities for improvement

The hotel sector is not exempt from receiving complaints from customers and, in fact, it is one of the industries that receives them the most. This is because meeting customer expectations in terms of service is always difficult and not everyone is always going to be happy with the experience they are given.

Therefore, it is essential that you be able to transform a complaint into an opportunity. Therefore, take advantage of this first-hand feedback as a great opportunity to find out what things you need to improve in your customer service.

Streamline your communication with customers

Something essential to know how to properly attend to the client in a hotel is to streamline the communication that you maintain with them . In order to stay on the same level as your users , it is essential that you are on the same channels and platforms as them .

So once you have a presence on all of those channels, you should be able to maintain streamlined contact . And, for this, you can use omnichannel platforms that help you manage communication. In this way, you will be able to attend the chats from a single place, but without losing the connection or the quality.

These were all the strategies on how to serve customers in a hotel that will help you raise the prestige of your business . Remember that if you maintain a high reputation, you won’t need to spend on advertising to attract customers. Everything will be organic.

Happy ends are endless stories! So that the story with your clients never ends, implement all the strategies on how to serve the client in a hotel to retain them and be able to receive all their benefits.

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