
How to search for people on Facebook

After a period in which you have been very suspicious, you have finally decided to join Facebook to reconnect with friends you have not heard from for many years. You have completed the creation of your profile without problems but now, arrived at the point, you do not know how to track down the people you are looking for. How do you say? This is exactly the way things are and would you like to get a little help figuring out how to search for people on Facebook ?

If the answer is yes, do not worry, you will be happy to know that, in the next chapters, you will find all the information you need to identify the users you are looking for in this famous social network, filtering your searches by specific criteria or identifying them through their phone number or information saved in your address book.

In short, you will find several tips on how to find people on Facebook! All you have to do is just take a few minutes to read all the tips I have prepared for you! He dictated this, I just have to wish you a good read!


  • How to find people on Facebook
  • How to search for people on Facebook by mobile number
  • How to search for friends on Facebook
  • How to search for people on Facebook without knowing the name
  • How to search for people on Facebook without being subscribed
  • How to Search for People on Facebook Dating

How to find people on Facebook

If you want to find people on Facebook easily, what you need to do is use the search function built into this popular social network. I warn you that you cannot search for people on Facebook by age as this parameter is not included in the search filter. Having said that, let’s see how to proceed.

On smartphones and tablets , start the Facebook app for Android or iOS / iPadOS and press the magnifying glass icon . In the tab that is shown to you, use the Search bar to type the first and last name of the person you are looking for. Now, tap on the People tab to view the list of Facebook users who meet your search criteria.

If you want to improve your search, using the button with the lines at the top you can set parameters: for example, if you want to know how to search for people on Facebook by city , all you have to do is press the City button and choose one from the list or type it in the appropriate box; if you want to search for people on Facebook based on work , instead, press the Work button .

You can also search for people based on their education or check the Friends of Friends box to narrow down to people who are on your friends’ friends list. If you have found the person you were looking for, you can tap on their name to access their profile and possibly add them to your Facebook friends .

From a PC , via the web version of Facebook , the procedure is almost similar to that indicated in the previous paragraphs. Using the search bar at the top, type the name of the person, then click on the People tab on the side and use the fields that are shown immediately below to further filter your search.

How to search for people on Facebook by mobile number

Searching for people on Facebook by mobile number is a simple operation in itself, which is no different from what I indicated in the previous chapter . Obviously, instead of the person’s first and last name, you will have to enter their mobile number (it is not necessary to also enter the international prefix).

The drawback of this search method is that the user may have disabled the possibility of being found on Facebook via the phone number. In this case, you have no way of being able to find a specific person with this information alone. If you want to know more about how your Facebook profile hides from searches via mobile number, I recommend reading this tutorial of mine .

How to search for friends on Facebook

Even if there are many acquaintances of yours in your Facebook friends list, some you have not been able to find and add them to your circle of this social network. In addition to performing the search manually using the instructions I have given you in this chapter , you can also use the Facebook tool for identifying known contacts.

Through the Facebook app on smartphones and tablets , the search function among the device contacts is available. By pressing on the menu icon and then on the gear icon , press on the item Load contacts , in the Authorizations section , and move the lever next to Continuous loading of contacts to ON . Then press the Start button and satisfy the request of the Facebook app to access your contact list on the device.

At the end of the synchronization process, if everything went well, you will be able to see in the proposed list of users some of your contacts who have a Facebook account and that you can possibly add them to your friends.

If you want to know more about how to search for friends on Facebook , you can consult this tutorial of mine dedicated to the subject, in which I also told you about the section People you may know , available both from mobile devices and from the Facebook web platform, through which you can eventually find users you know.

How to search for people on Facebook without knowing the name

Don’t know someone’s name but still want to search for them on Facebook? In this case, be aware that it can be difficult to find it without specific information.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not allow you to search for users only starting from specific information, such as the place where they live, their work or other similar data. You must first indicate his name or surname (or both) to then be able to filter the search, as I explained to you in this chapter .

One operation you can do, however, is to use some tricks so that you can still try to reach your goal. I told you about it in detail in my tutorial on how to find a person on Facebook without knowing their name .

How to search for people on Facebook without being subscribed

You don’t have a Facebook account but want to know if a specific person has one in this popular social network? I’m sorry to tell you, but the Facebook user search tools, which I told you about in previous chapters, can only be used by those who have an account.

What you can do, however, is to try to search for his name on Google and hope that, in the search results, his Facebook profile is present. Obviously, this operation is possible only and only if the user in question has not disabled indexing from search engines external to Facebook (which I told you about in this tutorial of mine ).

If you are interested in the topic, I can direct you in my article on how to search for people on Facebook without being subscribed , in which you will find many useful tips that can allow you to reach your goal.

How to Search for People on Facebook Dating

Facebook Dating is a Facebook feature that allows users to get in touch with other users in order to be able to make new friends and, why not, also sentimental relationships.

This Facebook tool allows you to establish certain criteria so that the proposed users also reflect your interests or specific generalities. In this regard, the advice I can give you is to carefully read the tutorial on how Facebook Dating works , in which you will find everything you need to identify users who can pique your interest.


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