
How to remove water from your cell phone

In the middle of a rewarding ride by the sea, something happened that, unfortunately, you hadn’t foreseen: your smartphone, which you thought was well guarded and safe in a suit pocket, suddenly jumped off and landed right on the water’s edge. . Or you were caught in an unexpected heavy storm on your way home on your scooter and didn’t have time to get enough shelter to protect you and your beloved phone from the pouring rain.

In short, these are things that can happen, but there is no need to break down immediately and think about the worst: even if the device has turned off, or if you have the feeling that it no longer works as before, there are several tricks you can use. to try to save it from e-waste disposal.

I made this guide, therefore, just to take stock of how to remove the water from the phone , showing you what I consider the most effective procedures to try to manage this type of situation. You just need to spend a few minutes of your precious time reading the next paragraphs and you can easily find the solution that best suits your needs. Now, however, let’s move on to the facts immediately, also because the time factor could be decisive in saving your device. Happy reading and good luck!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to get the water out of the phone
  • How to remove the water from the phone: sound
    • Android
    • iPhone
  • Other useful solutions

Preliminary information

Before proceeding to the practical explanation of the possible solutions on how to remove water from the phone , I think it is appropriate to make some premises that, I am sure, will help you to better manage the situation in which you find yourself.

The first question that arises spontaneously in these situations is that relating to the guarantee : if, therefore, you are wondering if your smartphone is covered for this type of damage, I must inform you that unfortunately in most cases of incorrect use of the device the warranty cannot be enforceable.

However, I invite you to check for any accessory clauses or additional insurance for accidental damage that you may have subscribed when purchasing the device.

Secondly, I would like to immediately instruct you on what it is best NOT to do when the mobile phone gets wet : instinctively, in fact, you could be led, for example, to subject the device to an intense heat source , such as a hairdryer or an oven: in reality in this way there is a risk of further worsening the situation, as the circuits are very sensitive to heat and easily risk deteriorating or deforming.

Another spontaneous action that should be avoided is to immediately turn on the smartphone again if the latter has turned off after coming into contact with water, as you could facilitate the generation of a short circuit . In this case, I recommend that you resort to the solutions applicable to an inactive device described in the next chapters, such as the use of rice, silicon gel sachets, a vacuum cleaner for liquids or a fan.

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to give you some suggestions to prevent this nasty problem from happening again. If your work or hobby leads you to be in contact with water often or if, for example, you often go to the sea or the pool, I strongly recommend that you get a waterproof case .


UNBREAKcable [2-Piece Waterproof Smartphone Case – Waterproof Bag …

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VGUARD Waterproof Kit with Waterproof Bag Waterproof Bag Mars …

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Syncwire Waterproof Bag Case [2 Pack] – IP68 Waterproof Mar …

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IPX8 Waterproof Smartphone Case Waterproof mobile phone case holder …

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Lanhiem Cover iPhone 13 PRO Max Waterproof (6.7 “) [IP68 Waterproof] …

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On the market you can find all types and sizes, spending only a few euros. These are models that can boast a high degree of waterproofing , adaptable to different needs and able to accommodate and seal other objects that you may want to protect from water or adverse weather conditions. Why risk so much for so little?

How to get the water out of the phone

It’s time to get down to business: your wet phone can’t wait any longer, and timely intervention could greatly limit the damage and save it from an inglorious end.

To begin I will show you how to remove the water from the phone using the more traditional procedure, which uses an absorbent material such as rice or silica gel sachets : first of all, turn off the smartphone immediately , to reduce the possibility that electrical circuits get wet while they are active.

Next, remove all the separable parts of the device: remove, therefore, any cover, where possible the battery, then the SIM card and, if present, the SD memory card. In this way you can preserve all these elements from humidity and dry them individually.

Once this is done, proceed to gently dab the body and the display with an absorbent cloth , being careful not to use abrasive fabrics that could scratch the outside of the device.

At this point, fill a container with uncooked rice (preferably instant and dehydrated) and immerse the mobile phone vertically inside it so that its entire surface comes into contact with the grains. If you have been particularly cautious and have kept the silica gel sachets (without removing the wrapping) that are often found inside new clothing or in the packaging of many technological products that are particularly sensitive to atmospheric agents, I advise you to prefer these last.

In both cases, however, the absorbent power of the rice or silica microspheres will gradually dry out the water inside the phone. However, I advise you to wait at least 24/48 hours before removing the smartphone from the container and trying to turn it back on, as it is a rather long process.

Obviously, a lot will depend on the amount of liquid that you suspect has penetrated inside and on the permanence of the mobile phone in contact with it. If it is sea ​​water , the situation could be much more serious as salt is a bitter enemy of electrical circuits: in this case it is advisable to wait even longer to allow the elimination of this substance.

How to remove the water from the phone: sound

The solution presented in the previous chapter has not completely convinced you and, therefore, you are looking for a method, that is to say, less drastic: in your case the smartphone seems to respond correctly to commands, maybe it is also waterproof (or partially resistant to water) but you have the feeling (or fear) that the speaker has suffered some damage, as the sounds are all “crackling”.

In short, you would like to know how to remove the water from the phone without rice , perhaps through an alternative procedure that does not preclude the possibility of continuing to use the smartphone. I fully understand your situation and needs and have a great option in store that could be just right for you.

The system I want to talk to you about involves the simple installation of a particular app which, once started, is able to emit a constant sound, characterized by sinusoidal frequencies that are able to expel the liquid through a controlled vibration of the device. Interesting, right?

If this news is catching your attention and, therefore, you want to know more about how to remove the water from the sound phone , then go ahead and read: I have prepared for you some valid solutions applicable to both Android phones and Apple devices .


Your Android smartphone was in serious danger of drowning recently, but luckily for you, it’s still alive and well. However, you soon realized that something is no longer working as well as before: the speaker seems to have definitely suffered from contact with water and now the sounds are rather muffled when listening, unclear, as if muffled by an external element.

If, therefore, you find yourself in a situation very similar to the one just described and you are looking for instructions, for example, on how to remove water from your Samsung phone , I highly recommend you try the Eject water app .

The name leaves no room for any kind of misunderstanding: its purpose, in fact, is precisely to favor the leakage of water from the speaker of your device and performs it perfectly by emitting a particular sound that falls within a specific range. of frequencies.

To download it for free on your Android smartphone, press this link and press the word Install (if you do not have Google services on your device, also check on alternative stores ). At this point I must warn you, however, that the app offers advertisements, but you can remove them by purchasing the PRO version at a cost of 2 euros .

Next, start Expel water by pressing on the new icon (the symbol of a speaker from which drops come out) present on the home screen or in the app menu, then, first of all, refuse the display of personalized ads by pressing on the item No , thanks, see non-personalized ads .

Now, turn the volume up to maximum and press the Eject Water button , then turn your smartphone over so that the display faces a flat, clean surface, possibly covered with an absorbent fabric.

The mobile phone will produce a particular sound for a few seconds, as mentioned above: once finished, take the device back, checking for any liquid outside the speaker, then make sure there is a green check mark in the center of the screen, confirming the completion of the process.

To check if the operation was successful, tap on the Test the sound feature , located at the top, which will start playing a song. If you still hear a sound that does not meet expectations, repeat the procedure by pressing the Restart button , located at the bottom, which will send you back to the main screen of the app, otherwise press the Yes option next to it.


If you have an Apple smartphone and, therefore, are looking for instructions on how to remove the water from the iPhone phone , even in this case you can refer to special apps that use the same principle that I explained to you in the previous chapters .

The first one I would like to talk to you about is Sonic : the utility in question, which you can easily find for iOS / iPadOS / watchOS at this link , is completely free , but even in this case, announcements are offered and the possibility of making in- app. To install it, then, press the Get button (identity verification may be required via Face ID , Touch ID or Apple ID password ).

After launching the app by pressing on its icon, deny the app to track your activities on the apps or on the web of other companies by pressing the option Ask the app not to track .

At this point, in order to take advantage of the water removal function, press on the drop symbol located in the center of the screen: the app will instantly start producing a prolonged sound, which will facilitate the leakage of liquid from the speaker. After checking that the water is completely expelled, press the Stop button to end the operation.

Another possibility I would like to talk to you about is the one called Water Eject , proposed by the Routine Hub community : basically, it performs the same function as previously seen, but without installing additional apps: just install a custom command for the Commands app and start it all. occurrence.

Other useful solutions

You appreciated the various tricks exposed in the previous chapters, but you want to do everything possible to make sure that your smartphone does not suffer damage due to contact with water and, therefore, you would like to be able to evaluate other solutions as well .

In this case, another viable way that I want to advise you is to try to suck the liquid : to do this, first of all remove all the separable parts of the smartphone (cover, battery and cards), so as not to run the risk of sucking them up.

A follow, get a vacuum cleaner provided with hose (where possible, the ideal would be an industrial model aspiratutto ) or a portable, which are more suitable for this kind of situation, then applies an eventual small nozzle to the tube or the appropriate accessory for aspirating liquids supplied.

At this point, operate the equipment by adjusting the power to maximum and start sucking the liquid by directing the aspirator along the entire surface of the smartphone, being careful not to touch the circuits and the display.

Even a compressed air dispenser can represent a viable solution, although not very recommended: in this case, in fact, it is advisable to adjust the air jet to a minimum in order not to compromise the operation of the device (which in any case should already be compromised by itself, but better not to risk doing damage on top of other damage!).

Finally, you can also consider placing your smartphone in front of a fan or jet of air conditioning . As you can see, these are all solutions that also have potential contraindications and, indeed, if not well applied, can cause serious damage to the phone , so be very careful and put them into practice only as a “last resort”, if your device is no longer in guarantee and less invasive solutions did not have the desired effect. I do not take any responsibility for the results, mind you!


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