
How to Remove Red Underlines in Word – 3 Ways

You must have seen a red underline in Word text that makes you want to remove this element from the document. Separate words or even a fragment of text are underlined with a red wavy line that stands out brightly from the rest of the text to attract attention.

A red wavy underline in Word is often displayed in documents opened in Word versions 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003. The user is informed that something is wrong with the text that is highlighted in this way in the program window.

A red squiggly underline means that errors were found on the document page. The user needs to correct the marked, or continue working on the document, not paying attention to the appearance of such warnings.

In this regard, many users have a question about how to remove the red underline in the text. It is necessary to clear the Word document from the appearance of such elements so that they do not distract attention during work.

Why does a red wavy underline appear in Word

In fact, this underlining is a feature of the Microsoft Word text editor. The application has built-in tools to check the content of the document for spelling and grammatical errors.

The application detects and marks areas with errors. In these places, along with other similar elements, a red wavy underline appears. Underlining with a red line means that errors have been found in the text that need to be corrected.

Not always such a selection is a mistake. Because Word sets up dictionary spelling, some words may be missing from the dictionary when they are actually typed correctly. There are problems with technical terms, either after pasting or when entering words and expressions in another language.


To avoid confusion, you need to disable this check feature, after that the underline will disappear automatically.

In this article, you will find guides on how to remove red underlining in Word. The instructions are suitable for different versions of the text editor Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, Word 2007, Word 2003.

How to remove red underlining by choosing the correct verification language

In some cases, the user can specify the correct language for checking a piece of text or a single expression. The fact is that the text editor tool checks the text according to the rules of the Russian language, and on the pages of the document, for example, there are words in a foreign language.

To apply the rules used for another language, you need to select the appropriate language in the MS Word settings.

Do the following:

  1. Highlight a word or piece of text.
  2. Click on the name of the current language on the bottom panel of the program window.


  1. In the “Language” window that opens, in the “Mark selected text as:” option, specify the correct language for the selected text area.


  1. As a result, the red wavy underline will disappear at that point in the text.


How to remove red underline in Word skipping check

The Word editor does not know some words that are often used when typing in a document. In this case, you can either add these words to the dictionary or skip checking the given expression.

Do the following:

  1. Right-click on the highlighted word.
  2. From the context menu, select one of the two options:
  • Skip all.
  • Add to dictionary.


If you select Ignore All, then this snippet will not be checked for errors. If “Add to Dictionary” is selected, the given word will be added to the dictionary and will no longer be underlined as erroneous.

If necessary, you can cancel the wrong choice of a word for the dictionary, for example, added to the dictionary by mistake. Delete incorrectly added words from the dictionary in the following way:

  1. In the spelling settings, you need to click on the button “Custom dictionaries …” (“Auxiliary dictionaries …”).
  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Change word list …” button.
  3. In the window with the list of added words, select the desired word, click on the “Delete” button.

How to Remove Red Underlines in Word

You can solve the problem in a more radical way. You can completely disable spelling and grammar checking in the Microsoft Word office program.

There is another way to solve the problem: you can disable the check only in a specific document, without affecting the application of this function for other files.

How to disable red underline in Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013 for all documents:

  1. From the main program window, go to the “File” tab.
  2. In the left side menu column you will find “Settings”.


  1. In the Word Options window, click the Spelling tab.
  2. Go to the “When correcting spelling in Word” section.
  3. Clear all or only some of the check boxes in the items:
  • Check spelling while typing.
  • Check for grammatical errors while typing.
  • Difficult words.
  • While checking spelling, also check grammar.
  1. Click the “OK” button to apply the settings.


Change spelling options for the current document only. In the “Exclusions for the file:” option, check the boxes in the following points:

  • Hide spelling errors in this document only.
  • Hide grammatical errors in this document only.


Let’s see how to remove red underlines in Word 2010 and Word 2007:

  1. Click on the “File” menu or on the “Word” icon.
  2. From the context menu, select Options (Word Options).
  3. In the Word Options window, open Spelling.
  4. In the “When correcting spelling in Word” and “File exceptions” sections, set the appropriate settings, depending on which documents you need to disable the display of spelling and grammar errors.


Finally, we will change the spelling settings in Word 2003.

In Word 2003, go through the steps:

  1. Click on the “Tools” menu.
  2. In the context menu that opens, click on the “Settings …” item.


  1. From the Options window, go to the Spelling tab.
  2. In the “Spelling” and “Grammar” sections, uncheck or check the boxes in the corresponding items of the program settings.


Article Conclusions

Some users are interested in how to remove the red underline in Word. While typing or editing a Word document, an underline appears in the form of a red wavy line under individual words or text fragments.

By default, the Word editor checks the text on the pages of the document for spelling and grammatical errors, and when it finds them, it shows in this way the inaccuracies found. If necessary, you can turn off spell checking in a specific document or completely in Word. After that, the red underlines will disappear.

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