
How to recover Dokkan Battle account

Due to problems with your old smartphone, you have been forced to buy a new one and transfer all your data from the old to the new device. Unfortunately, however, when you started Dokkan Battle , the free-to-play title featuring Dragon Ball characters, you realized that you lost all game data and in-app purchases. In desperation, you immediately did some research on the web to try to recover your game progress and you ended up straight on this guide of mine. That’s the way it is, right? Then let me tell you you’ve come to the right place at the right time!

In the next paragraphs, in fact, I will explain how to recover Dokkan Battle accounts by listing all the solutions at your disposal. First, I’ll tell you how to recover game data via your Facebook account, and then I’ll walk you through the steps to create a transfer code, which is useful for both transferring a Dokkan Battle account from one device to another and for recovering the data. game in case of problems. In addition, I will also explain how to contact the staff of Bandai Namco (the manufacturer of the game) to verify your identity and attempt to recover an account to which you no longer have access.

If you can’t wait to find out more, do not delay and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. Courage: make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time and carefully follow the directions I am about to give you. I assure you that, by trying to put my “tips” into practice, you will be able to recover your Dokkan Battle account and you will be able to resume playing right where you left off. Happy reading and, above all, have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to recover Dokkan Battle accounts via Facebook
  • How to recover Dokkan Battle accounts via Transfer code
  • How to recover lost Dokkan Battle account

Preliminary information

Before getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining, in detail , how to recover Dokkan Battle accounts , it may be useful to know which only the recovery methods available to you and, above all, the operations to be put into practice to avoid losing any progress in the game. You must know that to recover a Dokkan Battle account you have two solutions.

  • Facebook account: Dokkan Battle allows you to associate game progress with your Facebook profile, so you can easily recover your account in case of problems.
  • Transfer code: it is an alphanumeric code that allows you to recover your Dokkan Battle account. It is valid for 3 months and can only be created from your account.

If you no longer have access to your Dokkan Battle account and, previously, you have not connected it to your Facebook account or you have not created a Transfer code, the only solution to try to recover your Dokkan Battle account is to contact the staff of Bandai Namco  and start the game data recovery procedure.

Regardless of the solution chosen to recover your Dokkan Battle account, you should know that if you switch from an Android device to an iPhone / iPad (or vice versa), the Dragon stones that you had previously purchased in the game shop will be lost. All clear? Well, then we can begin.

How to recover Dokkan Battle accounts via Facebook

Connecting a Dokkan Battle account to your Facebook profile is the best solution to recover game progress in case of problems with your device. All you need to do is access the Dokkan Battle settings and log into Facebook with your credentials.

To proceed, take your device, start the Dokkan Battle app for Android or iOS and tap on the screen to access the main screen of your account. If a screen with the latest news opens, press the Close button and choose the Menu option (visible near the Start button ), then tap the Device Transfer / Back up item and select the Facebook Linking Back-up option .

Now, press the Login to Facebook button and tap the Continue item , to allow Dokkan Battle to access your Facebook account. If you wish, then select the Check the information you provide option to verify the data that Dokkan Battle will be able to access.

If the Facebook app is installed on your device and you are logged in to your account, choose the Continue as [name] option and press the OK button twice consecutively, otherwise enter your account login details in the Mobile number or email address and Password fields and press the Login button .

By doing so, you have linked Dokkan Battle to your Facebook account and, at any time, you can access your game from another device and easily retrieve your game progress. To do this, start Dokkan Battle on the device on which you want to recover your account and press the Device transfer button .

In the new screen displayed, choose the Transfer game data via Facebook option , tap the Login to Facebook button and press the Continue as [name] item if you are already logged in to Facebook on your new device. Otherwise, enter the login details of your Facebook account in the Mobile number or email address and Password fields and press the Login button .

As mentioned above, if you are transferring your game data from an Android device to an iPhone (or vice versa), you will lose all Dragon stones. In this case, tap the OK button to proceed anyway and press the OK button again to complete the recovery of your Dokkan Battle account via Facebook.

If everything went well, you will see the Transfer complete message on the screen . Then press the OK button and tap the Touch to start item to access the main screen of your account and resume the game from where you left it.

How to recover Dokkan Battle accounts via Transfer code

Among the solutions you can consider to recover your Dokkan Battle account there is also the creation of the Transfer code , a unique alphanumeric code that allows you to access your game from another device without losing game data.

First, start Dokken Battle on your device, access the main screen of your account and press on the Menu item . In the new screen displayed, choose the Device transfer / Back up option , tap the Create Transfer Code item and confirm your intention by pressing the OK button . Then choose the Copy option , to copy it, or Send email , to send it by email to your inbox.

You are now ready to recover your Dokken Battle account on another device. To do this, start the game on the new smartphone or tablet, choose the Device transfer option  and, in the new screen displayed, tap the Enter Transfer Code item .

Then enter your UserID and the Transfer code created previously in the appropriate fields and press the OK button twice in a row: the Transfer complete message will confirm that your account has been recovered.

How to recover lost Dokkan Battle account

How do you say? Do you no longer have access to your Dokkan Battle account and, previously, have neither linked your game to your Facebook account nor created the Transfer code? In that case, the only solution at your disposal is to try to contact Bandai Namco , the manufacturer of the game.

To do this, connect to  the account recovery page of the Bandai Namco website and click on the Send email button at the bottom of the page: your email client will open, through which you can send your message.

Alternatively, access your e-mail box, click on the button to create a new message and enter the address bncrssup_api @ in the field intended for the recipient of the email, then enter the subject 7eda in the field and click on the button to send the message . In this regard, my guide on how to send an email might be useful .

Now, all you have to do is wait for a reply email with which you will be notified that your request has been taken care of and which will contain a link to which you will have to access within two hours. Then open the link in question and fill out the form necessary to request the recovery of your account by entering all the required data.

First, enter your UserID (the numeric code visible at the top right when you start Dokken Battle), your Username (the username used in the game) and the User rank (the level of the game reached) in the appropriate fields and specify the date of your last access to Dokken Battle, through the drop-down menus visible next to the Date of Last login item .

Then indicate if in the past you have purchased Dragon Stones from the game shop, by placing the check mark next to one of the options available between Yes and No , and specify any additional information and the IDs of the purchase transactions in the Transaction ID field , Purchase information . By providing this information, you increase the ability to verify your identity and recover your account.

Now, through the drop-down menus visible next to the Date when you created the account option , specify the creation date of your account, enter the information of the characters in your Dokken Battle box and indicate other information that you remember and that could be necessary for the recovery of game data, such as the device used during the last access to Dokken Battle and the time zone set. If you don’t remember some mandatory information, enter the Unknown option .

Finally, indicate the reason for your request in the Reason why you lost your account field and click on the Confirm button to request the recovery of your account. If the Bandai Namco staff will be able to confirm your identity (it is necessary to wait from 2 to 10 days), you will be sent a Transfer Code useful to recover your account, following the instructions I have given you in the previous paragraphs .


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